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India’s PM to attend temple groundbreaking at disputed site

Kailash Kumar

Oct 8, 2018
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India’s PM to attend temple groundbreaking at disputed site



NEW DELHI (AP) — Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi will attend a groundbreaking ceremony next month for a Hindu temple on a disputed site in northern India where a 16th century mosque was torn down by Hindu hard-liners in 1992, according to the trust overseeing the temple construction.

The ceremony is set for Aug. 5, a date organizers said was astrologically auspicious for Hindus but that also marks a year since the Indian Parliament revoked the semi-autonomous status of its only Muslim-majority state, Jammu and Kashmir.

The symbolism was impossible to miss for both supporters and opponents of Modi’s Hindu nationalist Bharatiya Janata Party, or BJP, whose manifesto had for decades included pledges to strip restive Kashmir’s autonomy and to build a temple to the Hindu god Ram where the Mughal-era mosque once stood, a site in the city of Ayodhya in Uttar Pradesh state that devotees believe to be Ram’s birthplace.

Because the coronavirus is still rampaging across India, which has reported the world’s third-highest caseload, the ceremony will be broadcast live on state television and the number of participants and spectators will be limited, according to Vishwa Hindu Parishad, or the World Hindu Organization, a Hindu nationalist group allied with the BJP.

The temple will serve as “an enduring and immortal beaming center of social harmony, national unity and integration and awakening of the feeling of Hindutva,” or Hindu way of life, the organization’s spokesperson Vinod Bansal said in a news release Saturday.

A century-long dispute over the site was resolved last year following the BJP’s landslide election victory. In November, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of the temple trust, saying that Muslim petitions would be given five acres at an alternative site.

Hindus hard-liners have long contended that Mughal Muslim invaders built a mosque on top of a preexisting temple in the ancient city of Ayodya.

A December 1992 riot following the destruction of the mosque sparked communal violence in which about 2,000 people were killed, mostly Muslims.

Meanwhile, the trial in the demolition court case continues to be heard in a special court.

An architect from Ahmedabad, Gujarat, Modi’s home state, has proposed a towering sandstone structure 161 feet (49 meters) high with five domes.

Yogi Adityanath, Uttar Pradesh’s chief minister and a Hindu monk, requested that Ayodhya hold a special cleaning and purification ceremony and for all of the city’s temples to light oil lamps ahead of Modi’s visit, the Press Trust of India news agency reported.

Adityanath said the occasion marked the end of a “500-year struggle,” PTI reported.

https://apnews.com/0586adad7d0d9c2b...dian,trust overseeing the temple construction.
It's like Adolf Hitler inaugurating Auschwitz concentration camp. The parallels are there. India might just get a taste of what Germany did in late 1945.

Well done, Indians!

Garbage of a region that is South Asia has problems like poverty, messed up sewage systems, no proper urban planning, no comfortable public transport, messed up standards of living, lack of industrialization, pollution etc. but what's the priority of the policymakers? Further interests of religion, superstition and communal politics. Average person in this region is no better. His/her priorities are also elsewhere.
Garbage of a region that is South Asia has problems like poverty, messed up sewage systems, no proper urban planning, no comfortable public transport, messed up standards of living, lack of industrialization, pollution etc. but what's the priority of the policymakers? Further interests of religion, superstition and communal politics. Average person in this region is no better. His/her priorities are also elsewhere.
Different departments are responsible for all that . This is also important
But the top level politicians are unqualified idiots elected by masses because they said things that masses wanted to hear and then down at the bottom, departments are rampant with nepotism and even more corruption.
Yes nobody can deny the corruption of Indian bureaucracy
India has become a incredibly POISONOUS communal state

And this is the latest example of that

ill thought out Indian plans have created insurmountable divisions at home and failures in the region

With Chiña humilating India the Indians are adamant to continue creating fassad in house

We can only make use of that fassad
This temple will not last. Be assured Muslims will take it down.

We are not fussed about a temple

We are fussed about India, and if the Indians are happy creating divisions amongst themselves then it's up to us to take advantage and to use everything from Delhi riots to Corona to this
Koi ek baap ki aulad ho to kar de dekh lena, its not old Bharat where Hindu's can be prosecuted and no one give a damm.

This temple has same significance for Hindus just like Mecca for Muslims and Vatican for Christians.

Babri masjid represents 500 years of fantastic Mughal rule in India. Your courts can neither suppress our voices nor our acts. Deal with it.
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Let the liberals burn.

Social media just destroyed left liberal main stream media who used to control narratives.
This is why Rahul Gandhi can not win even in 2024.

there’s nothing courageous of this deed or respectful in temple .... oppressing your now weaker citizens in furthering your macho is quite pathetic .
Babri masjid represents 500 years of fantastic Mughal rule in India. You courts can neither suppress our voices nor our acts. Deal with it.

Fantastic Mughal rule? By destroying other faith's worship place. Yes I can understand your mindset.
This is the reason why you have problem with every other religion in the world.

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