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Infiltration of Pakistan, Iran in Afghan Media

Let Americans leave and then we will see how things turn out. Sowing anti-Iranian and anti-Pakistani feelings in Afghanistan will not work since it is a land locked nation and will always need us. It is better for to be our friends than our enemies. Land locked countries at enmity with their neighbors will always remain at civil war and poverty as history has shown time and time again not only in Asian continent but also in African continent.

Once US leaves Iran and Pakistan will be in opposite camps. Not on same side.

Taliban vs ANA if things manage to hold or Taliban vs Northern Alliance if things fall apart .
What are those voices? and 2 bln a week or 200 bln a year is not for us (Afghanistan) it's for them!

You fought a war where you have killed your own people. You fought a futile war (propped up by the West against your own people), because at the end of the day, you want to negotiate with the same people you were fighting for in the last 10 years (the Taliban don't want to negotiate). All indications show Afghanistan will go into a civil war in the next couple of years when the foreign troops withdraw.
You fought a war where you have killed your own people. You fought a futile war (propped up by the West against your own people), because at the end of the day, you want to negotiate with the same people you were fighting for in the last 10 years (the Taliban don't want to negotiate). All indications show Afghanistan will go into a civil war in the next couple of years when the foreign troops withdraw.

The bold part doesn't seem to be working at least 15 more years, so above that bold part is nothing but a personal theory.
No, It's not controlled by Pakistan/Iran neither Mashaal said any such thing; look there are 31 TV channels currently active in Kabul out of which only 2 of them are accused of implementing media coverage orders from Pakistani citizens especially Zhwandoon TV which has hired an active ISI agent (personally I hate Zhwandoon TV 9 out of 10 news from that TV is fake!!) secondly Shamshaad TV which is not accused of anything above but it has broken the norm by hiring 12 Pakistani citizens without informing officially the ministries of foreign affairs and internal affairs (which is the law for any foreign citizen to do the procedure it's not dedicated for Pakistani workers).

That's it the rest 'Mirch Masala' has been added by the media to flame relations between two countries.

I also criticized Mashaal because he named all the channels but not Tolo TV which works dedicated for USA and also Imroz TV who is funded by Zionists (Imroz TV was banned for couple of months but then reopened)

No unless they are registered ones.

So we are not controlling.... But we have guys there spreading fake news and stuff.... I am assuming those are in favor of Pakistan etc etc....


Still waiting for answer....

If ISI agents are infiltrating your media then all articles which show Pakistan in negative light are funded by Anti-Pakistan agencies and those writers are on Anti-Pakistan agencies Payroll......Dont you agree?????
So we are not controlling.... But we have guys there spreading fake news and stuff.... I am assuming those are in favor of Pakistan etc etc....


Still waiting for answer....

If ISI agents are infiltrating your media then all articles which show Pakistan in negative light are funded by Anti-Pakistan agencies and those writers are on Anti-Pakistan agencies Payroll......Dont you agree?????

Well, at present day Afghan media takes a situation (political/terror/economic etc..) and start talking about it by bringing some so called political consultants in which some points may refer true and real but in some cases they bring people who are not interested for peace and brotherhood between Afghanistan and Pakistan or Afghanistan and Iran.

I agree there may be certain people who doesn't like Pakistan or are anti-Pakistan but everything which is said negatively against Pakistan doesn't mean all of those people are on anti-Pakistan payroll.
Well, at present day Afghan media takes a situation (political/terror/economic etc..) and start talking about it by bringing some so called political consultants in which some points may refer true and real but in some cases they bring people who are not interested for peace and brotherhood between Afghanistan and Pakistan or Afghanistan and Iran.

I agree there may be certain people who doesn't like Pakistan or are anti-Pakistan but everything which is said negatively against Pakistan doesn't mean all of those people are on anti-Pakistan payroll.

And i am assuming those people are invited by the ISI agents which were pointed out before..... Damn we are some evil people just like we are told by those people who are not on other agencies payroll......

BTW i want to share some propaganda with you fed to me by ISI... Those people were pointed out just because they were Pakistanis and Northrn alliance war criminals hate Pakistanis......
And i am assuming those people are invited by the ISI agents which were pointed out before..... Damn we are some evil people just like we are told by those people who are not on other agencies payroll......

BTW i want to share some propaganda with you fed to me by ISI... Those people were pointed out just because they were Pakistanis and Northrn alliance war criminals hate Pakistanis......

According to this guy, it is perfectly ok for someone to be anti-Pakistan without necessarily being on a payroll, but being pro-Pakistan in the Afghan media means you have to be on the ISI's payroll.
Once US leaves Iran and Pakistan will be in opposite camps. Not on same side.

Taliban vs ANA if things manage to hold or Taliban vs Northern Alliance if things fall apart .

The ignorance of you bharatis is appalling!
The bold part is not my personal theory, it has all the ingredients for it (as I mentioned before):

Afghanistan 'will collapse into civil war when western troops fall out' | Mail Online

What a brilliant source you have provided!

And i am assuming those people are invited by the ISI agents which were pointed out before..... Damn we are some evil people just like we are told by those people who are not on other agencies payroll......

BTW i want to share some propaganda with you fed to me by ISI... Those people were pointed out just because they were Pakistanis and Northrn alliance war criminals hate Pakistanis......

It's not only them. Literally there is enough evidence of ISI involvement in Afghanistan so it's not just Northern Alliance or Americans who accuse them, walk anywhere in Afghanistan and ask anyone about the popularity of ISI crimes in Afghanistan they will tell you!
What they think about FATA is more important and to the point not what they think of me and my country - don't confuse your self.

My country isn't burning it's just some bad time and people we are dealing with sooner or later this will end and don't worry since 92 we have stooges sitting in Kabul this one is the best one I guess.

Problem is you will sooner or later have a civil war. Tajiks have their problems, Pashtuns and Hazaras have theirs, etc...
I guarantee you two things will happen. Either Pashtun (Majority) will take over all of Afghanistan or Pashtun area will become part of Pakistan. I'm for up for the second point because you no longer have a monarch or a strong army that will keep you peaceful and protected and nor you have an ally such as the U.S or Russia to keep you together and funded for a good economy. Pashtuns on the Pakistani side (your relatives) are hoping for you to come and join them. Clearly this can be possible since Pakistan is already leading the world in the number of refugees that consist mostly of Afghanis.
Problem is you will sooner or later have a civil war. Tajiks have their problems, Pashtuns and Hazaras have theirs, etc...
I guarantee you two things will happen. Either Pashtun (Majority) will take over all of Afghanistan or Pashtun area will become part of Pakistan. I'm for up for the second point because you no longer have a monarch or a strong army that will keep you peaceful and protected and nor you have an ally such as the U.S or Russia to keep you together and funded for a good economy. Pashtuns on the Pakistani side (your relatives) are hoping for you to come and join them. Clearly this can be possible since Pakistan is already leading the world in the number of refugees that consist mostly of Afghanis.

Keep your opinions with your self you can't guarantee your account here let Afghanistan alone :lol:
Then why do your people keep coming in to our country then? :lol:
Some have ran as far as Karachi

All these years Pakistan was quiet because their pockets were filled with UN money for refugees and it stopped when Taliban were broken in pieces and don't worry for a day just stand 1 hour after 3 o'clock in Torkham you will see how many of them is coming from 'as far as Karachi' to their home. :)

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