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Indian intelligence involvement in Bangladesh land mass from 1947-today

There is a broad pattern. Ever since the Radcliffe borders were drawn, our landmass became subject to intelligence operations of India. I have covered some details of the earlier era from 1960's to 1971 25th March here:

Now we want to cover the period from 1971 26 March till today. The Bangladesh period.

During 1971 war of liberation, RAW played a positive role, in most Bangladeshi eye, except for a very small percentage. But after the war was won, the public mood soured of Indian hand of interference in Bangladesh.

RAW failed to save Mujib and most of his family in 1975, when they were killed by mostly a group of former freedom fighter Army officers in a coup.

The period between 1975 to 1981 was a period of RAW failure. But RAW made a come back with Ershad and using Ershad to manage the killing of Zia by remote control (my own impression, I could be wrong). Ershad is one of those stealth RAW assets in my opinion.

So Ershad era from 1981 to 1991 was an era of RAW success.

1991-1996 KZ rule was a RAW failure.

1996-2001 RAW made a come back with Hasina led AL.

2001-2006 KZ rule was another RAW failure.

2007-2009 was a RAW success using their asset Gen. Moeen, who helped bring Hasina led AL back in a rigged election.

2009-present AL misrule, people are tired as before. Now RAW is trying some new methods to destroy both Jamat and BNP cadre forces and make AL rule permanent in Bangladesh. Shahbag movement is the major deceptive public face of this new project.
all say the same...besides anything new there??
RAW is turning Bangladesh into A battle field for Indian Interest | BDINN.com

RAW is turning Bangladesh into A battle field for Indian Interest
Oct 23, 2010
Abu Zafar Mahmood, NY
(Dedicated the Article in honor of the assassinated 56 Military officers in Pilkhana in Feb 25-26th, 2010)


Indian RAW and Bangladeshi DGFI-NSI Jointly operate in Bangladesh that indicates a new reality where the doubts are raising heads from the smokes.
1. Is Bangladesh government really gone under Indian government’s command and control?
2. Is Bangladesh commanded by Indian Armed forces?
3. Is RAW determining the fate of Bangladesh and becoming a self-made colonial power?
4. Did the present Government allow RAW to operate inside Bangladesh secretly?
5. Is Indian and Awami league Government executing the Indira-Tajuddin treaty of 1971?
6. Is Awami league government really going to war against China and Pakistan and becoming the tail of Indian Armed forces?
7. Is Indian Army taking revenge against the Bangladeshi Army for 1965 war where the East Bengal Regiment of the Pakistani Army fought against Indians? Are Indians playing bluffing plans to crush Bangladesh Armed forces again and again?
8. Are India and other anti-Muslim powers jointly adapting the tactful war strategy against Bangladesh, the connecting route of South and East Asia to take control over it, as the war in Afghanistan experienced the same in the route way to Central and South Asia?

Answers and Analysis:

Bangladesh is thrown under a massive battle; internal and externally where as it needs internal unity, peace and strength for survival and advancement for its citizens. Let us summarize the political situation of Bangladesh.
1) Some weak and known political figures are facing with embarrassing situation and always fighting with each other. But the main shows are being controlled by a most corrupt, greedy, liar, cruel syndicate of Political-Administrative-Business-Army- Currency launderers-Smugglers-Police- Educationists-Youths-Intelligence and Judicial groups.
2) They are assigned to turn Bangladesh vulnerable as soon as possible, before the war appears in borders between India vs. China-Pakistan for a muscle show before it can be counted as a regional super power. American and European war industries need to egg these powers to war in order to keep Asia weak in economy.
3) Bangladesh Armed forces, Intelligence directorates, police and RAB will be re-set up gradually and bringing under Indian command and control.
4) The ownerships of the export oriented Industries are gradually being transferred to Indians and the continued strikes and the setting of fires in the rest of the industries are acts of sabotage by RAW operatives.
5) All exports channels are to be jammed (the recent problems at Chittagong port is an example).
6) The Hospitals and Universities are being set up to bring poisonous drug addiction in a commando form of distribution network.
7) Avoiding democratic norms and practice and terrorizing the non pro-Indian society, the administration and law and order officials.
8) Leaders of BNP and Jamaat parties are being pushed to numbness.
9) The general public are becoming frustrated by Indian dominance and are already venting reactions.

Let us touch some points of the regional muscle power competitions, such as;
1) Indian Military Chief General V K Singh on 15th October, 2010 declaring the possibility of a conventional war against China and Pakistan and also the possibility of using Nuclear weapons.
2) Indian Ambassador in Washington DC, Meera Shankar expressed concerns about the Chinese heavy military enforcement in Indian Eastern and Western borders and the building of powerful Rail stations and Rail communications closest to India-Pak and India-China borders.
3) Pakistan has exposed their strong alignment with China in all respects; Military, financial, communication and gas pipe line. The newly built Pakistani Gwadar sea port is being transferred to the Chinese authorities which makes easier for its naval moves in the Indian Ocean and the multi-diversified routes to central Asia also.
4) CNN circulated news of Bin Laden’s stay in Pakistan. Ex-President of Afghanistan Borhanuddin Rabbani becomes the President of the Afghan Peace Council for a Taleban-Afghan government formal negotiations in order to quiet down the war and establish peace in Afghanistan.
5) Pakistan stands with major roles and Iran also supports the NATO in peace making.
6) Defense Secretary Robert Gates has announced his support to the peace process in Afghanistan from the NATO Headquarters in Brussels (Alzazeera, Reuters).
7) India has been demolishing the natural design of power routes of Bangladesh (Muslim majority country and enemy) for turning it permanently disabled.
Afghanistan is located in a strategically connecting route to Central and South Asia and close to Russia and Iran. Bangladesh is the strategically connecting route to South and East Asia and close to China and India. RAW is frustrated in Afghanistan and is now stationing in Bangladesh as a regional center.

“India-Pakistan recent debate on war issue: China irritating and worrisome to India” was the news headline of Tibetan Review.net on October 17th, 2010. The Indian Army Chief, General V K Singh, on October 15th, called the terror infrastructure across his country’s western border and China’s rising military prowess as irritating and worrisome, reported the Times of India online on October 15.

Addressing a seminar on “Indian Army: Emerging Roles and Tasks in New Delhi”, Singh has said, regarding China, we have a rising China, both economically and militarily. Although we have CBMs in place, although we have a very stable border, yet we have border disputes. He has said, a conventional war with China or Pakistan was highly uncertain but explained that skirmishes can occur. “Pak, China irritants for India: Army Chief ” was another headline of the Deccan Chronicle. The entire news is detailed for the viewers.

New Delhi, Oct. 15: In a candid declaration on Friday, the Army chief, Gen. V.K. Singh, described Pakistan and China as two irritants for Indian national security.
On China, the Army chief cautioned that India has a border disputes with a rising China and said Chinese intentions need to be examined.
On Pakistan, he said there was certain amount of support for terror groups in that country and that India had something to worry about as long as the time terror camps in that country were intact.
The Army chief also said that while conventional war was not certain, skirmishes were possible and that India should have substantial conventional war-fighting capabilities along with the ability to fight in a nuclear scenario. He said, We have a rising China with economic and military capabilities. Although we have Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) in place and a stable border, we have a border dispute (with China). The intentions (of China) need to be looked at.
The Indian Army already has a doctrine in place to fight a two-fronts war in case of the eventuality of any joint aggression by India’s neighbors. But interestingly, the IAF chief, Air Chief Marshal P.V. Naik, warned later in the day that a country (adversary)-specific policy could lead India into an arms race and that therefore, the armed forces need to have a capability-specific policy rather than country-specific policy “.

The two statements are being interpreted in some quarters as a possible difference in perception on the issue by the two service chiefs. Pakistanis reaction was published in the Indian Express on October 16th, 2010. Pakistan on Saturday reacted angrily to the Indian Army chief’s remarks describing the country as a major irritant for India’s security and about the possibility of a war in a nuclear scenario, saying they were ‘jingoistic’ and ‘unwise’.

Rejecting the allegations made by Indian Army chief Gen V K Singh, Foreign Office spokesman Abdul Basit said in a statement: “The government of Pakistan takes a serious exception to the reported statement of the Indian Army chief about his threat perception from Pakistan, war under a nuclear scenario and uncalled for and gratuitous comments on the internal affairs of Pakistan.”
The repetitive mentions by Indian Army’s high command “about war under the nuclear scenario is not only irresponsible but also jingoistic and unwise,” Basit said. “Such statements and grandstanding by India are evidently unhelpful to the cause of promoting peace, security and stability in South Asia,” he added.

The statement and counter statement gradually fueling the angers of two enemy countries -India and Pakistan and the Bangladeshis have been witnessing the symbol of such preparation from couple of years since the affairs of Indian Horses and a full General in Bangladesh which appeared more clearly with the Pheelkhana attack in Dhaka in February 25-26, 2010 under the democratic champion regime of Sheikh Hasina.

In which direction Bangladesh Government moves?
Hasina Government and India have been exercising all efforts in executing the points of treaty with Indo-BD Govt. in 1971 in different style. Though that Colonial Roadmap was not followed during the regimes of Sheikh Mujibur Rahman and Ziaur Rahman when they were leading Bangladesh. However, both were assassinated under covert sabotage of the foreign powers.
As Hasina and Khaleda are Indian loyalist politicians and the former one is a 100% useful when the latter is found to be worthless, India has chosen the right ally for them in the right time and extends 12 hands to create vulnerabilities in Bangladesh categorically as per their routine. RAW has already set up their operatives in all spheres of the society and the state administration.
Bangladesh is the icon to the bordering neighbours On the other hands, It is widely known to the leaders of the world that Bangladesh has become the icon to the people of her neighbouring Indian provinces who have been living in the poorest region and vulnerable states of India and Nepal, Bhutan and Arakan state of Burma. The Private sectors are booming fastest and the neighbours are rushing in to get jobs and higher social lives in Bangladesh.

Indian policy makers have been witnessing the rapid growing economy in Bangladesh with anger as their people of the Northern states are gradually depending on Bangladesh. All most 50% of the Indian region is influenced by the socialists and communists. This vast area been discriminated by the Indian mainstream politics since the National Congress government took over the governance of India in 1947.

That area holds common historical and cultural commonness with present day Bangladesh and there are differences with the Delhi line of administration. In due course this vast region, which has been heading up and engaged in guerrilla warfare for Independence, is becoming the important consumers of most Bangladeshi products where as the Indian government has been trying to keep Bangladesh as a hub of internal smuggling zone and a buffer state.

War-torn Bangladesh is the demand of the RAW. RAW represents the military, political and economic interests of the Indian Aryan capitalists. So, they are now engaged in a radical operation to distabilise Bangladesh through ‘friend and enemy’ Channakyo tactics.

It is not fighting terrorism but rather engaging Bangladesh in war:

Mr. R K Meghan alias Sanayima, the Chairman of United National Liberation Front (UNLF) Meitei rebel group was been arrested from Lalmatia in Mohammadpur, Dhaka city on September 29th, 2010. He was taken in a swoop by a joint operation of the Bangladesh and Indian Intelligences. The news was published in Indian Express.com website.

This UNLF was established in November 24th ,1964 and has been fighting for liberating Manipur and building a socialist society . It is the oldest Meitei group and might have the link with National Socialist Council of Nagaland (NSCN), KUKI Nnational Army, United Liberation Front of Assam (ULFA) and other guerrilla groups.

Raj Kumar Meghen is the current Chairman of the UNLF. Bangladesh Government has never dealth in any business with them but this rebel leader might have taken shelter with a disguised name in Bangladesh as thousands of Indians enter and stay here without valid passport for the safeyt and sound life of their families. But there are lot of doubts to use Meghen to propagate against Bangladesh which RAW used to do for targeting the country in keeping pressure. Though it will be useless effort.

My views:
My personal opinion is that a guerrilla leader who cannot support himself from saving from enemies, he is not capable to support his poor and backward nation for their liberation. He should accept the death in smile. I am guerrilla fighter and we liberated Bangladesh. RAW supported us as it was in Indian interests to break and cut off Pakistan, a Muslim enemy country.

Now, Mr. K Meghan is dishonoured and might be killed because the Indian government never honours the humanity and spirit of liberation.
On what legal basis are these joint operations being carried out in Bangladesh?
There must be some legal agreement allowing RAW to operate in tandem with the DGFI or NSI on Bangladesh soil.
When was this agreement signed and by whom?
More importantly is there a reciprocal agreement allowing DGFI and NSI to operate alongside RAW in India? If not then why have we allowed this liberty to Indian foreign intelligence for them to operate in Bangladesh?
MBI MUNSHI a young Barrister and a researcher from Dhaka wanted to know the answers of these questions and invited some one to share their thoughts on it.
I feel honoured in sharing with my friend. Once I was a special guest in the National Press Club, Dhaka during my visit to Bangladesh. Possibly from the present Government side everybody will keep shut their mouths as this is the culture of the slaves vis a vis their lords, and on the other hands the cabinet has no liberty to comment on this issue. The top gambling issues are limited to the top circle affairs. So blaming of the DGFI and NSI for such covert action is not acceptable in any way as they are carrying out the orders of the supreme authorities.

Remember Please, untold small and important clue for the Analysts of the Indo-BD relations. General Ataul Gani Osmani, the Chief of Mukti Bahini and the Chief of Bangladesh Armed forces was allowed to enter in Dhaka but not to enter Dhaka Cantonment until and unless the Indian Army vacated Bangladesh. The Chief of Army Staff had to open up the Army Headquarter in a small room in an old building on Minto Road, Dhaka. The original handwritten lists of the Indian trained Mukti Bahini was taken away forcefully from that office by Sheikh Kamal and were burnt as RAW decided of creating the situation to let Bangladeshis know it was the Indian war against Pakistan and India won the battle. All the office staffs witnessed the anarchic demonstration and the matter was reported to Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.

Major Mohammed Abdul Jalil, the brave sector commander of the 9th Sector during the liberation war of Bangladesh, was arrested by Indian Army with the consent of BD Government when Major Jalil opposed them in passing our million dollars valued weapons and ammunitions to India from Bangladesh. The Indian Army carried everything even the window cover, pillow cover, bad sheet, chair, table, electric wire, light bulbs, kitchen staffs, bathroom fittings etc, what ever they found nearby and did not allow any Bangladeshi Army officer to enter in the cantonment zone.
Bangladesh Government did keep silent and did not stand with Major Jalil in saving the national properties. Every one of the top layer of the politics was engaged in saving their own skin as if their only job was to prove their utmost loyalty to the Indian Army.

These all are the consequences of a covert treaty between India and Bangladesh government signed by Indian and the Bangladesh government in exile in October 1971. This treaty was initiated by Indian foreign Intelligence- RAW. Honourable Premier Tajuddin Ahmed was active to collect the signatures from all the ministers of the exile BD Government. The honourable acting President Syed Nazrul Islam became sick and nervous after going through the documents of the treaty which he signed earlier at the Prime Minister’s request and without reading it. The fact was disclosed by the then Chief of Bangladesh Mission in Delhi Mr. Humayun Rashid Chaudhury (later Foreign Minister during General Ershad’s rule) in his interview (Masudul Haq; RAW and CIA in the liberation war of Bangladesh).

We know it has happened because of the lack of statesmanship and the lack of military thinking at the level of the then politicians who had no experience even to run a provincial government of East Pakistan. Mr. Tajuddin Ahmed was a pro-socialist believer and Pro Indo-Soviet liner. He did not consult with the Mukti Bahini sector commanders.

USA Ambassador Boster saved Mujib and Bangladesh:
It was fact that Sheikh Mujib managed Finance Minister Mr. Tajuddin to resign from the Government position in the same day, the document was taken to Prime Minister in his breakfast table by Khondkar Mostaque Ahmed.
The then HE American Ambassador Davis Eugene Boster in Dhaka promised and extended his full support in having the clear consent of the President of United States of America in saving the life of Prime Minister Sheikh Mujibur Rahman on that day when he was invited and requested for the American support in case of any Indian attack on him (Shekh Mujib) and Bangladesh.
White House did the accurate act when it was needed. (This fact was collected and reconfirmed by responsible Intelligence Sources).

The Indo-BD treaty was signed in October 1971 in Delhi. The main 7 points of the treaty are as follows;-
1) After the establishment of Bangladesh, the administrative officers who actively participated in the war of liberation would remain in their posts. The rest would be terminated and vacant posts would be filled up by the Indian administrative officers.
2) After the liberation of Bangladesh the required number of soldiers would remain in Bangladesh (No time limit was laid down).
3) Bangladesh would not form and maintain any formal regular Armed Forces.
4) To maintain internal security and law and order a militia would be formed comprising of the freedom fighters.
5) The Chief of Staff of the Indian Armed Forces would lead the probable war with Pakistan. The Mukti Bahini (Freedom Fighters) would work under the command of Indian Armed forces.
6) Trade Transactions between the two countries would be free and open. The volume of trade would be calculated once in a year and the price would be paid in pound sterlings.
7)The Foreign Ministry of Bangladesh would maintain a close liaison with the External Affairs Ministry of India and the latter would assist the former as per as possible.

This information of the treaty also was mentioned in the book of Dr. Kali Das Baddyo who was dedicated in keeping liaisons for Bangladesh liberation, having the trusted connections with Awami League leaders and RAW and became an Indian citizen after his assigned mission was successful. His next mission has the name of Bangobhumi: separating Hindu inhabited regions of Bangladesh.
The leaders are lying everyday and shamelessly appearing to the public with their terrorizing attitude against their competitors. These snake-charmers never care about those snakes that are already staying around and inside both the political power circles and waiting for the appropriate time to bite and kill.

Projects and failures:
a) Bangladesh is already isolated from the Muslim world, especially Saudi Arabia and Malaysia, with collapsing of remittances from these two major manpower markets. Money launderers are supported by the government. Crime world is awarded an upper hand. Smuggling routes are kept unguarded. Major Garment factories are being transferred to Indian owners. Manpower exporting channels are being mishandled. Indian Hindu and non-Muslims are found being exported to Muslim countries with fake Muslim names for sabotage against Bangladesh. Internally terrorizing the Muslim citizens and encouraging non-Muslims and Indians (with fake identity) in important Govt. positions of the country and allowing Indian RAW operations in freehand across the country to take control.
b) The State Bank of India is going to replace Bangladesh Bank to collect the remittances from abroad following the case of Bhutan. The Bhutanese are collecting local currencies from local banks against those remittances. The Bhutanese have to remit in the State Bank of India. Finance Minister M A Muhit already exposed the Sonali Exchange abroad as a loosing concern in a reception meeting organized by Dhaka University Alumni Association, USA in Jackson Heights, and NewYork on October 11,2010 which is a motivated campaign on the basis of the govt. policy. Sonali Exchange might close if the RAW guidance functions accurately.

RAW is already stationed Dhaka. It must be closed soon. But that will need the changed situation which will be enough to compel them to return back. May be their insecurities or other alternative. CIA might play a negotiating role in it. The Intelligence agencies of Bangladesh should be utilized to collect the information to secure the country’s interests; the industries, trades, educational systems, health and communications and sea lanes and to protect the country from smuggling of poisonous drugs, arms etc and saving from the regular attacks from the Indian and Myanmar sides in the border areas.

Intelligence agency is needed to save exports and manpower markets and to secure the routes of remittances and other interests in abroad. We do not permit anybody to rent our Intelligence directorates to India for their internal vulnerabilities. The patriot intellectuals, bureaucrats and diplomats are welcome to turn about and take lead to change the political decisions and bring back the steering of the country towards the safest journey.
(The writer is a freelance journalist, freedom fighter, political analyst and an observer of Indian Ocean region).

Indian RAW operations in South Asian countries


Friday June 01 2012 22:57:24 PM BDT
By Isha Khan

India's premier intelligence outfit Research and Analysis Wing (RAW)’s operations against the regional countries are conducted with great professional skill and expertise. Central to the operations is the establishment of a huge network inside the target countries. It uses and targets political dissent, ethnic divisions, economic backwardness and criminal elements within these states to foment subversion, terrorism and sabotage.

Having thus created the conducive environments, RAW stage-manage future events in these countries in such a way that military intervention appears a natural concomitant of the events. In most cases, RAW’s hand remains hidden, but more often that not target countries soon begin unearthing those “hidden hand”. A brief expose of RAW’s operations in neighboring countries would reveal the full expanse of its regional ambitions ( Open Secrets. India’s Intelligence Unveiled by M K Dhar. Manas Publications, New Delhi, 2005).

Indian intelligence agencies were involved in Bangladesh since early 1960s.In fact, the main purpose of raising RAW in 1968 was to organise covert operations in Bangladesh. As early as in 1968, RAW was given a green signal to begin mobilising all its resources for the impending surgical intervention in erstwhile East Pakistan. When in July 1971 General Manekshaw told Prime Minister Indira Gandhi that the army would not be ready till December to intervene in Bangladesh, she quickly turned to RAW for help. RAW was ready. Its officers used Bengali refugees to set up Mukti Bahini. Using this outfit as a cover, Indian military sneaked deep into Bangladesh. The story of Mukti Bahini and RAW’s role in its organisation and training is now well-known. RAW never concealed its Bangladesh operations. Interested readers may have details in Asoka Raina’s Inside RAW: the story of India’s Secret Service published by Vikas Publishing House of New Delhi.

It was partly to put an end to the activities of the ISI in India’s North-East from East Pakistan that Indira Gandhi decided to assist the Bengali-speaking people of East Pakistan in their efforts to separate from Pakistan and achieve an independent State to be called Bangladesh.

The IB before 1968 and the R&AW thereafter had built up a network of relationships with many political leaders and Government officials of East Pakistan.

The R&AW’s role was five-fold: Provision of intelligence to the policy-makers and the armed forces; to train the Bengali freedom fighters in clandestine training camps; to network with Bengali public servants from East Pakistan posted in West Pakistan and in Pakistan’s diplomatic missions abroad and persuade them to co-operate with the freedom-fighters and to help in the freedom struggle by providing intelligence; to mount a special operation in the CHT against the sanctuaries and training camps of the Naga and Mizo hostiles;and to organize a psychological warfare (PSYWAR) campaign against the Pakistani rulers by disseminating reports about the massacres of the Bengalis in East Pakistan and the exodus of refugees.(Role of RAW in Liberation of Bangladesh By B Raman, Indian Defence Review New Website » Indian Defence Review).

An American report confirmed RAW was directly involved in the secession of East Pakistan into Bangladesh and is currently engaged in similar activities. RAW has a long history of activity in Bangladesh supporting both secular forces and the area's Hindu minority masterminding the break up of Pakistan in 1971(India is a terrorist nation!).

The main objective of the RAW is to create internal trouble in neighbouring countries and take benefit from the trouble that the neighbouring countries face(Machination of RAW in South Asia and Movement of RAW in Nepal/ by Dr Shastra Dutta Pant).

The analysis of Indian foreign policy trends shows that the Indian governments had adopted an aggressive attitude and covert means for attaining its two permanent foreign policy goals: (a) to attain a hegemonic position in South Asia; (b) to play a role in international system based on Kautilyan principles. Indian governments have used intelligence agencies, not only for monitoring the activities of neighbouring States, but also as a covert forward base to achieve its goals and to implement its hegemonic policies in the region. Over the years RAW become an important instrument for promoting the hegemonic influence of India in the Asian region and has also played a significant role in enhancing India’s image as an important international actor. RAW has now acquired the important role of being the covert instrument of Indian national power and will remain decisive actor in furthering Indian interests and future Indian hegemonic ambitions in the region.

Ever since the partition of the sub-continent India has been openly meddling in Nepal's internal affairs by contriving internal strife and conflicts through RAW to destabilise the successive legitimate governments and prop up puppet regimes which would be more amenable Indian machinations. Armed insurrections were sponsored and abetted by RAW and later requests for military assistance to control these were managed through pro-India leaders. India has been aiding and inciting the Nepalese dissidents to collaborate with the Nepali Congress. RAW: An Instrument Of

Indian Imperialism by Isha Khan, (RAW: An Instrument Of Indian Imperialism By Isha Khan).

India has been openly meddling in Nepal's internal affairs by contriving internal strife and conflicts through RAW to destabilize the successive legitimate governments & prop up puppet regimes which would be more amenable Indian mechanization. Armed insurrections were sponsored and abetted by RAW and later requests for military assistance to control these were managed through pro-India leaders. India has been aiding & inciting the Nepalese to collaborate with the Nepali Congress. For this they were supplied arms whenever the king or the Nepalese Government appeared to be drifting away from the Indian dictates & impinging on Indian hegemonic designs in the region. In fact under the garb of democratization process, the Maoists were actively encouraged by the RAW to collect arms to resort to open rebellion against the legitimate Nepalese governments( RAW The Rascal by Prem Raj LankaWeb News).

Indian sources, including journalists, have put on record how much before 1971 RAW had established the network of a separatist movement through ‘cells’ and military training camps in Indian territory adjoining Bangladesh. The Mukti Bahini were all in place organisationally to take advantage of the political trouble in 1971 and carry out acts of sabotage against communication lines so that Indian forces simply marched in at the ‘right’ time. RAW agents provided valuable information as well as acting as an advance guard for conducting unconventional guerrilla acts against the Pakistani defence forces.

A Mukti Bahini activist, Zainal Abedin, has written a revealing book which includes his personal experience in Indian training camps, entitled RAW and Bangladesh. It was the post-fall of Dhaka period which exposed the Indians’ true intentions and made Abedin realise that It was evident from the conduct of the Indian Army that they treated Bangladesh as a colony … It is now evident that India had helped the creation of Bangladesh with the aim that it would be a step forward towards the total Indian subjugation. RAW has since been seeking to create Indian dominance culturally, ideologically and economically in Bangladesh. Following the independence of Bangladesh‚ it signed a seven-point secret treaty with India. According to the treaty‚ all types of employees including civil employees appointed during the Bangladesh civil war should be granted permanent status‚ other employees also could be appointed only by the Indian administrative service‚ a certain number of Indian soldiers will continue to remain in Bangladesh despite independence‚ Bangladesh will not have its own army‚ for its internal security‚ it will have only militias from among the freedom fighters who will work under the Indian military command‚ the trade between the two countries will be kept open and free‚ and matters pertaining to foreign affairs will be dealt only after close consultation with the Indian foreign ministry.

The treaty had two main points. India will have its control over foreign and defence matters and Bangladesh would open its market for Indian products. Even after this‚ Indian newspapers continued to lobby for the merger of Bangladesh into India.If European countries can become a united Europe‚ why can't India go to status-quo-ante‚ or the situation prior to 1947?[31] Such were the views expressed in those newspapers(RAW in the Freedom Struggle of Bangladesh, Shastra Dutta Pant, http://www.bangladesh-web.com/view.php?hidType=HIG&hidRecord=0000000000000000042901)

In addition, RAW had also created another insurgency outfit, Shanti Bahini. This force comprises the Chittagong Hill Tracts Hindu and Buddhists tribesmen (the Chakmas) and the intention is to bleed the Bengali military and keep the border area tense( India’s unconventional war strategy by Dr Shireen Mazari, RAW facts on South Asia India’s unconventional war strategy).

The Chakma guerrillas had closely assisted RAW operatives. They were assisted during and after the liberation War. The Chakmas, after the change of govt in 1975, contacted the RAW. The Chakmas offered to infiltrate among the Mizo rebels and pass on information to the Indian govt in lieu of asylum. This offer was accepted (Inside RAW : The Story of India’s Secret Service, Asoka Raina, Vikas Publishers, New Delhi, 1981, pp.86-87).

In 1975, the RAW was instructed to assist the Chakma rebels with arms, supplies , bases and training. Training was conducted in the border camps in Tripura but specialized training was imparted at Chakrata near Dehra Doon. Shantu Larma’s Shanti Bahini members were flown to Chakrata and then sent back to Tripura to infiltrate into Chittagong Hill Tracts. A RAW office and its operatives at Agartala monitored the progress of the trainees. In 1976, the Shanti Bahini launched its first attack on the Bangladesh force. A new insurgency had been born and India’s secret war in the hills of Bangladesh had begun ( South Asia’s Fractured Frontier, by Binalaksmi Nepram, Mittal Pablishers, New Delhi, 2002, pp-153).

The RAW was involved in training rebels of Chakma tribes and Shanti Bahini to carry out subversive activities in Bangladesh (RAW’s role in Furthering India’s Foreign Policy, The New Nation, Dhaka, 31 August 1994). The Indian intelligence had collaborated the armed rebels of Chittagong Hill Tracts to destabilise the region ( Indo-Bangladesh Relation, Motiur Rahman, daily Prothom Alo, 10 December 2002).

RAW retained a keen interest in Bangladesh even after its independence. Mr. Subramaniam Swamy, Janata Dal MP, a close associate of Morarji Desai said that Rameswar Nath Kao, former Chief of RAW, and Shankaran Nair upset about Sheikh Mujib’s assassination chalked a plot to kill General Ziaur Rahman. However, when Morarji Desai came into power in 1977 he was indignant at RAW’s role in Bangladesh and ordered operations in Bangladesh to be called off; but by then RAW had already gone too far. General Zia continued to be in power for quite some time but he was assassinated after Indira Gandhi returned to power, though she denied her involvement in his assassination ( Weekly Sunday, Calcutta,18 September, 1988 ).

It also unleashed a well-organized plan of psychological warfare and dissension among the political parties and religious sects, control of media, denial of river waters, and propping up a host of disputes in order to keep Bangladesh under a constant political and socio-economic pressure ( “ RAW and Bangladesh” by Mohammad Zainal Abedin, November 1995, RAW In Bangladesh: Portrait of an Aggressive Intelligence, by Abu Rushd, Dhaka ).

RAW continues keeping effective contacts with the political personalities, parties and election process.

The Economist of London recently wrote: 'Ever since 2008, when the Awami League, helped by bags of Indian cash and advice, triumphed in general elections in Bangladesh, relations with India have blossomed ( India and Bangladesh: Embraceable you | The Economist ).

A couple of years back an Indian journalist Rajesh Joshi had reported that a political party of a neighbouring country received a fund of Rupees 4.5 crore from RAW( Research and Analysis Wing, India's premier intelligence outfit) in 1991 but the party was defeated (The Indian Express, 28 April 1991). It may be mentioned here that elections were only held in Bangladesh in 1991 in the subcontinent and AL was defeated in that election. Years later weekly Sugandha had a similar story on 24 April 1996.

Political parties, personalities and various outfits had received Indian fund, assistance, training etc in not too distant past. Some references:

‘The involvement of RAW in East Pakistan is said to date from the 1960s, when RAW supported Mujibur Rahman, leading up to his general election victory in 1970’ ( https://www.fas.org/irp/world/india/raw/).

‘The Bangla Desh Operation began a year before the actual operation was underway. Even when the world did get a whiff of it in the shape of the Mukti Bahani, many remained unaware of RAW’s involvement. By 1968 Indian operatives had already been in contact with the Mujib faction. Meetings convened in Agartala during 1962-63, between the IB foreign desk operatives ( Sankaran Nair) and the Mujib faction’ ( Asoka Raina in “Inside RAW: The Story of India’s Secret Service”,Vikas Publishing, New Delhi,1981. Also in "RAW in the Freedom Struggle of Bangladesh" by Dr Shastra Dutta Pant (http://www.bangladesh-web.com/view.php?hidRecord=42901).

‘ The RAW created ‘Mujib Bahini’, a special force during liberation war. Mujib Bahini was trained at the headquarters of the Aviation Research Center, RAW’s special outfit at Chakrata near Dehradun. The force was headed by Sirajul Alam Khan,Tofael Ahmed, Abdur Razzzak and Fazlul Huq Moni. After the war most members joined Rakkhi Bahini and JSD’ ( Major General Sujan Singh Uban in his “ Phatoms of Chittagong; The Fifth Army in Bangladesh”, Allied Publishers, 1985, New Delhi).

‘Kaderia Bahini’s Tiger Siddiqui , who had contacts with the RAW crossed over the border in 1975.The Indian govt’s support to Siddiqui is reported to have continued via RAW’ (Asoka Raina in “Inside RAW: The Story of India’s Secret Service”,Vikas Publishing, New Delhi,1981).

The Chakma guerrillas had closely assisted RAW operatives. They were assisted during and after the liberation War. The Chakmas, after the change of govt in 1975, contacted the RAW and offered to infiltrate among the Mizo rebels and pass on information to the Indian govt in lieu of assylum. This offer was accepted (Inside RAW : The Story of India's Secret Service, Asoka Raina, pp.86-87). The Indian intelligence had collaborated the armed rebels of Chittagong Hill Tracts to destabilise the region ( Indo-Bangladesh Relation, Motiur Rahman, daily Prothom Alo, 10 December 2002).

Swadhin Bangobhumi Andolon/Banga Sena ( led by former AL leader Chitta Ranjan Sutar) also enjoy similar help from India ( “Antaraler Sheikh Mujib”, Dr Kalidas Baidya, Kolkata, 2005).

Isha Khan
E Mail : bdmailer@gmail.com
Indian RAW Indian RAW.. more than half of Bangladesh and basically young students want these criminals to be hanged.. are all RAW agents? Nonsense!!

Please post comments about govt. backed Shahbag farcical protest in its own threads and there are multiple threads for it.
The best part of being in PDF is that i feel how powerful in my country's intelligence agency...And unfortunately no one in Indian recognises their role in promoting nation's intrest in India itself...It is so sad for RAW...I feel sympathy for the RAW team....:smitten:
It says 1947-today.

So you are admitting and suggesting that RAW is involved in stage managing the Shahbag Revolution?

I myself and entire country want war criminals to get punishment, but I personally do not prefer death penalty. But I do not support this flawed political witch hunt that is going on now in the name of some kind of trial.

Since Shahbag has its own threads, it is better that you post issue related to it there. But if you want to discuss RAW hand behind Shahbag, you are welcome to discuss it here, if you have concrete information that you want to share. I doubt however that anything will be uncovered for this event in progress now. RAW like all intelligence agency is good at covering their tracks.
So does it mean that Indian Intelligence Agency has controlled a country for so many decades ?

Whose fault is this ?

I would not do finger pointing, but suffice it to say that the result of interference will always be bad in the long term. USA did it in South America for many decades and the result is a virulent form of anti-Americanism there.
So you are admitting and suggesting that RAW is involved in stage managing the Shahbag Revolution?

I myself and entire country want war criminals to get punishment, but I personally do not prefer death penalty. But I do not support this flawed political witch hunt that is going on now in the name of some kind of trial.

Since Shahbag has its own threads, it is better that you post issue related to it there. But if you want to discuss RAW hand behind Shahbag, you are welcome to discuss it here, if you have concrete information that you want to share. I doubt however that anything will be uncovered for this event in progress now. RAW like all intelligence agency is good at covering their tracks.

I am saying whether yesterday or today.. the mass movement in Bangladesh is by Bangladeshis. If all those students are coming on street are all of them RAW agents?

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