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India’s future may lie more with Russia and China than with the US, writes RN Bhaskar

The west/europe is already collapsing….india wants to allign with what? Famine?
Where do you fit in the globalist new world order??
Every once in a while, these unknown journalists write these dumb articles trying to sound smarter and more "intellectual" than they are. An alliance with the US gets us an alliance with entire North America, Europe, Gulf, Australia South Korea and Japan - basically all the democratic, free, high income world. An alliance/partnership with China basically just gets us Pakistan, China, Russia, Iran and a few failed dictatorship states like Venezuela, Syria and North Korea. India's future lies with making good relations with the west, increasing exports to high income western countries and getting FDI from western companies, plus exporting tech manpower to these countries.

Obviously Modi worshipping journalists like this little cunt bhaskar over here have almost a homo-erotic love for "strongmen" like Modi, Xi, Putin etc, which explains this crap article. Ever since US, Germany and other western countries have started calling out India's degrading democratic credentials, press and religious freedom under dictator feku 56 mm lulli chiwala, more and more Modi *** licking journalists have been writing such articles asking India to dump the west. You will see similar comments on times of India with gobarbhakts and BJP IT cell 2 rupees per comment workers trying to be more Russian than Russians themselves, praising putin and China's genocide in Xinjiang. Won't be the last such article by sold out bhakt journalists drunk on cowpee.
The only problem is the "Western democracy" doesn't want to invest in India infrastructure, and India can't produce cheap goods " West " needs. India can't afford expensive "West" weapons and West does not want to give military technology to India. India needs Russia oil and resources/cheap military technology while China provides cheap consumer and industrial/infrastructure goods as well as infrastrure loans.
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You Indians should feel lucky that it is China, not Russia or USA, that shares border with you. Russia and USA don't have good temper as China does. I guess most Indians don't know how annoying India is as a neighbour. Your government did bad things to neighbour countries and played as victim after being punched.
Sorry to burst your bubble, but India is not a push over republic.
The only problem is the "Western democracy" doesn't want to invest in India infrastructure, and India can't produce cheap goods " West " needs. India can't afford expensive "West" weapons and West does not want to give military technology to India. India needs Russia oil and resources/cheap military technology while China provides cheap consumer and industrial/infrastructure goods as well as infrastrure loans.

We have more than sufficient money to invest in infrastructure and dont need to depend on the west or on china. In any case, no country ever "invests" in other countries' infrastructure. They give loans, but never invest. All of China's so called "investments" in Pakistan and Africa are not investments, they are loans that have to be paid back, learn the difference between investment and loan. The difference is that western democracies and Japan give low interest loans that help develop the country, while China gives high interest loans for useless projects that eventually land a country into a debt trap. Most of the projects that China gets do not go through open tenders, they just bribe corrupt local officials and the project ends up going to overpriced Chinese companies. So basically, countries have to pay a high price and on top of that, high interest, what a daylight robbery. Japan has offered India billions of dollars of loans at low interests, also more and more western companies are interested in the build, operate, transfer model that India has recently opened up to FDI, so obviously it will take some time to see the full fruits of this.

India can easily produce cheap goods, the only difference between India and China is that China opened up to foreign investment and gave up socialist policies 15-20 years before India, so basically we are at the same GDP that China was back in 2007-2008. China hasnt developed because you are smart or innovative, but simpy because western companies produced cheap goods there and exported. There is not a single useful invention or innovation that China or any Chinese company has ever made. All medical / technological innovations have only come from the west, so honestly, just stop blowing smoke up your ***, there is nothing special about you or your country. India will eventually produce same as China did and so will Africa and other countries.
India does not want to make any concessions on the border issue, which is the real reason why the China Indian border issue cannot be solved.
China doesn't want to make any concessions on the border issue, which is the real reason why the India-China border issue cannot be solved.

You Indians should feel lucky that it is China, not Russia or USA, that shares border with you. Russia and USA don't have good temper as China does. I guess most Indians don't know how annoying India is as a neighbour. Your government did bad things to neighbour countries and played as victim after being punched.
What kind of dumbassery is this? Patient China? :rofl: Your country needs to break out of East Vietnamese Sea first and try to capture Taiwan(real China). Until then you wont rear your ugly head... even though the world's already seen it.
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We have more than sufficient money to invest in infrastructure and dont need to depend on the west or on china. In any case, no country ever "invests" in other countries' infrastructure. They give loans, but never invest. All of China's so called "investments" in Pakistan and Africa are not investments, they are loans that have to be paid back, learn the difference between investment and loan. The difference is that western democracies and Japan give low interest loans that help develop the country, while China gives high interest loans for useless projects that eventually land a country into a debt trap. Most of the projects that China gets do not go through open tenders, they just bribe corrupt local officials and the project ends up going to overpriced Chinese companies. So basically, countries have to pay a high price and on top of that, high interest, what a daylight robbery. Japan has offered India billions of dollars of loans at low interests, also more and more western companies are interested in the build, operate, transfer model that India has recently opened up to FDI, so obviously it will take some time to see the full fruits of this.

India can easily produce cheap goods, the only difference between India and China is that China opened up to foreign investment and gave up socialist policies 15-20 years before India, so basically we are at the same GDP that China was back in 2007-2008. China hasnt developed because you are smart or innovative, but simpy because western companies produced cheap goods there and exported. There is not a single useful invention or innovation that China or any Chinese company has ever made. All medical / technological innovations have only come from the west, so honestly, just stop blowing smoke up your ***, there is nothing special about you or your country. India will eventually produce same as China did and so will Africa and other countries.
I have a lot of Indian friends, and they are really wonderful people and I am sure India will have its glory days. But to keep talking about India as a beacon of democratic hope and grand alliance with the "West" somehow will further India is nothing further from the truth. The "west" want to use India as a counterweight to China is giving India this media glorification, but as Jaishanker says, India has to serve the interest of its people.

This slave mentality about medical/technical innovations have only come from the west is simply not true. India has had many contributions as well to the human civilization. India is setting its own path to development and that's something to be admire about. Just less boasting and more results would be better received by others.
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If China can resolve the issues with India then India will anyday prefer eastern bloc over western one. China though shows no intent in resolving the issues and relies on geopolitical bullying.

All issues will be resolved if you stop claiming Chinese lands as Indian.
India's future lies with its own interest....It will do everything which is necessary for Its own interests. Period.
Every once in a while, these unknown journalists write these dumb articles trying to sound smarter and more "intellectual" than they are. An alliance with the US gets us an alliance with entire North America, Europe, Gulf, Australia South Korea and Japan - basically all the democratic, free, high income world. An alliance/partnership with China basically just gets us Pakistan, China, Russia, Iran and a few failed dictatorship states like Venezuela, Syria and North Korea. India's future lies with making good relations with the west, increasing exports to high income western countries and getting FDI from western companies, plus exporting tech manpower to these countries.

Obviously Modi worshipping journalists like this little cunt bhaskar over here have almost a homo-erotic love for "strongmen" like Modi, Xi, Putin etc, which explains this crap article. Ever since US, Germany and other western countries have started calling out India's degrading democratic credentials, press and religious freedom under dictator feku 56 mm lulli chiwala, more and more Modi *** licking journalists have been writing such articles asking India to dump the west. You will see similar comments on times of India with gobarbhakts and BJP IT cell 2 rupees per comment workers trying to be more Russian than Russians themselves, praising putin and China's genocide in Xinjiang. Won't be the last such article by sold out bhakt journalists drunk on cowpee.

You think India will be accepted and seen as an equal in the rich camp? Go to 4chan and see what Whites really think of Indians. With how much hate and fear they feel towards China, they actually deep down know China is based. But India? They think it's a land of shit munchers and they refer to Indians as "poos". India has a bigger population than the US and all of its allies and it is filled with dirt poor people, India will never be truly accepted. Maybe some of the brahmin elites may be assimilated and used as management but that's about it.

China actually has much more in common with the rich world. Actually, China is probably the world's largest economy already, it already has the world's most powerful industrial base and is overtaking the US in innovation. But the US still has most of the rich nations as its vassals due to the legacy of its alliance system. However, you have to remember that weaker countries, which these vassals are, coalesce around the most powerful country for protection. Just like women go for the Alpha because they want to be protected, Europe, S. Korea, Japan and Australia are basically a bunch of women, they are a harem and the US is their king. But once another country eclipses the "King", then the world order is shattered and countries start to make their own calculation and many will switch their allegiance once they do feel they will gain more security under the umbrella of the more powerful country.

That's why this Ukraine war will be revolutionary, because this war will be the catalyst that will destroy the current unipolar system and usher in a multi polar system.
You think India will be accepted and seen as an equal in the rich camp? Go to 4chan and see what Whites really think of Indians. With how much hate and fear they feel towards China, they actually deep down know China is based. But India? They think it's a land of shit munchers and they refer to Indians as "poos". India has a bigger population than the US and all of its allies and it is filled with dirt poor people, India will never be truly accepted. Maybe some of the brahmin elites may be assimilated and used as management but that's about it.

China actually has much more in common with the rich world. Actually, China is probably the world's largest economy already, it already has the world's most powerful industrial base and is overtaking the US in innovation. But the US still has most of the rich nations as its vassals due to the legacy of its alliance system. However, you have to remember that weaker countries, which these vassals are, coalesce around the most powerful country for protection. Just like women go for the Alpha because they want to be protected, Europe, S. Korea, Japan and Australia are basically a bunch of women, they are a harem and the US is their king. But once another country eclipses the "King", then the world order is shattered and countries start to make their own calculation and many will switch their allegiance once they do feel they will gain more security under the umbrella of the more powerful country.

That's why this Ukraine war will be revolutionary, because this war will be the catalyst that will destroy the current unipolar system and usher in a multi polar system.
I don't think that analogy of individual Chinese and Indian in America is fair. Social up bring in India society/Hinduism and especially the well educated do shares many similarities to the values of US corporate elitist dominated society(specifically role of individual spiritual freedom in society) . That's why so many Indian elites do well in corporate america and you can't take away that aspects of share values. US cultural values has taught to hate collectivism/communism, which is deeply engrained in confucism, and that does contribute fear (I fee hate is too strong but they are a lot of hater in America though).
You think India will be accepted and seen as an equal in the rich camp? Go to 4chan and see what Whites really think of Indians. With how much hate and fear they feel towards China, they actually deep down know China is based. But India? They think it's a land of shit munchers and they refer to Indians as "poos". India has a bigger population than the US and all of its allies and it is filled with dirt poor people, India will never be truly accepted. Maybe some of the brahmin elites may be assimilated and used as management but that's about it.

China actually has much more in common with the rich world. Actually, China is probably the world's largest economy already, it already has the world's most powerful industrial base and is overtaking the US in innovation. But the US still has most of the rich nations as its vassals due to the legacy of its alliance system. However, you have to remember that weaker countries, which these vassals are, coalesce around the most powerful country for protection. Just like women go for the Alpha because they want to be protected, Europe, S. Korea, Japan and Australia are basically a bunch of women, they are a harem and the US is their king. But once another country eclipses the "King", then the world order is shattered and countries start to make their own calculation and many will switch their allegiance once they do feel they will gain more security under the umbrella of the more powerful country.

That's why this Ukraine war will be revolutionary, because this war will be the catalyst that will destroy the current unipolar system and usher in a multi polar system.

Is that your scientific method of evaluating what general people think? Going to a fringe group populated by a few thousand socially outcast sadistic unemployed incels? Only the lowest of the low people join that site and they have just as bad an opinion about Chinese as they have about Indians, blacks, mexicans, muslims etc etc. You are delusional if you think they fear you and even if they do, it doesnt really prove anything, just search that thread about the Chinese plane crash, they are celebrating, just like they do after every disaster, saying the C word and most of their comments are about yellow skin, small penis, small height etc etc just what i would expect from such a group, i wouldnt exactly call that fear.

In any case, I couldnt care less what they think. As i said, they are all outcasts rejected by society, woman and employers. I also couldn't care less either what general white people think about Indians, we just want their FDI and business, as long as that keeps coming, i really dont care.

Your comparison of world alliances to the alpha male thing is way too simplistic. Even if China were to surpass US today as the worlds biggest economic power, these alliances will remain for several decades if not longer. One of the reasons countries like Japan, Korea joined the alliance is because it is against China, you think they will change alliances just because their enemy China is now more powerful? lmao that makes 0 sense. If anything, that will be a cause to strengthen the alliance, not leave it. As for Europe, well their alliance with US is based on way more than just security. Shared history and ideals and race is one of the biggest factors and thats hard to ignore. They wont leave an alliance of white people all of a sudden just because China is more powerful, They have way more common culturally with the US than they have with China. You are delusional if you think all of a sudden Germany, France, Italy, UK etc will abandon the US for China. It will take like 50-100 years for that to happen and it will only happen once race is no longer a factor, rather than what China's GDP is.

I honestly dont see your point. We have actually had this conversation before. China became rich exaclty the same way - getting western companies to manufacture goods in China and export them to the west, not through innovation, China was just as big a shithole as India less than 20 years ago before all western manufacturers set shop there. Somehow you have a problem if India is attempting to do the same.
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