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India’s PM to attend temple groundbreaking at disputed site

The ceremony will be telecast live on TV :enjoy::enjoy:

Thats's great...more power to Hindutva, Godspeed to them.

Still not clear this is an act of redemption or revenge...retrospecting it.
Or reclaiming the Hindu Rashtra from a secular India.
When new clauses are going to be added in the constitution about the secular Bharat being null and void...we hate the liberals and secular Hindus, they are more lethal than the muzzies you know.
Don't worry we are just following Pakistani way in this regard. You should be happy about it.

Pakistani PM never laid foundation of any Masjid on Temple/Curch site nor our PMs or CMs are known for mass massacre of minorities... i don't know how you gangadeshi dogs dare to compare yourself with other countries when you are clearly a special nutcase.

i don't think your terrorist regime will ever be a source of inspiration for Pakistani politicians, doesn't matter if they are corrupt (far less corrupt then Indians), but what we can say for surety that they are not communal subhuman terrorists.
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Koi ek baap ki aulad ho to kar de dekh lena, its not old Bharat where Hindu's can be prosecuted and no one give a damm.

This temple has same significance for Hindus just like Mecca for Muslims and Vatican for Christians.

True bro. If anything happens to temple, it will be revered in most brutal way with perpetrators.

India has become a incredibly POISONOUS communal state

And this is the latest example of that

ill thought out Indian plans have created insurmountable divisions at home and failures in the region

With Chiña humilating India the Indians are adamant to continue creating fassad in house

We can only make use of that fassad

We have just taken only one temple back out of 40000 destroyed by Islamic rulers. Its revenge shall be taken with those who consider themselves to be their descendant. Those who dreams of Gazawa e Hind shall be wiped out of Akhsnd bharat.
Pakistani PM never laid foundation of any Masjid on Temple/Curch site nor our PMs or CMs are known for mass massacre of minorities... i don't know how you gangadeshi dogs dare to compare yourself with other countries when you are clearly a special nutcase.

i don't think your terrorist regime will ever be a source of inspiration for Pakistani politicians, doesn't matter if they are corrupt (far less corrupt then Indians), but what we can say for surety that they are not communal subhuman terrorists.

Well how can your PM or CM can lay foundation of any religious place that have historic significance?
You your self confirm that Islam does not belong to this region and you muslims in Indian subcontinent are converts.
Terrorist regime? Is it that my PM or yours PM (Sitting PM) that was strip searched at USA airport. Yeh because of terror regime or terror as a state sponsored policy.
Massacre of Minority, Is there any minority remain in Pakistan at first place? All where killed, raped, burnt.
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