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India's GDP crossed $8 trillion.

And you write PHD thesis on here? How much do they pa you? $ 2 an hour to write propaganda???? I'll give you $ 8 an hour to write the truth!!!! Let me know. I am out of this nonsense debate. Produce facts, not Indian propaganda!!!!

What sort of crap is this ? What kind of facts have you posted ?
Your quote was:

He never ever said India was already an absolute superpower. He had a vision within the context (here it is space).

Of course your command of english is probably on the level of the average Chinese troll so I can't be bothered to explain the meaning of context/nuance to you.

A tiny fraction of the murderous cruelty that was the great leap forward (+resulting famine that eradicated 10's of millions of people) and cultural revolution. China as long as it puts a portrait of Mao at Tianenmen Square (which we need not talk about as well) and claims his continued legacy....simply has NO moral upper ground to comment on "cruelty" regarding any other nation.

Alright India is a superpower, since your President said it there is nothing you can say against it. :lol:

Funny how Brazil, with a larger GDP and a much higher standard of living than India, never claims to be a superpower. :rofl:
What sort of crap is this ? What kind of facts have you posted ?

Exactly why you should READ the post before responding silly!!! Go back and re-read the entire thread and my posts!! My $ 8 an hour still stands if you start writing the truth vs. the propaganda :enjoy:
Now you've blah'd out your mental retardedness like majority of your countrymen, high on patriotic Indian gas in their stomachs, did you actually want to write something factual or productive answering my post? Or was it all just an Indian gas fart???? It smells in here :hitwall: :crazy: :close_tema:
First post something productive and only then expect something productive in return. Just repeatedly saying that Indian GDP figures are all fake without any proof shows your intellectual capability. And it's a report directly accessed from IMF not from Indian government.
Exactly why you should READ the post before responding silly!!! Go back and re-read the entire thread and my posts!! My $ 8 an hour still stands if you start writing the truth vs. the propaganda :enjoy:

Just GTHO,kid
Alright India is a superpower, since your President said it there is nothing you can say against it. :lol:

Funny how Brazil, with a larger GDP and a much higher standard of living than India, never claims to be a superpower

Again the comprehension problem and putting words in my mouth. Where did I say India is a superpower? I was (trying) to explain where you cherry-picked the Kalam quote from and its context. Actually @gslv mk3 did a better job on giving the precise context which I did not know - but now do for future reference when the CCP trolls like you show up (inevitably) and start indulging in trying to start a flame-war/trollfest.

Anyways, Brazil doesn't have a larger GDP (by any measure) than India as of the latest IMF data which gives 2.2 trillion USD for India and 1.8 trillion USD for Brazil in Nominal terms. Plus they are in the midst of a bad recession so the gap is only going to get bigger as India pushes past 8% real growth rate.

Plus they use the word superpower in various contexts as well:

Can Brazil become the world's first environmental superpower? | Damian Carrington | Environment | The Guardian

Brazil’s Quest for Superpower Status - Diplomatic Courier

So keep failing troll.
The problem with nominal GDP is it totally ignores consumption side of the equation. GDP PPP has its disadvantages so does GDP nominal. But, IMO, for all its disadvantages, GDP PPP is a superior measure of economic activity, market size and people's welfare.
The PPP doesn't truly indicates the consumption of a country while PPP is good if you are comparing economic welfare of a country's domestic market and its domestic consumer but if you are comparing economic activity done by a country as a whole(Trade, Export,Import, Inflow of foreign exchange,etc.) the use of GDP PPP becomes limited.
For eg- the Chinese economic growth and its economy depends massively on exports while over the past 4 decade China has done well to become the manufacturing hub of the world so good that we used the term the 'world's factory' to describe the Chinese manufacturing sector but what China has failed to do along with this is to develop its domestic consumer market vis a vis its domestic consumption or demand, thats why Chinese economic growth relies heavily on its annual exports which is having huge surplus for them for past many years. But still China tops the world ranking when it comes to PPP ahead of the US which have a good consumer market.
Nominal is the standard measurement of GDP, and India's nominal GDP is only $2.1 trillion. American GDP is $17 trillion, and China's is over $11 trillion. India has a long way to go.

But, if farting and raping are included in calculating GDP, then Indian GDP would be well over $800 trillion.
Nominal is the standard measurement of GDP, and India's nominal GDP is only $2.1 trillion. American GDP is $17 trillion, and China's is over $11 trillion. India has a long way to go.

But, if farting and raping are included in calculating GDP, then Indian GDP would be well over $800 trillion.

Please CHANGE your Flags

The FIG leaf is Falling
Its basically that risingshiningsuperpower guy back under a new guise.

I wonder which one of the Chinese trolls it is. Maybe mods can do an IP check and take action against both accounts.
Its basically that risingshiningsuperpower guy back under a new guise.

I wonder which one of the Chinese trolls it is. Maybe mods can do an IP check and take action against both accounts.
He isn't Chinese.False flaggers r always banned.

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