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Iran can 'easily' help Japan on nuclear plant: scientist

well we should underestimate anyone. Especially Persians, who are self-esteem and ambitious people in science and tech.

lots of people were also laughing at us in the past and for the time being. i believe they will regret at the end of the day.
Iranians hired this guy after this successful tour in Iraq to make this announcement
To tell the truth, Japanese, Chinese, Russian, Korean, Americans, Canadians... they will not agree that allow Iran to deal with Japan nuclear power plants.
Iranians hired this guy after this successful tour in Iraq to make this announcement

lol its Alsahaf of Iraq .. oh dear he was a classic and he`ll always be missed .

Im not an expert and know nothing about the Iranian nuclear capabilities but if such a claim turned to be true its good for Iran and actually amazing .. if not this would be embarrassing ...
im gona go watch some alsahaf vids on youtube lol ..
atleast they offered to help

they can fix it or nt

bt they offered help to japaneese

this is called friend in need is a friend indeeed
the same old iran's bla bla bla to gain some attention...first let them build nuclear fusion reactor as they have claimed
As I said, and proved, our technological capabilities are improving at an astronomical pace. We are ligh years ahead of any Mid Eastern nation and with our growth we are set to beat most, if not all, European nations in terms of scientific output by 2020. We're producing a functioning nuclear reactor in Arak (near Tehran) and I believe it is 300 megawats.

Anybody who has ever doubted Iran is always proven wrong. Just think about it, before 2000 we had nothing. In 10 years we built ballistic missiles, sent sattelites to orbit, built a carrier that could take sattelites and living animals to space, produced jets and naval vessels (low quality of course but it's a start) and went from producing a couple of thousand scientific papers annually to 35 000.


This next decade is ours. All you haters can keep on hating.
check your position on this graph Saudi
My heart bleeds for you (not really)

We were above 25 000 in 2010 btw.
In 2011 we're already ahead of Turkey and on course to produce more than 35 000 papers. The line on this graph will soon get vertical if it goes like this lmao


It is very impressive for Iran and the Iranians but why its always have to do with Saudi ?

The other thing the links you have posted is talking about the growth of the science not the pure level of the science

This does not mean Iran is more developed nor advanced than any other country .

do not get me wrong as you always do I`m not underestimating Iran. In fact i admire Iran apart from its politics as its the homeland for many muslim scientists

it is not enough to publish some papers and yell we are a first world country.
It is very impressive for Iran and the Iranians but why its always have to do with Saudi ?

The other thing the links you have posted is talking about the growth of the science not the pure level of the science

This does not mean Iran is more developed nor advanced than any other country .

do not get me wrong as you always do I`m not underestimating Iran. In fact i admire Iran apart from its politics as its the homeland for many muslim scientists

it is not enough to publish some papers and yell we are a first world country.

1) he was a Saudi so I called him a Saudi and showed him what's going on.

2) I just showed you our "pure level of science." That graph wasn't made by me was it? In 2010 our output was 25 thousand papers.This year we will have over 35 thousand. Both Iran and Turkey are currently ahead of countries like Finland, Israel, Norway, greece, Austria etc... This year we will both beat belgium, holland and even Russia in the rankings. They are online and you can go check them out if you don't believe me.
Scimago Journal & Country Rank

3) Last year we went up by 18 places in the Human Devolpment Index which is the index used to determine the development of a nation. The 42 top countries are considered developed while the rest are considered developing countries. We're now number 70 while KSA is 55. Right now your country is only ahead in the per capita GDP department and we're closing the gap fast, which is why we went up 18 places. At this rate we will be a developed country by 2015. As you can see our scientific growth is 11 times the world average and that will help us accelerate our growth in every department.

Therefore, we ARE more developed than all Middle Eastern countries. we're an independent country under 4 ROUNDS OF UN SANCTIONS and yet we're achieving such results. Before me and you get old, Iran will be a country like Japan. I only wish Arab countries would wake up and smell the coffee and realize that making shiny buildings is not development. Throwing away your money on assets that will have to be renovated and destroyed in a few decades is utterly stupid, specially since they are not used for production and growth. Iran is building Metros in EVERY major city in the country. 15 years ago we couldn't dream of this. We are sending sattelites into orbit with our own launch vhiecles. Even 5 years ago this was unimaginable. In 10 years you will look back and see the mistakes your leaders made. By then hopefuly it won't be too late. Iran and KSA could become giants in the world stage and we could help all ME countries become powerful. The people of the Arab world are being punished however. The subservient nature of your relationships with the West is destroying development in your countries while all around you people are moving forward. Oil money won't last you the next quarter century even, What are you gonna do after that? You can't keep the 5 million imported workers without money and you don't have the expertise youself.
Israel having 20% of the physics nobel prices, mathematics ...
How many Iranians ?

I am scientist by formation i am in business now.
To say that the number of papers published relates the level of a country is bullshit.
there are many labs many scientists who publish articles which are almost useless. when a publication in PRL is something more interesting to compare anyway.
I don't know if we could find data on publications on this greatest journal.

But it is good to invest in science. Iran is very late and it needs to stop keeping being a third world country for technologies and science.
It is better and better but the level of Israel and Westerns (and China as well, as Russia) is much more up
Israel having 20% of the physics nobel prices, mathematics ...
How many Iranians ?

I am scientist by formation i am in business now.
To say that the number of papers published relates the level of a country is bullshit.
there are many labs many scientists who publish articles which are almost useless. when a publication in PRL is something more interesting to compare anyway.
I don't know if we could find data on publications on this greatest journal.

But it is good to invest in science. Iran is very late and it needs to stop keeping being a third world country for technologies and science.
It is better and better but the level of Israel and Westerns (and China as well, as Russia) is much more up

AS you can see on that graph, our ascendency started merely 5 years ago. Before that we were nothing, and that was precisely because of people like you. You grew up under a monarchy that was a slave to the West and after that you had to take the brunt of a repressive theocracy that wanted to ban even Western sports such as football. Clearly you will never believe that Iran can be great because in all of your life you have witnessed the opposite.
Post 2000 Iran is something I am proud of. We have seen Iran improve in every field in a matter of a decade. The old generation of Iran failed the country in every way. First the shah and then the Islamic Republic. We don't need your opinion cuz it's frankly useless, your track record shows it.
I dont know why so many indian are laughing on the iranian. You think it is a joke?Think before you make saome crap here,iran is better than india in some science achivement.
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