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Indonesia Defence Forum

Stop boasting ,Do not disparage the weapons of other countries 。。。。。你的废话真多。除了招黑有什么好处。能不要得瑟么,收敛点。看到你太多的垃圾评论了。一天到晚就知道吵吵吵。
你不懂、不要装聪明。这些人每天歧视中国人。 说中国垃圾货。现在自己打自己嘴巴,被逼买中国货因为真事太好了。:lol:

以色列人以为真的高人一等, 种是有那种中国人永远不能超越人的歧视。

Those are quadcopters, you have hundreds of factories manufacturing them, it would not be cost effective to design and manufacture such drones simply for the army, the demand is too low and it would become unprofitable, especially when there's such options in the market.
Excuse excuse and excuse. Cant make one and inferior to us and just give excuse to feel good. When comes to military security. You cannot use money to compromise. But mavic pro is too sophisticated that it is not within Israel mean to mimic one in short time.

You know nothing about the Heron, or it's capabilities. Why do you think the Heron can't destroy a target after it's found?

Show me the version of heron offer to Indonesia that show it struck a ground target like the CH-4 video I posted and I eat back my Words. If not , u are just a loser sourgraped.

I mean, China invests in Israel a lot and your own president told Netanyahu that Israel is a technological superpower, it tries to acquire technologies from us . Stop trying to fight with me, I don't see China as Israel's enemy, but I am not going to sit by while you say "Oh Heron is trash our drone is better"

See the above reply. If heron is so capable, show me the video of how it destroy ground target with precise hit. Rather than just answer me with no backing and a big mouth. :lol:
Jalan terus dong. Yang bareng TAI malah lebih condong ke HALE, max operating altitude lebih dari 40.000 ft (12 km). Wing Loong cuma 16.000 ft (5 km).
Terus yang bareng TAI ini sifatnya kerjasama pengembangan, jadi kita dapet ToT dll. Mirip pengembangan medium tank bareng FNSS.
Turkey must be our future main suppliers, I heard that their technological advancement had almost reached western europeans level
你不懂、不要装聪明。这些人每天歧视中国人。 说中国垃圾货。现在自己打自己嘴巴,被逼买中国货因为真事太好了。:lol:

以色列人以为真的高人一等, 种是有那种中国人永远不能超越人的歧视。

Excuse excuse and excuse. Cant make one and inferior to us and just give excuse to feel good. When comes to military security. You cannot use money to compromise. But mavic pro is too sophisticated that it is not within Israel mean to mimic one in short time.

Show me the version of heron offer to Indonesia that show it struck a ground target like the CH-4 video I posted and I eat back my Words. If not , u are just a loser sourgraped.

See the above reply. If heron is so capable, show me the video of how it destroy ground target with precise hit. Rather than just answer me with no backing and a big mouth. :lol:
stop being 。。。。我理解你,但你这样做是反效果,OK。。。你理他们做什么,现在鄙视的就是以后跪舔的,不用这么撕。。。你做的真的过火了。不好在多说什么了,好自为之。
Turkey must be our future main suppliers, I heard that their technological advancement had almost reached western europeans level
Many of turkey main components of military hardware are imported and no where manufactured by themselves. For example, their T-129A gunship turboshaft are Canada/US imported. Same as their altay MBT using 1500hp German imported Diesel engine. Same as their frigate and submarine. They are no where near as capable as major western countries. As for drone. Blind looking at spec is useless. The autonomous level, sophistication of network , response time and level of accuracy of attack, needs to take into consideration. There is a very reason why Indonesia , Iraq, Saudi , Pakistan , UAE, Qatar, Nigeria, Myanmar, kazhanstan, Uzbekistan and many other countries pick Chinese drone over others.
Hahahaha .... Any progress regarding this "monumental" ship? betol-betol bagai "hilang ditelan masa"....
Jangan patah hati ya kalau tiba2 lundin launching klewang 2, nanti baper kaya pas kemenhan tanda tangan kontrak Su-35 lagi lo, udalah ga usah pake dialek melayu, kita semua tau ko lo false flagger...... See u engkoh wkwkwkwk
Launching ceremony of KRI Kerambit-627 Indonesian Navy fourth KCR-60M.



Many of turkey main components of military hardware are imported and no where manufactured by themselves. For example, their T-129A gunship turboshaft are Canada/US imported. Same as their altay MBT using 1500hp German imported Diesel engine. Same as their frigate and submarine. They are no where near as capable as major western countries. As for drone. Blind looking at spec is useless. The autonomous level, sophistication of network , response time and level of accuracy of attack, needs to take into consideration. There is a very reason why Indonesia , Iraq, Saudi , Pakistan , UAE, Qatar, Nigeria, Myanmar, kazhanstan, Uzbekistan and many other countries pick Chinese drone over others.
So does countries like sweden.....their gripen jets are powered by an F18 jet engine reconfigure for single engined jets, nobody actually produce their own parts......even boeing outsourced their parts for 787's from china or japan......and for altay, their 1500hp german engine is only interim solution, they have developed their own engine for that as well as transmission......here's a link

As for turkish drones, well they are already combat proven blasting pkk/ypg terrorist in afrin........using turkish made umtas missile
Many of turkey main components of military hardware are imported and no where manufactured by themselves. For example, their T-129A gunship turboshaft are Canada/US imported. Same as their altay MBT using 1500hp German imported Diesel engine. Same as their frigate and submarine. They are no where near as capable as major western countries. As for drone. Blind looking at spec is useless. The autonomous level, sophistication of network , response time and level of accuracy of attack, needs to take into consideration. There is a very reason why Indonesia , Iraq, Saudi , Pakistan , UAE, Qatar, Nigeria, Myanmar, kazhanstan, Uzbekistan and many other countries pick Chinese drone over others.

What are u boasting about?
are you disappointed because we only bought 4 units? Sorry to say but
everyone understands that to created a cheap product then the quality must be reduced. Especially mass product like yours did.
So Stop being annoying. We are smart enough to find it by our self on internet.
So does countries like sweden.....their gripen jets are powered by an F18 jet engine reconfigure for single engined jets, nobody actually produce their own parts......even boeing outsourced their parts for 787's from china or japan......and for altay, their 1500hp german engine is only interim solution, they have developed their own engine for that as well as transmission......here's a link

As for turkish drones, well they are already combat proven blasting pkk/ypg terrorist in afrin........using turkish made umtas missile
Lol.. the turkey has developed a solution for altay? I can gurantee for next 10years , altay MBT will still use German import Diesel engine. Given turkey current industries level and finance, they are no way capable of making a German 1500hp Diesel engine to fit into their altay soon. Like India, they have a lot of ongoing project and too optimistic dateline. Don’t be fool by such news or heardsay.

Boeing outsource the parts is more for cost cutting, not becos they can’t. You need to differentiate between not able and economical solution. Sweden source engine from US for gripen becos they cannot produce a F404 standard engine.

What are u boasting about?
are you disappointed because we only bought 4 units? Sorry to say but
everyone understands that to created a cheap product then the quality must be reduced. Especially mass product like yours did.
So Stop being annoying. We are smart enough to find it by our self on internet.
I am not boasting but telling facts. If you can’t accept facts and try divert facts, you are going to be disappointed.

Are you going to deny CH-4/ wing Loong Drone is not good despite how many countries adopt it? How many drone turkey sold?
Lol.. the turkey has developed a solution for altay? I can gurantee for next 10years , altay MBT will still use German import Diesel engine. Given turkey current industries level and finance, they are no way capable of making a German 1500hp Diesel engine to fit into their altay soon. Like India, they have a lot of ongoing project and too optimistic dateline. Don’t be fool by such news or heardsay.

Boeing outsource the parts is more for cost cutting, not becos they can’t. You need to differentiate between not able and economical solution. Sweden source engine from US for gripen becos they cannot produce a F404 standard engine.
Well its up to you if you want to.underestimate others like israel,turkey (being underestimated for a long time by the west must be hurt ehhh??) Btw dog barks the caravan move on. Well see in 10 years how the altay engine will be (btw if you read carefully my statement i say in the future ).....as for the aircraft engine.....I heard you china have difficulties developing their in house WS engine aswell....

Unlike china....our defence teamwork with turkey seems going preety well....so yeah I think we need more defence cooperation with turkey

And in the future inshaallah
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Well its up to you if you want to.underestimate others like israel,turkey (being underestimated for a long time by the west must be hurt ehhh??) Btw dog barks the caravan move on. Well see in 10 years how the altay engine will be (btw if you read carefully my statement i say in the future ).....as for the aircraft engine.....I heard you china have difficulties developing their in house WS engine aswell....
Precisely if a big countries like China with more finance and industries level. What makes turkey has a better chance to developing compare to China. Btw, China has already solved all t propulsion system for navy and army/helo. Just left aero engines for combat jet.

Check out the latest RTA VT-4 tank development. They will tell you what engine that tank used. :enjoy:
Precisely if a big countries like China with more finance and industries level. What makes turkey has a better chance to developing compare to China. Btw, China has already solved all t propulsion system for navy and army/helo. Just left aero engines for combat jet.

Check out the latest RTA VT-4 tank development. They will tell you what engine that tank used. :enjoy:
Yuppp your'e more industrialized.....but still turkish products are more refined than yours :smitten:.......pakistan (your GF) even select t129 not some chinese produced attack helo
I don't know how Indonesia is related, nor do I care, but I do know that we have hostile relations with them and that they would never buy anything from Israel.

Wait, you don't know that Indonesia has been customers of israeli military products for long? we use Aerostar UAV now, in past we procure A4 Skyhawks from your country through clandestine operations

IMI's arms products is also widely used by Spec Ops units here, and we believe many more Israeli products is currently used by TNI's
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