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Indian forces killed 4 civilians near Sialkot.

yes we know pakistan army more than pakistanis in PDF because you guys only read the propagandas of PA.
well, my conclusions are from the history of pakistan army. is that new to you that the PA reject the dead bodies pakistani soldiers in kargil war?? every one in here knows about army's influence over the media of pakistan. no one will ever dare to report news against PA. if they do they will be short dead.
You are saying propaganda and then talk like some one who takes crack. Please just stop, you are taking ignorance to another level. And maybe figure out who has influence on you
Are you retarded or mentally unstable? Just out of curiosity...
And i shall answer your query son. I am merely skeptical by nature.By thoughts are not unfounded.May I remind you of how lowly your country's govts acted in initially not accepting the dead bodies of the fallen soldiers in kargil incident?.These people gave their present for your future in a futile war, but alas, GOP had no respect. Hence , I find it hard to believe GOP lies.I ope you understand my concern
Islamic Jihadi's operating in Iraq, Syria, or boko haram territory do not necessarily grow big beards but they do chant Allah hu Akbar. You need to question yourself why do these Muslims hate non Sunni Muslims and the one's who refuse to convert to Islam.

First for all we are all Muslims whether we are Sunni or Shia, and furthermore terrorists are targeting all Muslims whether it's Shia or Sunni. Just look in Pakistan, 80000+ people were killed by terrorists and most of them were Sunnis. These terrorists have been paid and trained to kill Muslims.
And secondly if some one kills a person simply because he is not converting to islam, then it's his fault and he will be punished in day of judgement. The Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said: Beware! Whosoever oppresses a non muslim or snatches (any of) his rights or causes him pain which he cannot bear, or takes anything from him without his permission, Then “I WILL FIGHT AGAINST SUCH A MUSLIM ON THE DAY OF JUDGEMENT” [Sunnan Abu Dawud, Volume No. 3, Page No. 170, Hadith No. 3052]
is that even a news, were you expecting indian soldier to kill soldiers?
If the news says India soldiers killed 5, its means 5 civilian, default answer
As to why they are fighting against the Pakistani army - I hear that the TTP blame the PA for not providing adequate cover resulting in killing of their Emir Osama Bin Laden, and for the drone strikes or the double dealing that is in operation.
Dude Osama bin Ladin was alqaeda leader he was not even TTP leader or member. TTP and alqaeda are totally different entity and lots of times in past they quarrel with each other.
The only reason they are fighting against us is because they have been paid to do so.
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