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India’s future may lie more with Russia and China than with the US, writes RN Bhaskar


Nov 4, 2011
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India’s future may lie more with Russia and China than with the US, writes RN Bhaskar​

RN Bhaska
June 27, 2022, 08:51 AM IST

In 2009, this author had predicted that India, China and Russia would have to work together. Geo-politics suggested this combination. During the past 15 years, China appears to have understood the geo-political implications of this constellation much better than India has. Some of these realisations sank in gradually. Some accelerated by the Russia-NATO-USA-Ukraine conflict.

Ironically, the country that has accelerated this realisation is the US. It all began because the US planners thought they were smarter than the rest and could corner and then decimate Russia. The US had three objectives – first isolate Russia. Second break the links between Germany and Russia. And the third to scuttle the Nordstream2 pipeline. That would ensure that the US could sell more gas to Europe at higher prices. There was a fourth advantage the US was certain would come its way – that it would be able to sell more arms in case Russia attacked Ukraine just as it expected it to.


The US succeeded in scuttling the Nordstream2 pipeline. But the brunt of the pain was faced by Germany and the rest of the EU, not Russia. In fact, it is surprising that Germany has taken this lying down, because it will be the biggest casualty in this entire crisis that the US has created. The biggest winner is Russia.

Energy markets

First, look at the way the oil and energy markets have changed. Germany used to be the largest market for Russia. But China has just dwarfed it. Russia has also stated that it will reduce gas supplies to the EU in the coming winter months because of technical reasons. One is not sure if this is the permafrost problem that companies like Schlumberger used to handle.

The US ordered these companies out of Russia. Consequently, engineers from China and India are trying to help Russia deal with the permafrost issue which can choke up oil and gas pipelines in the severe Siberian winter. The US lost a vital piece of global business. Other countries depended on Russian hydrocarbons are Italy, the Netherlands, France, and Belgium. You can now appreciate how much the EU will begin to hurt. Plans are afoot to start using coal instead. Goodbye climate control and carbon capture.

Germany saw its trade surplus narrow sharply to €9.7 billion in March 2022 from €20.7 billion a year earlier, as exports to China, the UK and Russia fell while imports continued to rise at a double-digit pace. Exports were up 8.1 per cent YoY to €137.4 billion and imports jumped 20.1 per cent to €127.7 billion. There will be more pain to come.

Wealthier Russia

The loss of European markets hasn’t hurt Russia. Thanks to demand from other countries – notably China and India, it will still make money even if it sells oil and gas at discounted prices. Moreover, Russia and China together control most of the key mineral inputs the world requires. Russia’s land mass is three times that of China and the US. Sanctions against Russia only made global prices go up, and Russia began demanding higher prices in roubles through some friendly countries as well. As a result, while Russia’s current account deficit improved smartly, the US continued to limp along with an increasing trend of deficits.


Consequently, almost the entire western world has become weaker, while Russia and China have emerged stronger. No wonder then that Joseph E Stiglitz, Nobel Laureate in economics, wrote that “the US could lose the new cold war” .


He goes on to add, “The United States appears to have entered a new cold war with both China and Russia. And US leaders’ portrayal of the confrontation as one between democracy and authoritarianism fails the smell test, especially at a time when the same leaders are actively courting a systematic human-rights abuser like Saudi Arabia. Such hypocrisy suggests that it is at least partly global hegemony, not values, that is really at stake.”

Weakening USA

Worse, there are signs that the US may not be able to fund its ambitious plans to remain in the forefront of the information technology world. As Bloomberg reported on 24 June 2022,The US promised chipmakers about $52 billion to boost the industry inside the country. Now, it looks like that money might not arrive—a development that’s already threatening to upend manufacturing plans. . . . . Right now, some of the biggest companies in the industry, including Intel Corp., Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. and Samsung Electronics Co. are either planning to build or already building plants in the US, spurred in part by the promise of government incentives.” Some of these plans look less certain now.

In 2009, when this author wrote about Russia, India, and China, it was felt that Germany could be the catalyst. But it appears to have fallen off the map. Now Russia has taken the lead. It is talking of bringing India into its embrace. Indian retail chains are being invited to Russia – the Walmarts will not be missed – and Russian IT firms are making their way into India.

Gold games

Russia’s economic clout got strengthened by Switzerland’s decision to import 3 tonnes of gold from Russia. That represents 2% of world gold imports. According to some sources, gold is the second biggest revenue earner (after oil) for Russia. That, in turn. may have prompted the US to try persuade the G-7 countries to ban the import of gold from Russia.

Such a move could be extremely difficult to implement, because gold is highly fungible, and easily transportable. Moreover, such a ban, if implemented, may only make gold more expensive, which could mean more money for Russia and other gold miners. Moreover, such moves may actually wreck global financial markets further. However, any way you look at the situation, Russia is now wealthier, economically stronger, and even in a more formidable position than it was during the pre-Ukraine-war days.


Meanwhile India has yet to find its feet. As of May 2022, its trade deficit was revised slightly higher to $20.11 billion in April 2022, compared to a preliminary estimate of $20.07 billion and $15.29 billion a year earlier. Imports jumped 30.97 per cent year-on-year to $60.3 billion, despite discounted oil imports from Russia. And its rupee is weakening against the US dollar. At the rate at which India has been slipping, it won’t be long before it may look to Russia for support.

In the meantime, China too has begun working with India. At the BRICS summit, Xi Jinping was more candid than he has often been. He said “Some countries attempt to expand military alliances to seek absolute security, stoke bloc-based confrontation by coercing other countries into picking sides and pursue unilateral dominance at the expense of others' rights and interests.

"If such dangerous trends are allowed to continue, the world will witness even more turbulence and insecurity . . . . . It is important that BRICS countries support each other on issues concerning core interests, practice true multilateralism, safeguard justice, fairness and solidarity and reject hegemony, bullying and division."

In an effort to improve India-China cultural ties, China even celebrated the Yoga Day with much fanfare. It is ironic that the US which once championed the cause of world trade without barriers, should now be against it. China on the other hand has begun demanding a return to free trade.

So, what should India do?

India should immediately begin identifying the mines that its people could develop and operate in Russia on a revenue sharing basis just as ONGC-OVL does in the oil sector. That will help India achieve three objectives. It improves relations with Russia which could actually help defuse tensions between India and China. It creates thousands of jobs and wealth opportunities. Thirdly, the Russian mining sector is not left exclusively to the Chinese and other Asian countries.

Moscow has begun welcoming foreign investors to its Udokan copper mine in Southeast Siberia. Two of Russia’s largest copper mines are being operated by China. It has welcomed Chinese, South Korean, and Kazakh miners and refiners into the bidding process. There is no reason for India to be missing.

Defence scenario changes

In the coming years, expect a greater sharing of military technology and production between Russia and China. Barely a week ago, China made it clear to the world that it would support Russia in defence as well.

The former has the best missile technologies in the world. The latter has the best stealth technologies aided by quantum computing where it is the global leader. That could give both an edge that many western countries might not be able to match despite the huge military spending that the US makes each year.

Instead of looking to the Agnipath scheme, it should send more of its workforce to Russia and help both its people and Russia out. It will improve the unemployment situation, and will allow India to position itself mor strongly among both the BRICS ad the ASEAN groupings.

The churn has begun. It will get more turbulent as the US tries to reinforce its writ on the world.

But as Stiglitz says, “Of course, America does not want to be dethroned. But it is simply inevitable that China will outstrip the US economically, regardless of what official indicator one uses. Not only is its population four times larger than America’s; its economy also has been growing three times faster for many years (indeed, it already surpassed the US in purchasing-power-parity terms back in 2015). . . . . China has excelled not at delivering lectures but at furnishing poor countries with hard infrastructure. Yes, these countries are often left deeply in debt; but, given Western banks’ own behaviour as creditors in the developing world, the US and others are hardly in a position to point the finger.”

The wheel is spinning rapidly. And India will have to be prepared with more jobs, more exports, and not dream of more Agnipaths.

If China can resolve the issues with India then India will anyday prefer eastern bloc over western one. China though shows no intent in resolving the issues and relies on geopolitical bullying.
might be but india for sure will be with UK, the common wealth nations, OZ,NZ camps.
India will always be non-aligned as much as possible, having good relations with all countries. China and India tried really hard to have good relations but each time there was any progress, there will be an event on LAC.

For example, the relationship was getting better in 2010 when the Depsang standoff happened and now recently we know what is happening. We will need more efforts from China to court us into its circle of influence. Why will we trust them when they build the Road initiative through Kashmir and have strong military ties with Pakistan. It's exactly if India builds military ties with Taiwan will the Chinese like it?
If China can resolve the issues with India then India will anyday prefer eastern bloc over western one. China though shows no intent in resolving the issues and relies on geopolitical bullying.
Not sure where you get your news from.

Why India do not solve the border with China ?

India can take South Tibet and China takes Aksai Chin. The rest involves small areas that can be easily solve.

China has already solved their border with 12 of the 14 countries that has land border with China. Only India and Bhutan border remains unsolved.
And Bhutan is because of India.
Not sure where you get your news from.

Why India do not solve the border with China ?

India can take South Tibet and China takes Aksai Chin. The rest involves small areas that can be easily solve.

China has already solved their border with 12 of the 14 countries that has land border with China. Only India and Bhutan border remains unsolved.
And Bhutan is because of India.
Yes Galwan skirmish was the solution?
Yes Galwan skirmish was the solution?
Look, there are several versions of what happen. Solve the border, then there will be no more skirmish.

Why call the border between 2 great nation after a British general ? India should not gorify colonialism.
It’s pretty clear that The West will not be able to take on China and Russia together. The west is about to experience a massive collapse in its living standards
Look, there are several versions of what happen. Solve the border, then there will be no more skirmish.

Why call the border between 2 great nation after a British general ? India should not gorify colonialism.

I doubt China will give up it's claim to Arunachal Pradesh, as ridiculous as that claim is. There is a theory that China likes to keep the border issue open in order to force India to spend it's resources on defending it. This allows China time to build up it's navy with a view to dominating world trade and controlling the sea lanes in the Indian ocean.

And as mentioned by someone above, India doesn't see itself as being in anyone's camp. The government mantains a fairly neutral policy in world affairs with the focus on putting India's interests and well being first above everything else.
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There is trust deficit between China and India. People in India loves Russia and trust them as a brotherly country whereas we are thankful to USA and European Countries for their investment.
The "trust deficit" is comical, and the "India" loves for other countries is also laughable. the truth is that India establishment/elites are the most morally corrupt and only care about themselves than for the Indian people. The corruption in India is institutionalized and If that doesn't change, nothing will. The border dispute between India and China could of being resolved a long time ago. But there's no politcal will in India leadership broker a deal since any give and take relationship will be considered "losing territory", and that's why India will never progress. How can there be trust when "India" has to win all the deals.
There is trust deficit between China and India. People in India loves Russia and trust them as a brotherly country whereas we are thankful to USA and European Countries for their investment.
You Indians should feel lucky that it is China, not Russia or USA, that shares border with you. Russia and USA don't have good temper as China does. I guess most Indians don't know how annoying India is as a neighbour. Your government did bad things to neighbour countries and played as victim after being punched.
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Every once in a while, these unknown journalists write these dumb articles trying to sound smarter and more "intellectual" than they are. An alliance with the US gets us an alliance with entire North America, Europe, Gulf, Australia South Korea and Japan - basically all the democratic, free, high income world. An alliance/partnership with China basically just gets us Pakistan, China, Russia, Iran and a few failed dictatorship states like Venezuela, Syria and North Korea. India's future lies with making good relations with the west, increasing exports to high income western countries and getting FDI from western companies, plus exporting tech manpower to these countries.

Obviously Modi worshipping journalists like this little cunt bhaskar over here have almost a homo-erotic love for "strongmen" like Modi, Xi, Putin etc, which explains this crap article. Ever since US, Germany and other western countries have started calling out India's degrading democratic credentials, press and religious freedom under dictator feku 56 mm lulli chiwala, more and more Modi *** licking journalists have been writing such articles asking India to dump the west. You will see similar comments on times of India with gobarbhakts and BJP IT cell 2 rupees per comment workers trying to be more Russian than Russians themselves, praising putin and China's genocide in Xinjiang. Won't be the last such article by sold out bhakt journalists drunk on cowpee.
India does not want to make any concessions on the border issue, which is the real reason why the China Indian border issue cannot be solved.
I don't think India is interested in playing camp politics. India sees itself as a great power on its own but China and the US don't see India as an equal.
But India is indeed not yet an equal to US. China may get to be an US equal over the next 10 years or so if Xi doesn't run it to ground with his personal ambition. India will take longer given the resource constraints and level of diversity it has to work with within the chaotic framework of our democracy.

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