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Indian Muslims are out to prove their loyalty once again.

India's violation of the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) would set a dangerous precedent for other countries

Foreign Secretary Aizaz Ahmad Chaudhry said India's violation of the Indus Waters Treaty (IWT) would set a dangerous precedent for other countries to behave similarly, but remained hopeful that India would refrain from such actions.

"Contravention of the treaty or its unilateral abrogation by India will not only violate the IWT, but also set a precedent providing other countries a possible justification to undertake similar actions," Chaudhry said while speaking to Russian news agency Sputnik.

The IWT was signed in 1960 and allocated the three eastern rivers of the Indus basin — the Ravi, Beas and Sutlej — to India, while 80 per cent of the three western ones — the Indus, Jhelum and Chenab — were allotted to Pakistan.

It was reported earlier this week that India is stepping up efforts to maximise its use of the western rivers of the Indus basin, a move that involves building large storage facilities and canals.

India has maintained that it has not fully utilised its 20pc share of the Indus waters and that the proposed water projects would not be in violation of the treaty. Pakistan has disputed these claims.

One more arrow shot in the air? Just because we are taking up that 20% share that now flows unused into the ocean, since Pakistan has not used her full share?

Why don't you do something about your own pathetic water-usage before sitting bolt upright in the middle of the night, wondering if someone is filching your water?

Chaudhry said that issues such as extremism have damaged the relationship between India and Pakistan. He reiterated the need for both countries to hold bilateral talks focused on these important issues.

“Relations between Pakistan and India have not been very good and the reason is that Pakistan and India are not having any dialogue," he said.

He added that lack of such dialogue had allowed the relationship between the two countries to deteriorate.

"We also believe that it is for the [best for] our two counties to sit at the table and share each other's perspectives,” Chaudhry said.

Brilliant logic.

Extremism has damaged the relationship; so let's talk about it, forget about stopping the extremists.

Truly rational thinking.

However, he added that the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO), a group dominated by Russia and China, was not the correct platform to hold bilateral dialogue.

Pakistan and India's full membership to the powerful SCO was approved by its Council of Heads of State at its 15th Summit last year. In July, Pakistan signed the Memorandum of Obligations (MoO) with the objective of obtaining full membership of the organisation.

Chaudhry described the SCO as "a good forum to work for maintenance of regional peace, security and stability, economy and trade."

UN's role in Kashmir
Chaudhry said the role of the UN Monitoring Observer Group in India and Pakistan was critical to peace between Pakistan and India.

"The Group can also independently monitor ceasefire violations," Chaudhry said, alleging that India had violated the ceasefire agreement 310 times since September.

He said the international community, too, should play its role in ensuring that India respects its international obligations and commitments.

Next time, pick a foreign minister who has read the pacts and treaties between India and Pakistan.


personal attacks??..


they only can do personal attacks. Why do you think they have the reputation that they have?..

448 posts and without help, and not a single personal attack! How mean is that?

Even fire refused to burn the flag... Pakistan forever...

That's because of the men with drawn swords riding white horses standing just out of camera range, willing the flames not to burn.

House Negros.

There was the house Negro and the field Negro. The house Negroes – they lived in the house with master, they dressed pretty good, they ate good ’cause they ate his food — what he left. They lived in the attic or the basement, but still they lived near the master; and they loved their master more than the master loved himself. They would give their life to save the master’s house quicker than the master would.

The house Negro, if the master said, “We got a good house here,” the house Negro would say, “Yeah, we got a good house here.” Whenever the master said, “we,” he said “we.” That’s how you can tell a house Negro. If the master’s house caught on fire, the house Negro would fight harder to put the blaze out than the master would. If the master got sick, the house Negro would say, “What’s the matter, boss, we sick?” We sick! He identified himself with his master more than his master identified with himself.

And if you came to the house Negro and said, “Let’s run away, let’s escape, let’s separate,” the house Negro would look at you and say, “Man, you crazy. What you mean, separate? Where is there a better house than this? Where can I wear better clothes than this? Where can I eat better food than this?”

That was that house Negro. In those days he was called a “house nigger.” And that’s what we call him today, because we’ve still got some house niggers running around here.

Muslims have forgot the spirit of Islam---Muhajireen who were from the Quresh tribe uniting with Aws and Kazarj in the name of one Allah and Islam against the Mushrikeen of Mecca who were their own blood relatives...Alas, the idol of "watan" is held in more esteem than the teachings of Islam, and in the name of watan, Muslims are willing to support a Mushrik power in committing atrocities against Kashmiris who refuse to be "House negros".
@Desert Fox @Hakikat ve Hikmet @MUSTAKSHAF @Areesh @Pakhtoon yum @Taimur Khurram

Interesting to see how close racism is to religious bigotry.

A few might do it under duress---others including their watan parast mullahs are more Indians then Indians themselves. Deoband and Rai bareli always supported India even pre-partition---then there are maulan azad types as well....

There have always been Muslims who side with non-Muslim powers against their own religious brothers, history is full of such creatures.

And how about the Muslims in Pakistan who war against their Muslim brothers in India?

These people in Afghanistan think of you as Dushman-e-Islam (Enemies of Islam).

Just imagine! All twenty of them?

On a point of curiousity, have you heard what Afghans think of you?
Mistake (in my opinion). Judging by current standards, try making it 2000 posts.

It's really dull talking to the same dozen people over and over again.

Did you ever stop to ask others about yourself, I wonder? Or is it a one-way street?

And that does what, exactly, to stop a fan-boy from sounding off?

The Kashmiri says that he is oppressed in his own land, after declaring Azad Kashmir, welcoming the tribals going on into the Vale, and supporting Pakistan for seventy years. That is why 44% of them wished that they were independent when polled by Pew.
what kind of shit did you smok last night. it must be cheep
so that is your excuse for committing crimes against humanity?...

pretty shame-full and so glad we dont live in a facist and oppressive india

concerning Bangladesh... writing stories doesnt help but facts do... seriously who really believe 3M million killed in less than 9 months what non sense

think (hard for an indian) for 5 seconds .....

you supposedly held the 42K soldiers ( the rest 53K were men women and children illegally held by indian army) who committed such grave horror stories and the land where it was done. Yet not a single charge was brought against those soldiers. Not even a parking ticket!!!


Are you even aware why your Prime Minister came to Shimla, to beg for the lives of the war-criminals, and why they were (reluctantly) agreed not to be prosecuted by the Bangladeshis?

I am amused by schoolkids who think they have found a chink in the narrative and jump right in.

Go home and do your homework, before you open your mouth - or burst into post - next time.

and yet want to us to believe such mubo jumbo stories?.... your fake surgical strikes was more believable then the east pakistan story.

the truth as below....

Myth-busting the Bangladesh war of 1971 | Bangladesh | Al Jazeera

View attachment 540561May 9, 2011 - My book Dead Reckoning: Memories of the 1971 Bangladesh War, the product of .... But an important reason for falsely claiming that the book .
Ah, but that was in England, not in India. You would have landed up in jail.

We could pass the hat around for a ticket for you, if you ask nicely.

Only if I get a steak done medium rare, myself; I hate curries.

What an ignorant **** can go around thinking!
it dont make difference if you eat or not.. let them eat. don’t kill them on the name cow mata.. take out this shit from your law. b..h
No I am not hinting at any soon to be coming happy moment, given the situation and phase of mind you are in, there is no hope.

YOUR marriage depends on my, umm, 'phase' of mind? I didn't realise; I will sit and meditate this evening onwards.

I wasn't by the way talking about you ...... I just replied to us being hospitable to donors, whereas our sworn enemy landed here breaking all taboos and self imposed restrictions to get a taste of our hospitality.

My mistake; I thought the previous pages were dedicated to hounding Indians, in the hope that they would not answer back.

Good job in this thread for detailing the proper belief of Muslims regarding war.

A Muslim who joins a Kaffir army to wage war on another Muslim becomes a Kaffir according to Islamic fiqh. There are no ifs and or buts about it.

If that Muslim joins and supports a Kaffir army invading and occupying a Muslim land brutally (as Kashmir or Palestine,) he becomes a Kaffir as well.

These things take one out of Islam.

As I have detailed in another thread, the kind of 'Muslims' which BJP, RSS, Bajrang Dal, and Shiv Sena promote like Dr. Abdul Kalam are actually Hindus. They are worshipers of idols and followers of Sanatan Dharma.


Worshiping any idol takes one immediately out of Islam, even to please or show respect in a misguided way. You have to renew your shahadah and promise Allah swt not to do it again.

Nobody has to say 'shame on you' to you; according to your own beliefs, your Creator will take care of those who sit in judgement, you in particular, and declare others who have recited the Shahaada as Muslims or not. Takfir is a dangerous concept, and not for an immature kid to decide. But you did it and you have all of your life to wonder what happens at the end of days.

Anything to defend your illegal theft and occupation of a 95% Muslim majority land. Shame on you.

We are watching how you are treating Kashmiris and shaking our heads in shame. Don't act self-righteous.

First tell me, does your formula apply to KSA too? Because they sided with America against another Muslim country during gulf war.

It does, but they hope you won't go and sneak to KSA about it. At least not until much later.

I think most Pakistanis just feel bad for Indian Muslims.
they are in the lowest socio-economic class.
No one rents appartments to them.
And they are at constant risk of lynchings for various reasons.

They need to condemn Pakistan every morning for fear of reprisals.
Thank God that minorities in Pakistan have no such fear.

Sheekh kababs have no feelings.
And how about the Muslims in Pakistan who war against their Muslim brothers in India?
That is IF---they ever wage a war specifically against the muslims of India. Which they don't.

The Muslims of India however who decide to enlist and harm a Muslim power which weakens the Muslim strength in the region, on the other hand, are no better than Jaffar of Bengal or Sadiq of Deccan.
Interesting to see how close racism is to religious bigotry.
Forgot to read the last paragraph?
Here it is again;
Muslims have forgot the spirit of Islam---Muhajireen who were from the Quresh tribe uniting with Aws and Kazarj(tribes of Yathrib) in the name of one Allah and Islam (and fought [against]) the Mushrikeen of Mecca who were their own blood relatives(from Quresh tribe)
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He's the kind of Muslim that Indians don't want in their country. You see the connection?

Yes, I agree with you about specific individuals unless they commit open sins such as idolatry.

However, as a dynamic religion which spans the globe, our inclusion and exclusion of particular groups defines the limits of our faith.

There are certain things which a Muslim must not do. The mere act of killing a Muslim on the battlefield in a Kaffir army or invading a Muslim land with a Kaffir army constitutes Kufr.

Regardless of the lies perpetuated by Indian spin masters and their supporters, it is a fact that Pakistan is the strongest Muslim political and military force in the region. Any actions taken against this nation and against its occupied territory of Kashmir is an attack and offense to the Islamic faith itself.

In this region of the world, we are the torchbearers and the progeny of Mujahideen, Ghazis which will brighten the light of Islam in this region.

That explains much.

If you are the progeny of Mujahideen and Ghazis, you don't automatically become distinguished. Presumably it is this inadequacy that brings out all the impotent poison.

Where did you get your facts, buddy? Hindu religious books today are being sold on streets. And imagine in Bengal, for the last 86 years (yes, you read that right) during Durgapuja whose recitation of Chandi gets played in each and every household, radio and tv sets? Birendra Krishna Bhadra, a non bramhin. And by your sense of taking part in religious practices, Hindus take part in their religion just as any other religion in the world. I am sure you were being sarcastic when you were writing the stuff I quoted.

Don't confuse the discussion by talking sense.

For Kashmiris, it is clear as night and day.

Thank you for clarifying that you are not Kashmiri, and clearing up the reason for the posts you made.
As against the 70-year record of oppression that you have to show? This is what? Another dick-measuring contest where the greatest oppressor of minorities wins? You win - hands down.

....and one more chairborne warrior gets to be an ace, by popular acclaim.

the difference is we have moved on and evolved ...while you people are getting from bad to really awful.


Are you even aware why your Prime Minister came to Shimla, to beg for the lives of the war-criminals, and why they were (reluctantly) agreed not to be prosecuted by the Bangladeshis?

I am amused by schoolkids who think they have found a chink in the narrative and jump right in.

Go home and do your homework, before you open your mouth - or burst into post - next time.

i agree your amateur level of common sense is predictable.. which is why you believe everything your government tell you

As 90% of you people are idiots... a certified fact.

Homework? ... you still in school?

oh we know from inside out you guys are deeply ugly people from inside... we did after rule you for a 1000 years.
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You instantly gripped their entire attention. Marvellous and well-timed. Were you this bright even as a baby?

Brilliant effort.

I tried to apply this formula and failed. Whether I am among a crowd of Pakistanis, or a crowd of Indians, my opinions don't change. I haven't found any others who change their opinions the way you say either. It seems that you live in an unreal land of dreams. I suggest you go back to sleep.

Nations that don't have India as a neighbour and have Pakistan instead:
  • Iran
  • Afghanistan
What a brilliant point to make.

You definitely got up from the wrong side of the bed buddy. Anyways, as i have said earlier... i ain't replying to personal comments which you indians are used to. I aint scooping that low. Whether I have or have not stopped to think, evaluate myself, ask ppl about myself or my content is not the topic here.
My response to a senior colleague from the east, who is here for almost a decade, is an admiral, has hundred + positive rating from a few thousand posts is.... I wish you would have been more topic or content specific. If you have stayed this long and contributed to the forum (as evident from your no of messages) and still do not see the root cause of the problem then i ain't gonna waste my time and energy trying to change your opinion and showing you the other side of the picture.
Hopefully sanity will prevail and in time things will settle down between the 2 nations. Someday you may be intrigued to take off your red glasses and it is only then that you will realize that we Pakistanis are not red in color. Good day Sir
  1. @ Tshering22

  2. "There will not be any war. Anyone, be it Pakistani or Indian thinking that there is going to be one, is only dreaming of one - considering that they are not even going to participate in the"

RE: yes know .... no Pakistani is thinking as we have lots of things to do.... but indians are having a wet dream here

PS there will be no war becos you know you will get arse handed to you on a plate.... if you thought kargil and the recent BAT skirmishes were bad.. remember there is no Nawaz Sharif around to run to america for ceasefire. Khan will finish the job.
Indian forces in Kashmir accused of human rights abuses cover-up

Rights groups say 150 top officers among Indian security forces accused of killings, abductions, torture and sexual violence in disputed region

Jason Burke in Delhi

Sat 12 Sep 2015 03.00 BST

A protester shows his injured hand from an Indian police van after he was detained during a march in Srinagar. Tens of thousands have died in the Kashmiri conflict, mainly civilians. Photograph: Farooq Khan/EPA
Two human rights groups have accused the Indian government of an “institutional cover-up” to avoid punishing dozens of high-ranking military and police officials implicated killings, disappearances, torture and sexual violence in the disputed Himalayan region of Kashmir.

A report by the International Peoples’ Tribunal on Human Rights and Justice in Kashmir and the Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP) has identified more than 900 individuals whom it blames for a range of human rights abuses carried out by Indian security forces between 1990 and 2014. They include 150 officers of the rank of major or above.

“The people alleged to be involved in these crimes cannot commit them individually. Others will have supported them or could have stopped them. We looked at officers at a higher level who knew about the human rights abuses. This was a systematic tactic and policy,” said Khurram Parvez, one of the report’s authors.

Kashmir was split between India and Pakistan when the two nations gained their independence from Britain in 1947. From the late 1980s until today a brutal insurgency has pitted Indian security forces and police against Islamic militants, some backed by Pakistan, and separatists in the former princedom.

Tens of thousands have died in the conflict, mainly civilians, and both sides have committed serious human rights abuses.

In recent years the violence has declined, but the dispute over the region continues to fuel deep animosity between the two nuclear-armed neighbours, while many Kashmiris continue to demand independence from both, or at least a greater degree of autonomy.

There have long been allegations of torture and arbitrary detention by Indian security forces during the conflict. In 2010, leaked diplomatic cables revealed a briefing by the the International Committee of the Red Cross to US officials that details a range of abuses in detention facilities run by the Indian army as well as by local police and paramilitaries.

A relative of Auqib Ahmad Bhat mourns on seeing his dead body during his funeral in Balpora. According to relatives, Bhat, 22, who was a water-tanker driver ferrying water to Indian army camps, was beaten to death by Indian paramilitaries. However, police have denied the charge and say he was killed in a road accident. Photograph: Yawar Nazir/Getty Images
Last week six soldiers, including a colonel and a captain, were given life sentences by a court martial for their role in the 2010 killing of six local Kashmiri civilians, whom they had falsely claimed were extremist infiltrators in order to gain a cash reward. The incident prompted widespread rioting and anger.

Some have seen the judgment as part of an effort to change local perceptions of the Indian security forces in Kashmir.

Ajai Shukla, a military analyst and former officer who served two terms in Kashmir, said: “The fact that the army has court-martialled mid-ranking officers is a hopeful sign of a changed approach. It does not mean the velvet glove is replacing the iron fist entirely but shows a recognition that it cannot be business as usual with human rights violations covered up.”

Parvez, of the Kashmir group, said it was too early to judge the impact of the recent convictions. “In other cases there have been similar judgments but they have been quashed on appeal and the men involved reinstated. We will have to see what happens now,” he said.

The report documents the extrajudicial killings of 1,080 people and enforced disappearances of 172 people in detail as well as further cases of torture and sexual violence. It identifies 972 individual perpetrators, including hundreds of paramilitaries and auxiliaries who worked alongside military forces.

Shukla, the former soldier, said human rights groups were not sufficiently sceptical of accounts given by victims or their relatives in an environment polarised by decades of conflict.

A spokesman for the Indian army in Kashmir said he had no comment to make on allegations of human rights abuses by military personnel.

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Need more proof ?......i.e. that indians (hindus) from inside are a deeply ugly people.
Now are you asking about what Islam tells us about it or what the modern realpolitiks tell us to do since you guys seem to confuse those two alot by making fun of Ummah etc. Let me make it clear...What the Muslim states and their rulers do is not necessarily what Islam teaches them to do.
@Pan-Islamic-Pakistan @Desert Fox @Clutch @Taimur Khurram

@Nilgiri I know that you won't agree and will dislike what I have said. But I am not like those semi-secular or secular Muslims who have forgotten their roots and are desperately trying to conform to the values of the modern world. I consider my beliefs to be unshakable despite the fact that many of my own countrymen do not agree with such "extreme" views.

Sorry for interrupting your sermon, but the main objection to ridiculous posts was that Pakistan, as a nation filled with Muslims, was not necessarily a Muslim nation. The burden of guilt for attacking a fellow Muslim does not apply to fighting with Pakistan.

If I can survive in a :usflag: jail then UK jail is cake to me. I have 0 tolerance for extreme nationalists and racial supremacists.

Surviving in jail is your problem entirely; my own advice, kindly meant, is to avoid getting into one. As for your second sentence, that degree of intolerance can only lead to self-hatred, and to subsequent, darker consequences.

Afgoonistan: Pretty soon they will be over run by the Afgan Taliban. according you people we are best friends. So that problem will be over soon. Even india know which way the wind is blowing... and hence the "secret" talks with taliban

Iran: oh this is funny. yes we have border management issues more to do with lack our regular army posted there as even the iranis admit they cannot defend the border with out Pakistan's help. but do not even try to equate with Kashmir.

Kashmir is something you shamelessly cheated and stole. Muslim majority lands should have gone to Pakistan. But as usual you broke agreement and relying on a faggot of a hindu king to sign accession to india.

Muslim rulers behave so much better, giving up their state to hindu india due to large hindu populations

Come back when you have passed school, or crossed 2000 posts, either or both of them.

what kind of shit did you smok last night. it must be cheep

It macks my sellping go hiwire. Come bak wen you have passt school or crosed 2000 posts.

it dont make difference if you eat or not.. let them eat. don’t kill them on the name cow mata.. take out this shit from your law. b..h

They eat. In states where it is allowed, the majority of states, they eat. Do your homework, pass school, cross 2000 posts and come back.

That is IF---they ever wage a war specifically against the muslims of India. Which they don't.

The Muslims of India however who decide to enlist and harm a Muslim power which weakens the Muslim strength in the region, on the other hand, are no better than Jaffar of Bengal or Sadiq of Deccan.

Forgot to read the last paragraph?
Here it is again;
Muslims have forgot the spirit of Islam---Muhajireen who were from the Quresh tribe uniting with Aws and Kazarj(tribes of Yathrib) in the name of one Allah and Islam (and fought [against]) the Mushrikeen of Mecca who were their own blood relatives(from Quresh tribe)
That is IF---they ever wage a war specifically against the muslims of India. Which they don't.

The Muslims of India however who decide to enlist and harm a Muslim power which weakens the Muslim strength in the region, on the other hand, are no better than Jaffar of Bengal or Sadiq of Deccan.

Forgot to read the last paragraph?
Here it is again;
Muslims have forgot the spirit of Islam---Muhajireen who were from the Quresh tribe uniting with Aws and Kazarj(tribes of Yathrib) in the name of one Allah and Islam (and fought [against]) the Mushrikeen of Mecca who were their own blood relatives(from Quresh tribe)

There is no such thing as a Muslim nation. Only individual Muslims.

Better luck next time.
as a nation filled with Muslims, was not necessarily a Muslim nation.
Let me correct that for you;
Pakistan, as a nation filled with Muslims, was not necessarily a *Islamic nation
The burden of guilt for attacking a fellow Muslim does not apply to fighting with Pakistan.
I think that I have already answered that;
The Muslims of India however who decide to enlist and harm a Muslim power which weakens the Muslim strength in the region, on the other hand, are no better than Jaffar of Bengal or Sadiq of Deccan.
Monarchy isn't Islamic either; Siding with a totally non-Muslim power to weaken a Muslim power however is an act of kuffar. regardless of how people like you who have zero knowledge about Islam try to prove otherwise. Period

Since you are neither a Muslim(Sermon not intended for you), nor someone who wants to learn(infact you're someone who is merely trolling), I would refrain from quoting further.

And of course people who deny ummah and jihad will look like true practicing Muslims to people like you.


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