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I must admit that I will not be holding my breath.

Modis unravelling started late last year.

With this move a large constituency in this country have seen the true agenda.

Now 2019 will be interesting.

If the country does not burn and be soaked in blood till then .....

There is a particular mindset who always want to shed bloods and fear their own blood shed.
If the yogi behaves, and works for the people, All people and not just his hard-line nutjob fanbase, then maybe Modi can pull 2019 off.

Otherwise the downward slide starts here. With the Mandir politics starting again.

If you guys think the country is ready to go back to the 90s, you are clearly living in an alternative reality. @Robinhood Pandey


Bhai laddu ka kya kia ? :lol::lol::lol:
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