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Indian fisherman shot dead by Sri Lankan navy

Albeit a sad incident but one can understand if an odd fishing boat drifts into neighbouring countries territory but when a dozen fishing boats with almost 100 fishermen are caught out of bounds, it's deliberate poaching.


The situation in SL is far worse than Pak

As you see here in my previous post you can see thousands of Indian trawlers invading SL waters. SL Navy arrests hundreds everyweek but its beyond SL Navy can handle. SL should adopt harsher laws like handing over confiscated Indian trawlers to local fishermen or just blow them up
There have been several incidents of armed Indian fishermen attacking Sri Lankan fishermen and the navy has hardened their stance

The northern fishermen claimed that three fishermen were injured and fishing nets and a boat damaged when Indian fishermen threw petrol bombs, pelted stones and sharp objects. The incident took place off the Vadamarachchi coast. The Indian Consular General A. Nadaraja told the Sunday Times he was willing to meet the fishermen and had been informed about the incident by TNA Parliamentarian Suresh Premachandran.

The incident, the most serious during the past one year, came a day after Mr. Nadaraja hosted a dinner for nine leaders of fisheries federations in the north at a private hotel. A.J. Edward, the leader of St Mary’s fisheries federation of Kaddaikadu said they were still vulnerable to the ongoing poaching by Indian fishermen and the authorities had failed to protect them when they were attacked.


you are pushing Lankan propaganda , the ground reality is far from what you conjure, Tamil coastal areas remain as High Security Zones (HSZ). Tamil fishermen are banned from fishing in these areas and many areas. They can only fish within limited / permitted corridor with permission from Lankan military.
M. A Sumanthiran, a TNA parliamentarian
“Severe restrictions are placed on members of Tamil fishing communities, resulting in a drastic impact on their means of livelihood.

The report tabled by me in July of this year detailed the restrictions placed on members of the fishing community in Mullaitivu, especially in the areas of Kokkilaai to Chundikkulam in Kilaakaththai, Maathirikkiraamam, Uppumaaveli, Thoondai, Alambil, Semmalai, Naayaaru, Kokkuththoduvaai, and Karunaattukkernee.

These restrictions are still in place and of serious concern is the fact that several Sinhala fishermen in the area have received direct permission to fish in this area from the Ministry of Defence”.

Its estimated that at least 12,000 Sinhala fishing boats are operating in Jaffna the largest fish production district (50,000 metric ton per yr) with the navy's support to fully exploit the fish stocks.
you are pushing a Lankan propaganda , the ground reality is far from what you conjure, Tamil coastal areas remain as High Security Zones (HSZ). Tamil fishermen are banned fishing in these areas and many areas. They can only fish within limited / permitted corridor with permission from Lankan military.
M. A Sumanthiran, a TNA parliamentarian
“Severe restrictions are placed on members of Tamil fishing communities, resulting in a drastic impact on their means of livelihood.

The report tabled by me in July of this year detailed the restrictions placed on members of the fishing community in Mullaitivu, especially in the areas of Kokkilaai to Chundikkulam in Kilaakaththai, Maathirikkiraamam, Uppumaaveli, Thoondai, Alambil, Semmalai, Naayaaru, Kokkuththoduvaai, and Karunaattukkernee.

These restrictions are still in place and of serious concern is the fact that several Sinhala fishermen in the area have received direct permission to fish in this area from the Ministry of Defence”.

Its estimated that at least 12,000 Sinhala fishing boats are operating in Jaffna the largest fish production district (50,000 metric ton per yr) with the navy's support fully exploit the fish stocks.

You are still using outdated news? The restrictions on northern fishermen were removed by 2012
This is from the same person that wrote what you quoted there (M.A Sumanthiran) recently

The issue of poaching by Indian trawlers in Sri Lankan waters has over the years become an increasingly contentious one, seriously threatening the livelihood of Sri Lanka’s fishing community. Fishers being among the poorest communities in both Sri Lanka and India, it is an issue of national concern to both countries.

Indian fishermen practise bottom trawling, which entails scraping the seabed. This not only adversely impacts our marine ecosystem but also has a direct implication for the lives of fisherfolk in Sri Lanka’s Northern Province. Sri Lankan fishermen are often forced to stay ashore for fear that these trawlers will damage their nets, their primary asset for livelihood. There have even been incidents of fishermen suffering physical injuries while attempting to save their nets from being damaged by Indian trawlers.

At least 200,000 people in the Northern Province are dependent on the fisheries sector. Most of them are still struggling to rebuild their lives after a brutal civil war. Many of them were displaced, lost members of their family, and lost their homes during the bitter conflict. It is only now that they have a chance to get back to the sea. But their small boats cannot take on the massive, mechanised Indian trawlers.


these HEZs were created during the war and cannot be removed instantly however most of them have been either removed or are being removed.

Two fisheries harbours released from HSZ
4212 readers have read this article !

The Mailitti and Urani Fishing Harbours, in the Jaffna Peninsula, which remained a High Security Zone for 26 years, have been handed back to their original residents.

Government Agent of Jaffna Nagalingam Vedanayagam, who participated in the handing over, said the government's handing back these fishing harbours has added meaning to its declaration of 8-15 January as National Reconciliation Week.

Commander of the Security Brigade in charge of the Jaffna Province, Major General Mahesh Senanayake made the official announcement that the areas where the harbours were located had been released from the High Security Zone and will be handed over to the general public to engage in fishing and for resettlement purposes.


The military not only renovated them before giving them to locals but handed over boats to the local population as well
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These bharati are thieves who deliberately are after marine resources of other nations. we should kick them too.. i am fed up with releasing hundred of them every now and then..
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And where is indian navy in all this when a puny navy was doing this ?
I dont get to read even indian and pakistani navies doing this to each other.
Think about how Philippines Navy treats Taiwan fishermen...
illiterate noob's...Just check the video of their fat naval chief dadagiri
height of unprofessionalism from the top...One can only wonder the type of teaching the lower ranks are getting

@Godman @Gibbs

You happy now?

The situation in SL is far worse than Pak

As you see here in my previous post you can see thousands of Indian trawlers invading SL waters. SL Navy arrests hundreds everyweek but its beyond SL Navy can handle. SL should adopt harsher laws like handing over confiscated Indian trawlers to local fishermen or just blow them up

We need to innovate new tactics to tackle these poachers. We can learn a lot from the Icelandic Navy of Cod Wars Fame.
But how is killing justified? Has there been any single incident of Sri Lankan fishermen being killed by our authorities? Funnily though, most of these Sri Lankan fishermen are also of Tamil origin. So there is no ethnic angle here, at least in the conflict between these fishermen.

Because Sri Lankan fishermen do NOT enter indian sea deliberately to fish. And if Sri Lankan navy killed every TN fishermen who entered SL waters then we will have to kill 1000 per day.

If Tamil Nadu had a navy, Sri Lankan navy would not even dare to come at the sight of our fishermen.
If TN had a navy, still that navy would have to stay inside indian territory. And i hope they will be successful in stopping TN fishermen from entering SL side

Do you know which CM of Tamil nadu gave it a away to Sri Lanka in the 1970s?

TN did not gave any Kachchatheevu to SL, infact nor Indian government gave it. Both governments came into an agreement that SL has the right for Kachchatheevu. However the then indian government's stand needs to be respected.

Do you know how Katchatheevu is the central issue to all the fishermen conflicts today?
No. Kachchatheevu is NOT the central issue. The central issue is TN fisherment cross SL boundary and come deep inside SL territory to fish. Some are arrested even around Trinco which is far far away from Kachchatheevu
There have been several incidents of armed Indian fishermen attacking Sri Lankan fishermen and the navy has hardened their stance

The northern fishermen claimed that three fishermen were injured and fishing nets and a boat damaged when Indian fishermen threw petrol bombs, pelted stones and sharp objects. The incident took place off the Vadamarachchi coast. The Indian Consular General A. Nadaraja told the Sunday Times he was willing to meet the fishermen and had been informed about the incident by TNA Parliamentarian Suresh Premachandran.

The incident, the most serious during the past one year, came a day after Mr. Nadaraja hosted a dinner for nine leaders of fisheries federations in the north at a private hotel. A.J. Edward, the leader of St Mary’s fisheries federation of Kaddaikadu said they were still vulnerable to the ongoing poaching by Indian fishermen and the authorities had failed to protect them when they were attacked.

On Thursday around 10.00 a.m. the hour-long clash between the fishermen of the two countries erupted in the mid sea when the Indian fishermen were engaged in fishing off Kaddaikadu on Jaffna’s Vadamarachchi coastline. Kaddaikadu fishermen claimed that the Indian fishermen attacked them with firearms, sharp objects, stones and petrol bombs when they went to recover their fishing nets that had been taken by the Indians. The hour-long confrontation left three fishermen injured and their boats partly damaged.

Jamis Vengislaz, a father of three and one of the three fishermen who were injured in the attack said his fishing net worth about Rs. 500,000 was damaged by the Indian fishermen. ”When we went there to get our fishing nets they surrounded us in trawlers and started to throw petrol bombs. We brought stones with us too. It went on for about one hour and the boats were damaged. I was injured in the leg and we had to return,” he said.


Quoting an article from March 2015, and a fight btw civilians for 2 countries warrants an attack by country armed forces?
What logic is this? Tomorrow if we spar somewhere on the road you want India and SL to go war for that?

It is mostly Indian fishermen in Sri Lankan waters. SL fishermen rarely if ever come to Indian waters.

Not advocating ICG to kill civilians. The people across the border are Tamils too. But SL Navy ships who did this can be penalised by ICG.
Quoting an article from March 2015, and a fight btw civilians for 2 countries warrants an attack by country armed forces?
What logic is this? Tomorrow if we spar somewhere on the road you want India and SL to go war for that?

There was another incident last year if you look at the aticles I posted. And Indian fishermen cannot come with thousands of mechanized trawlers deep into SL waters steal fish ,attack Local fishermen and complain when the Navy and coast guard take action.

If they want to fish India has their own waters.

India needs to learn to co-exist with its other neighbours. Why pick on a small peaceful neighbour like Sri Lanka? I stand with Sri Lankans against India always. Screw India and its delusions of grandeur.
India needs to learn to co-exist with its other neighbours. Why pick on a small peaceful neighbour like Sri Lanka? I stand with Sri Lankans against India always. Screw India and its delusions of grandeur.

Pakistanis should not confuse Tamilnadu with India, they should have by now realized that India doesn't give a hoot to Tamilnadu or Tamils and gives Sri Lanka the immunity to kill Tamils .

more than 100 Tamilnadu fishermen have been killed and 200 injured by Lankan navy since 2011 for which India will blame TN Fishermen for straying into Lankan waters

While the fishermen were fishing in their traditional waters of Palk Bay, at about 9.30 pm (yesterday), “a fleet of four Sri Lankan Naval vessels surrounded the fishing boat and opened unprovoked and indiscriminate fire on the unarmed fishermen,” he said.
“Two fishermen received bullet injuries and while Bridgo died while being brought to the shore, Saran has been admitted in hospital,” he added.
In her address to the National Development Council on October 22, 2011, Chief Minister Jayalalithaa again brought India's discriminatory treatment of Tamilnadu fishermen. She said, “Even attacks on fishermen belonging to Tamil Nadu in the Palk Bay by Sri Lanka are not looked upon as acts of aggression against India. This issue is merely looked upon as a minor problem concerning Tamil Nadu alone. The Centre seems to think that the lives of fishermen belonging to Tamil Nadu are worthless and do not call for any potent action.” (The Hindu (online edition); October 22, 2011)
Its has been long that Srilankan Navy is harassing the Tamil Fishermen and GoI has not done anything concrete other than lodging complaints that go into the dustbins. I would suggest Tamil Nadu to raise a naval police wing for the safety of fishermen.
I also believe that some elements in Lankan Navy are taking instructions from the chinese to create a rift between India Sri Lanka Relations. While we should deal with it diplomatically, we can not allow our fishermen to get killed and robbed off their fishing boats.
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