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Indian Muslims are out to prove their loyalty once again.

the difference is we have moved on and evolved ...while you people are getting from bad to really awful.

i agree your amateur level of common sense is predictable.. which is why you believe everything your government tell you

As 90% of you people are idiots... a certified fact.

Homework? ... you still in school?

oh we know from inside out you guys are deeply ugly people from inside... we did after rule you for a 1000 years.

Pass school, do 2000 posts, and come back.

the difference is we have moved on and evolved ...while you people are getting from bad to really awful.

i agree your amateur level of common sense is predictable.. which is why you believe everything your government tell you


Didn't even know about it, did you?



As 90% of you people are idiots... a certified fact.

Is this what you say every time you are caught bluffing and blustering without any foundation?

Homework? ... you still in school?

From 10 to 4; have to earn a living. How do you think I get the patience to deal with dunderheads?

oh we know from inside out you guys are deeply ugly people from inside... we did after rule you for a 1000 years.

Remind me to talk to your Urdu teacher. Your Urdu is execrable. It looks like pidgin English.

You definitely got up from the wrong side of the bed buddy. Anyways, as i have said earlier... i ain't replying to personal comments which you indians are used to. I aint scooping that low. Whether I have or have not stopped to think, evaluate myself, ask ppl about myself or my content is not the topic here.
My response to a senior colleague from the east, who is here for almost a decade, is an admiral, has hundred + positive rating from a few thousand posts is.... I wish you would have been more topic or content specific.

I was VERY specific. I took your example and applied it to myself, and found it seriously defective. How much more specificity did you hope for?

If you have stayed this long and contributed to the forum (as evident from your no of messages) and still do not see the root cause of the problem then i ain't gonna waste my time and energy trying to change your opinion and showing you the other side of the picture.

And changing your mind is not an option? You are eternally right, and anyone who challenges your opinion is eternally wrong?

Hopefully sanity will prevail and in time things will settle down between the 2 nations. Someday you may be intrigued to take off your red glasses and it is only then that you will realize that we Pakistanis are not red in color. Good day Sir

India herself was allied with war criminals;
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That is precisely why we took them into protective custody. Remember? We could just have walked away; we didn't.

Your reaction is churlish. It is easy to dish out the rhodomontade once you have been given the breaks you wanted; it is difficult, it seems, to acknowledge gracefully that you got a helping hand in your hour of difficulty.

Let me correct that for you;

I think that I have already answered that;

Monarchy isn't Islamic either; Siding with a totally non-Muslim power to weaken a Muslim power however is an act of kuffar. regardless of how people like you who have zero knowledge about Islam try to prove otherwise. Period

Since you are neither a Muslim(Sermon not intended for you), nor someone who wants to learn(infact you're someone who is merely trolling), I would refrain from quoting further.

And of course people who deny ummah and jihad will look like true practicing Muslims to people like you.


You corrected nothing, responded to nothing, and expect that whatever you say is to be swallowed with a spoonful of sugar, for the medicine to go down.

What reaction do you expect for this? Awe and reverence for your learning?
Absolute scum. Forget Pakistan for a moment. These Indian Muslims don't even stand for their Kashmiri brothers. They don't have unity among themselves. So disgusting and despicable.

I met an Indian Muslim Gujarati man in his early 50s few months ago and he randomly decided to talk about Pakistani politics and corruption whilst i was at a grocery store. I had never come across this person before. As the conversation evolved I kindly told him corruption exists but its a huge problem in the entire south Asian region. He tapped my shoulder as he was stumbling away and said in broken urdu 'I'm very happy my forefathers chose to live in India and not move to Pakistan, truly I'm greatful for their wise decision' my reply 'uncle you are not in India you are in England' lol

You should have asked him how he felt about RSS Hindu fanatics raping Indian Muslims and chopping them up in the streets of Gujarat.
House Negros.

There was the house Negro and the field Negro. The house Negroes – they lived in the house with master, they dressed pretty good, they ate good ’cause they ate his food — what he left. They lived in the attic or the basement, but still they lived near the master; and they loved their master more than the master loved himself. They would give their life to save the master’s house quicker than the master would.

The house Negro, if the master said, “We got a good house here,” the house Negro would say, “Yeah, we got a good house here.” Whenever the master said, “we,” he said “we.” That’s how you can tell a house Negro. If the master’s house caught on fire, the house Negro would fight harder to put the blaze out than the master would. If the master got sick, the house Negro would say, “What’s the matter, boss, we sick?” We sick! He identified himself with his master more than his master identified with himself.

And if you came to the house Negro and said, “Let’s run away, let’s escape, let’s separate,” the house Negro would look at you and say, “Man, you crazy. What you mean, separate? Where is there a better house than this? Where can I wear better clothes than this? Where can I eat better food than this?”

That was that house Negro. In those days he was called a “house nigger.” And that’s what we call him today, because we’ve still got some house niggers running around here.

Muslims have forgot the spirit of Islam---Muhajireen who were from the Quresh tribe uniting with Aws and Kazarj in the name of one Allah and Islam against the Mushrikeen of Mecca who were their own blood relatives...Alas, the idol of "watan" is held in more esteem than the teachings of Islam, and in the name of watan, Muslims are willing to support a Mushrik power in committing atrocities against Kashmiris who refuse to be "House negros".
@Desert Fox @Hakikat ve Hikmet @MUSTAKSHAF @Areesh @Pakhtoon yum @Taimur Khurram
Well to be honest they are a part of India and I do not expect them to have any ounce of good feelings for Pakistan. There are many Muslims in India and a few even in Pakistan (unfortunately) who believe Pakistan was a conspiracy of British to divide and weaken the Muslim population of United (British) India.
House Negros.

There was the house Negro and the field Negro. The house Negroes – they lived in the house with master, they dressed pretty good, they ate good ’cause they ate his food — what he left. They lived in the attic or the basement, but still they lived near the master; and they loved their master more than the master loved himself. They would give their life to save the master’s house quicker than the master would.

The house Negro, if the master said, “We got a good house here,” the house Negro would say, “Yeah, we got a good house here.” Whenever the master said, “we,” he said “we.” That’s how you can tell a house Negro. If the master’s house caught on fire, the house Negro would fight harder to put the blaze out than the master would. If the master got sick, the house Negro would say, “What’s the matter, boss, we sick?” We sick! He identified himself with his master more than his master identified with himself.

And if you came to the house Negro and said, “Let’s run away, let’s escape, let’s separate,” the house Negro would look at you and say, “Man, you crazy. What you mean, separate? Where is there a better house than this? Where can I wear better clothes than this? Where can I eat better food than this?”

That was that house Negro. In those days he was called a “house nigger.” And that’s what we call him today, because we’ve still got some house niggers running around here.

Muslims have forgot the spirit of Islam---Muhajireen who were from the Quresh tribe uniting with Aws and Kazarj in the name of one Allah and Islam against the Mushrikeen of Mecca who were their own blood relatives...Alas, the idol of "watan" is held in more esteem than the teachings of Islam, and in the name of watan, Muslims are willing to support a Mushrik power in committing atrocities against Kashmiris who refuse to be "House negros".
@Desert Fox @Hakikat ve Hikmet @MUSTAKSHAF @Areesh @Pakhtoon yum @Taimur Khurram

You have to understand that BJP/RSS nationalists have been beating this kind of obedience into the Muslims for decades. After Pakistan was created the Indian Muslim was bound to live a miserable life in Hindustan. Even the Dalits have more spine in India. They stand up for their rights and demand respect. The Muslims don't have that. They don't have a leader or a central figure that can lead them. The Indian Muslims are like headless chickens. The Hindus spank them all day long.

We don't expect the Indian Muslim to fight with the majority. They can never win that fight. The Indian Muslim has surrendered. There is no courage to fight injustice. The Indian Muslim is mentally broken. The Indian Muslim can only survive by licking the boots of his Hindu master.

Notice how other minority groups are fighting for their place within India. Compare that with Indian Muslims.
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You have to understand that BJP/RSS nationalists have been beating this kind of obedience into the Muslims for decades. After Pakistan was created the Indian Muslim was bound to live a miserable life in Hindustan. Even the Dalits have more spine in India. They stand up for their rights and demand respect. The Muslims don't have that. They don't have a leader or a central figure that can lead them. The Indian Muslims are like headless chickens. The Hindus spank them all day long.

We don't expect the Indian Muslim to fight with the majority. They can never win that fight. The Indian Muslim has surrendered. There is no courage to fight injustice. The Indian Muslim is mentally broken. The Indian Muslim can only survive by licking the boots of his Hindu master.

stupid bast ards dont get it it means war but they just cower down.
then let them eat beef... will you allow them. Just a question

I totally support Muslims right to eat beef or for that matter anyone in India who wants to. I think those hindutvadis that are making a fuss over cow killing and inciting religious/communal violence over cow killing to be prosecuted and brought to justice immediately. Personally I find these laws stupid and backwards.

Nevertheless, India is a democracy and if the lawmakers of those states being representatives of the population choose to make such laws, we have to live with them. We simply have to wait till the next election cycle to take these clowns out of power and vote saner minds in. Repeal such laws with the processes in place.

To give you a parallel, Living in the US, I may not have voted or like trump with his policies, but he is president and we have to live with it for now. It is our job to vote him out in the next cycle. Doesn’t mean America has become the right wing state that many here build it out to be. The American constitution, just like the Indian one is secular and doesn’t favor one group over the other.
Absolute scum. Forget Pakistan for a moment. These Indian Muslims don't even stand for their Kashmiri brothers. They don't have unity among themselves. So disgusting and despicable.

You should have asked him how he felt about RSS Hindu fanatics raping Indian Muslims and chopping them up in the streets of Gujarat.
They are blinded by such historical facts instead they would rather bow down to the feet of their leader Narinder Modi who was Infact responsible for the Gujurat massacre as he the state minister of the state and gave the killing orders to his Hindutva RSS & Shiv Sena militias to rape/mutilate Muslims and burn down mosques. Yet still an Indian Muslim will still abuse Pakistan. Makes no sense at all. The best teenage is when an Indian Muslim lady marries a Pakistani lol

Since you replied to my comment inside it.. if that is the rt way to put it... hence i am replying by copying ur comments below and underlining them.
Post # 196:
I was VERY specific. I took your example and applied it to myself, and found it seriously defective. How much more specificity did you hope for?

Yes, you are correct. U did answer me straight by the following comment

Post # 175:
Brilliant effort.
I tried to apply this formula and failed. Whether I am among a crowd of Pakistanis, or a crowd of Indians, my opinions don't change. I haven't found any others who change their opinions the way you say either. It seems that you live in an unreal land of dreams. I suggest you go back to sleep

Now, this above message was in response to my comment/post # 75 of this thread. Read my post 75 again and see how your comment above answers any of the comments raised by myself.

Now to the second part of your answer in post 196:
And changing your mind is not an option? You are eternally right, and anyone who challenges your opinion is eternally wrong?
If you read my post # 75 and other post in this thread then you would see that i clearly said indian muslims are patriots where as many posts on this thread and in other threads claim otherwise...which is essentially not true. I even commended / praised indians loyalty to their region or to their countrymen.
In my other posts on this thread i have also said many times that both countries do mischief, both cause harm and injury and both are equally to be blamed. You still think I am narrow minded and not willing to change my opinions.
For your satisfaction let me say it again.... Your hurt can not be of higher magnitude to ours when the scenario is reversed... both countries have caused harm and injury to each other and each other's countrymen. For the sake of discussion lets say that jaishe muhammad was tasked by pak government. lets agree on it provided you are willing to agree what RAW, baloch insurgent puppets and TTP are your puppets.
Point is.... based upon the above assumption it was our turn to catch u unguarded and u got hurt. Why cry a river as we are just returning the favor.

Now we can go round and round in circle discussing it and arguing over it. Point remains the same i.e. we both need to show restraint, solve our core issues and then think of proceeding in future with each other as neighbors who have to bear each other. You can not expect to subdue us, coerce us and hoodwink us into looking at your narrative only. You may be true 50% or lets say 60% at times but the same holds true for us too.

As always, i pray that sanity prevails. Good day sir
I thought burning flags were a thing of the past :feminist::feminist:

Disgusting, I hope they show as much 'courage' when the RSS mobs go for their regular mass raping and murdering rampage.
Couldn't give a toss about any of them, and nor should Pakistanis worldwide. Let them burn flags (unsuccessfully at that) as much as they want in their land.

Ive grown up with them in the UK and they are a racist community who deeply hate Pakistanis. We should never raise our voice if Gujurat 2002 reoccurres!

Oh their girls have this adoration of Pakistani men, it's crazy! Have you seen the amount of unions where the girl is Indian Muslim, groom Pakistani? I was shocked.
india is the world's most anti-muslim and racist country and they bharti muslims are showing loyalty to it. Others may not like them here but I do feel bad for them. J/K

Even if (according to your personal opinion) non Muslim Indians are the “most racist and anti Muslim”, the Indian state is not. Indian Muslims are showing their loyalty to the Indian state with its secular constitution, NOT the Indian people.
They are well entitled to show their loyalty to their homeland while not agreeing with the views of many living in it.

China treats Pakistan like an equal partner only indians think that way because they are narrow minded.
Chinese " Han"despise weeghurs not muslims themselves.If that was the case there wouldn't be alliance between us.

You should be in comedy. That was quite epic and hilarious. I’m still holding my stomach from the laughter.
I’m saving this comment for the funny section. lol

Good one lady!
I totally support Muslims right to eat beef or for that matter anyone in India who wants to. I think those hindutvadis that are making a fuss over cow killing and inciting religious/communal violence over cow killing to be prosecuted and brought to justice immediately. Personally I find these laws stupid and backwards.

Nevertheless, India is a democracy and if the lawmakers of those states being representatives of the population choose to make such laws, we have to live with them. We simply have to wait till the next election cycle to take these clowns out of power and vote saner minds in. Repeal such laws with the processes in place.

To give you a parallel, Living in the US, I may not have voted or like trump with his policies, but he is president and we have to live with it for now. It is our job to vote him out in the next cycle. Doesn’t mean America has become the right wing state that many here build it out to be. The American constitution, just like the Indian one is secular and doesn’t favor one group over the other.
reasonable answer cheers

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