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India's GDP crossed $8 trillion.

Farhan 9909.

When your resort to SARCASM to make your point you have lost your argument & your crediblity

Farhan why you pakistanis cry and scream when the presidents of USA fly over pakistan striaght to new delhi every year and completely ignore you pakistanis ...... your suppoose to be their allies.

Farhan. Why have the brother islamic countries and china not come to help you get Saichen or Kashmir back are they not your allies

Farhan. You live in UK ...... i suggest you close your eyes and ears BECAUSE the BRITISH are getting ready to ROLL OUT THE RED CARPET for MODI next week ...WATCH THE WHITE GORE suck up to MODI

Farhan this is 2015 AND IN THIS WORLD india and INDIANS are trendy fashionable and loved AND RESPECTED

for pakistanis this is hard to swallow

Well i had read this report earlier.anyway i acknowledge indian advancement in science and i am proud of them.

Hell even today i studied Indian author book for 10hrs(ENT-Dhingra).

The ghareebi nature i am explaining is not about money or brain,this is something else

Dude dont be hard on yourself. While the rest pf the world is looking for a parallel universe, you are living in one. Thats how advanced your research is.
Farhan 9909.

When your resort to SARCASM to make your point you have lost your argument & your crediblity

Farhan why you pakistanis cry and scream when the presidents of USA fly over pakistan striaght to new delhi every year and completely ignore you pakistanis ...... your suppoose to be their allies.

Farhan. Why have the brother islamic countries and china not come to help you get Saichen or Kashmir back are they not your allies

Farhan. You live in UK ...... i suggest you close your eyes and ears BECAUSE the BRITISH are getting ready to ROLL OUT THE RED CARPET for MODI next week ...WATCH THE WHITE GORE suck up to MODI

Farhan this is 2015 AND IN THIS WORLD india and INDIANS are trendy fashionable and loved AND RESPECTED

for pakistanis this is hard to swallow


For the time being, Indians need to keep their head down and work hard.
I think you are right on this, but Indians are not known for this trait.

And i used to think chinese to be a humble respectful lot, until i saw the chinese army on pdf doing their psycho analyses on indians, japanese, vietnamese, philipinos etc as some kind of any authority. Practice what you preach bozo.
And i used to think chinese to be a humble respectful lot, until i saw the chinese army on pdf doing their psycho analyses on indians, japanese, vietnamese, philipinos etc as some kind of any authority. Practice what you preach bozo.

Nay, Chinese never big-mouth about "superpower" dreams, neither their president, nor Chinese members here on PDF, unlike some losers, big-mouthing is the only thing they can do to massage their inflated ego.
Nay, Chinese never big-mouth about "superpower" dreams, neither their president, nor Chinese members here on PDF, unlike some losers, big-mouthing is the only thing they can do to massage their inflated ego.

Chinese here are not only known for talking in a racist demeaning way and making often moronic posts about others to show their achievements in a negative light, they are also known to post the same quote by one person to children a thousand times, a case of intellectual dwarfism.

And such dwarfs suddenly talking to others in a judgemental and cobdescending way because they have seen some money recently means their last name probably Chu!
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