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India's Assam/Nagaland War - Two Indian states fight over territory

I wasn't trying to spread propaganda.......I actually criticized the Indian Govt., not the Nagas.

I agree that I've never been to Nagaland, my perception about Nagaland and the N.E States in general, is based on what the media portrays.....
If you're from Nagaland then obviously you know better than me in this regard and have the right to correct me if I'm wrong.

What we always get from the Media(local and national) about N.E states of India is that, they are discriminated against(as you've pointed out yourself), the Indian govt. does not do enough development work there and (as a result)they still adhere to their tribe culture and ancient methods of livelihood...........this picture, portrayed by the media, may not be exact, but, most people have no other choice but to rely on the media, as they cannot afford to go to Nagaland themselves to find out the truth.......and therefore, people like you are needed to inform and educate the rest of India about the real situation of your state, like you did here and I appreciate that......

Let me take this opportunity to ask you more about the conflict between Nagaland and Assam.....hope you would clarify.
The media is reporting that some Naga tribes have attacked people in Assam, killed them and destroyed their properties and the Assamese are protesting in return......Is it true? If yes, why did the Nagas attack? Is it because they're trying to reclaim their 'Hunting ground'(as the media says) or something else? Why would the Nagas need 'hunting ground' if they hunt no more(as you claim)? Are you facing problem from illegal Bangladeshi immigrants?.......hope you explain in details.

As most of us know that the border issue between Nagaland and Assam have been going on for a long time, but the villagers around the borders were living in peace, until some of those Illegal immigrants came along and settled there. Those Illegal Immigrants were hired by both assamese and naga villagers to help them in farming their fields and keep watch of their fields, but, along the way they started claiming the land for themselves, which resulted in bloodshed. There is no war or fight between the Nagas and Assam, the fight was between Nagas and those illegal immigrants who were claiming the cultivating ground of the naga villagers as theirs. All those protests in Assam were because of the over exaggerated news from the media. And "YES" we're facing alot of problems from the illegal Bangaladeshi immigrants all over Nagaland. Hope I somehow cleared some of your doubts.

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