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Indian Muslims love for Pakistan

Rockstar !
Sir you are a big liar. Everyone living in urban areas where most of Indian Muslims reside, has encountered such incidents.

I dont encounter such experiences .In fact some of my Muslim friends hate Pakistan more than me.Now I have a Muslim friend he cursed Abdul Nasar Mahdani for destroy the reputation of Muslim community in Kerala.
And there is also some Hindus in India who is quite anti patriotic .They may not support Pakistan but they have no hesitation to
reject their homeland for their own personal gains.

We know a Muslim mother in this Kerala who reject her son dead body when she know that her son was a terrorist and he was gunned down by security forces in Kashmir.Even National media report this.
That mother reject her beloved son body because he is traitor who cheat his own mother land.She even refused to see his face.
And so I can tell you no other Indian cant become such patriotic.
A small percentage can see in every community so also in Muslim community .Most of them are youths and they involved in such anti national activities for money and lavish life .
Its just cricket, i wouldn't take it seriously. We have Afghan refugees some of whom cheer for India against Pakistan. It hardly makes a difference as all people have the right to free expression.

Having the freedom of expression alone is not enough. There should be a sense of responsibility along with it. They accused of chanting anti anti-India slogans. You might probably tolerate Afghans cheering for India, but imagine them cheering against Pakistan or Islam. Would you/your countrymen tolerate that?
I made this account since this issue has been haunting me for a long. Although most of us Indians(Hindus) try to deny this but we know deep down in our hearts that Indian Muslims do love Pakistan. The recent case of Kashmiri Muslims cheering for Pakistan has refreshed some bitter memories in my mind.

I have personally witnessed non-Kashmiri Indian muslims cheering for Pakistan and hoisting a Pakistani flag ( I know the difference between a pakistani flag and a jamiat e hind green flag). Once a bunch of Muslims were raising slogans like "Pakistan zindabad, Kaffir murdabad" in a Muslim locality of Mumbai. Its no secret that in Hyderabad too, Muslims cheer for Pakistan. Same goes for cities in Northern India(Delhi,Lucknow etc) and south India( mainly Kerala and Karnataka). I fail to understand why Indian media highlights Kashmiri instances but ignores mainland Indian Muslim instances.

I have had many Indian Muslim friends who openly share their love for Pakistani people and its culture. Most of them consider Dawood Ibrahim as their idol and defender of their faith.

Now I know most of you think that Muslims are treated very badly in India but I beg to differ. They are the only minority group which has been pampered by Congress for more than 60 years. Among the most pampered group are Kashmiri Muslims who get reservations in jobs, state sponsored Higher education Scholarship, Subsidies and not to forget article 370 which gives special rights to them and discriminates against mainland Indians. Many of you will point to anti-muslim riots in India too but remember that Muslims always start these riots. And hindu victims of these riots are never given any coverage. Indian media literally censors Muslim involvement in these riots.

I know that India's Muslim elite are patriots but most of them cannot even be considered as practicing Muslims and they constitute less than 2% of Indian Muslims.

Indian sub-continent was divided on basis of religion and most of Indian Muslims(in current India too) voted for Pakistan. But a very few left for Pakistan from the Indian side. I find this very surprising. Some of the right-wing Hindus say that Jinnah and Indian Muslims wanted to created more partitions in India so they advised Muslims not to migrate. Although I find this conspiracy theory very amusing it actually does makes sense since we know whats happening in Kashmir and Assam. And what is going to happen in West Bengal,Kerala and North-east India in the near future.

My motive is not to bash Pakistanis or Islam. I find Pakistani Muslim very patriotic and I admire this quality of theirs. But the same cant be said for most of Indian Muslims and this is what pains me the most.

Please brothers provide your insights and dont indulge in religion bashing.
Really I don't know where you got your fact from but the Muslims I've met (and I've met quite a lot of them) are just the same as any Hindu in their patriotism and love for India. In fact, during a group discussion on Kashmir conflict in our college, Muslims that we have in class unanimously said that they hated Pak because its support of Islamic terrorism was giving a bad name to their religion.
They have been backstabbed so many times before - muzzafarnagar, gujarat, babri masjid, assam just few incidents to tell

What backstabbing are you speaking about?? Assam had 6% Muslims during independence and now according to government survey Muslims are a whopping 39%. Growth rate of almost 500% were recorded in some districts...besides them only bacteria has managed such a growth rate.
I made this account since this issue has been haunting me for a long. Although most of us Indians(Hindus) try to deny this but we know deep down in our hearts that Indian Muslims do love Pakistan.

Please brothers provide your insights and dont indulge in religion bashing.

Speak for yourself & yourself alone.

If Indian Muslims loved Pakistan as much as you allege CHM Abdul Hamid & countless other Muslim soldiers would not have laid down their lives for the nation in Indo Pak wars.

By making this sweeping statement you are insulting the memories & sacrifice of hundreds of Indian Muslim soldiers.

Separate the grain from the chaff & you will see the game being played.

Till then, hang around on this forum, read and learn.
What backstabbing are you speaking about?? Assam had 6% Muslims during independence and now according to government survey Muslims are a whopping 39%. Growth rate of almost 500% were recorded in some districts...besides them only bacteria has managed such a growth rate.
Pseudo-secular !! Bangladesh had already claimed Assam in past. No wonder they are encouraging immigrantion into Assam and West Bengal

Speak for yourself & yourself alone.
If Indian Muslims loved Pakistan as much as you allege CHM Abdul Hamid & countless other Muslim soldiers would not have laid down their lives for the nation in Indo Pak wars.
By making this sweeping statement you are insulting the memories & sacrifice of hundreds of Indian Muslim soldiers.
Separate the grain from the chaff & you will see the game being played.
Till then, hang around on this forum, read and learn.

Really? Last time I checked 1.9% Sikhs are dominating Indian armed forces. While on other hand 21% muslims (including bangladeshis) rarely join armed forces. They seem to have a large number of un-employed youths who don't consider joining army.

The only reason some Muslims supported Indian war against Pakistan because muslim politicians and clerics raised no objections. Next time if these politicians and clerics declare war against Pakistan would be considered as war against Islam then lets see how many Indian Muslims support India.

Even Pakistanis know that Indian Muslim love Pakistan. Stop living in a fairy-tale world.
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There were plenty of people who belong to other religions sold so many sensitive secrets to our enemy nations.. I have many friends from Muslim community and I never encountered one who love Pakistan. Saying Indian Muslims love Pakistan is just plain stupidity and branding Owaisi the favorite leader is utter moronic. I do not see Owaisi have consider amount of support other than in Hyderabad.
Even if these Kashmiris did cheer for Pakistan this doesn't reflect the views of all Indian Muslims- far from it. We are all well aware that Kashmiri Muslims are a special case and for a variety of reasons are not representative of all Indian Muslims.
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