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Indian diplomat held for counter espionage for Pakistan

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We should also investigate how she got caught. One of the things leaked from the media is that she got interested in things out of her job domain, so all future spies should note things like that. What did she do wrong here.

in the interests of preserving the 'service lives' of assets rendering services (to Pakistan) -- i would concur.

actually, it's better news for india than it is for Pakistan that she was caught. But I'm sure she is only a small fish in the pool.

Contact with current and potential assets takes a lot of time, and some tricky maneuvering. Sometimes through financial incentives, or through exploiting personal 'weaknesses'....sometimes through other more 'persuasive' methods

that's espionage for you.

U.S.A. also has had such humiliations.....Maybe some of you remember the action-packed and brazen incident involving Robert Hansen (CIA), and his services rendered to Russia.

(he is currently serving life in prison in a high-security prison in the state of Colorado. He spends 23 out of 24 hours a day in solitary confinement)


Madhuri deeply resentful of IFS, her arrest blew R&AW officer’s cover

Madhuri Gupta, the IFS officer held for allegedly spying for Pakistan, is said to have told her interrogators that she passed on information to the Pakistani ISI “willingly and without any financial benefit” (sincere thanks to her :cheers:) to “teach a lesson” to Ministry of External Affairs and its “arrogant” Indian Foreign Service officers (and congrats, u achieved ur goal).
“What took you so long to get me?” is what Gupta told Indian security agencies after her arrest.

She named two handlers Mubashir Rana and Jamshed who she claims were introduced to her by a Pak journalist in 2008 but their names haven’t been verified.

While Gupta’s motivations are not clear, sources said, there’s evidence to suggest that the 53-year-old Second Secretary working with the Indian High Commission in Islamabad was “disgruntled” with her job. And it was after she criticised her working conditions in public that Gupta was approached by the ISI, sources said.

They said she has admitted she was sending daily reports to her handlers whom she met frequently in a safehouse in Islamabad but has denied any “personal or financial relationship” with her handlers.

While the damage done by her is still being ascertained, the government is worried over how her case has been handled by security agencies here. For, in a major faux pas, authorities exposed R K Sharma, Press Counsellor and senior officer of India’s external intelligence agency, Research and Analysis Wing (RAW), in Pakistan, while sharing information with the media on Wednesday (nothing surprising here). Senior officials admit the revelation has caused a major embarrassment.

It has made the continuance of that officer in Pakistan untenable and with his identity exposed, he is no longer in a position to carry out his job. In fact, the revelation has jeopardised his chances of any similar assignment ever (poor fellow :disagree:). Sources said a decision on him was likely as soon as the top MEA brass returns from Bhutan where the SAARC conference is currently underway.

Questions are also being raised over the timing of the disclosure about Madhuri Gupta’s espionage activities, coming as it did just a day before the Prime Ministers of the two countries were to meet in Bhutan on the sidelines of the SAARC summit. Gupta had already been under detention for five days before the news broke out and sources said the investigators probably chose a wrong time to let the information become public.

Sources said it was unlikely that she had passed on anything very damning to her Pakistani handlers. They pointed out that she had been charged only under the Official Secrets Act and not the National Security Act or booked for sedition.

Gupta accused a senior IFS officer of having mistreated her during her posting in Baghdad and blamed the MEA for not giving her study leave with pay. A “high-strung personality” with deep resentment towards IFS officers, Gupta said she interacted well with Sharma but there’s no evidence to show if she blew the cover of other Indian operatives.

Gupta told her interrogators that her handlers had created a special e-mail ID for her through which she used to send reports about the daily happenings in the High Commission. One of the emails Gupta used included madsmiles@gmail.com (a very well suited email ID. i lov this handler). Sources believe that it appears, as of now, that Gupta was a “one-woman” operation without any accomplice. But investigators are also probing certain officials in the Indian High Commission who were privy to certain information, which Gupta got access to.

Gupta was also reportedly using two mobile phones and the police are analysing call details of both. She was in touch with her friends in India and other places where she has worked via Facebook. The Facebook account in her name shows her as a fan of several pages including CNN International, “I need more sleep” and “Gol gappe.” :-)rofl: Gol gappe? ISI might have used this as a weekness. we get some great Gol gappes in supper market where she used to go)

Madhuri deeply resentful of IFS, her arrest blew R&AW officer’s cover
Some of the questions being asked relate to the level of access a low-level diplomat like Gupta had to India's classified information, the role and the motivations of India's Intelligence Bureau (IB) officials, and Gupta's possible role as a double agent. Why was India's intelligence agency RAW kept out of the loop? Is the Indian IB attempting to scuttle the resumption of India-Pakistan dialog? Did Gupta run afoul of her Indian handlers that led to her outing and arrest?

S.M. Mushrif, former Police Chief of Maharashtra and the author of "Who Killed Karkare?", believes that the Indian Intelligence Bureau (IB) is up to its neck in conspiring with the extreme Hindutva groups against Indian Muslims and creating trouble between India and Pakistan.

The power establishment that really runs the affairs of India (Mushrif says it is not Sonia Gandhi, Manmohan Singh or Rahul Gandhi) does not want to expose the rabidly anti-Muslim Hindutva terrorists, and by extension, see peace between India and Pakistan.

The Times of India hints at the possibility of Gupta being double agent working for both Indian and Pakistani spy agencies. In a piece titled "Spy Games", the Times argues that there are many questions that need to be answered by the officials in the Gupta espionage case. It says: "For those pressing charges against Gupta, the questions that need to be probed are: When and how was Gupta contacted by Pakistani agents? Was she allowed access to information above her clearance level? How long did it take for her activities to be noticed on the Indian side? And perhaps most importantly, what was her motivation for becoming a double agent? Finding the answers to these questions could go some way towards revealing the lacunae in our security protocols abroad and preventing recurrences of such breaches."

Some of the Indian analysts are probably correct in their assessment that at least a part of the Pakistani "establishment" does not want serious progress in talks with India. But I also believe there is a similar anti-Pakistan establishment in India that wants to thwart any possibility of peace with Pakistan.

I often hear references to India's "shadowy security establishment" and "agencies" by Indian columnists like Siddarth Varadarajan in The Hindu newspaper, and allegations against "some vested interests in militants and agencies" by politicians like Mehbooba Mufti after the Srinagar hotel attack earlier this year.

Espionage cases like this need to be thoroughly investigated. However, I do not think it's likely that the public will ever learn the full truth in this case.

Haq's Musings: Alleged "Spy" Gupta's Delhi Arrest Suspicious
Questions are also being raised over the timing of the disclosure about Madhuri Gupta’s espionage activities, coming as it did just a day before the Prime Ministers of the two countries were to meet in Bhutan on the sidelines of the SAARC summit. Gupta had already been under detention for five days before the news broke out and sources said the investigators probably chose a wrong time to let the information become public.

Hey Ajpir : Although it has been confirmed she was indeed leaking out information to someone in Pak, there is something fishy in the whole issue. Day one i have been saying, that such issues are not publically exposed so early in investigation (unless MEA is really really Dumb). Assets are re-cultivated, damage assessed, counter steps taken -- before anything goes out in public. Here it seems MEA was in a hurry to not only expose this diplomat but also apparently they have not tried any steps to counter this espionage (heck .. they are not even trying to hide this ... they are gloating over the fact that Pak managed to have a diplomat as a mole)

Does'nt it look odd (or too simple) to you?
Hey Ajpir : Although it has been confirmed she was indeed leaking out information to someone in Pak, there is something fishy in the whole issue. Day one i have been saying, that such issues are not publically exposed so early in investigation (unless MEA is really really Dumb). Assets are re-cultivated, damage assessed, counter steps taken -- before anything goes out in public. Here it seems MEA was in a hurry to not only expose this diplomat but also apparently they have not tried any steps to counter this espionage (heck .. they are not even trying to hide this ... they are gloating over the fact that Pak managed to have a diplomat as a mole)

Does'nt it look odd (or too simple) to you?

well im only posting the news and not commenting much. dont want to go with the face value which can be quite deceiving. we ll get to know the close to real thing in one or two weeks time. lets see wat really happened.
Hey Ajpir : Although it has been confirmed she was indeed leaking out information to someone in Pak, there is something fishy in the whole issue. Day one i have been saying, that such issues are not publically exposed so early in investigation (unless MEA is really really Dumb). Assets are re-cultivated, damage assessed, counter steps taken -- before anything goes out in public. Here it seems MEA was in a hurry to not only expose this diplomat but also apparently they have not tried any steps to counter this espionage (heck .. they are not even trying to hide this ... they are gloating over the fact that Pak managed to have a diplomat as a mole)

Does'nt it look odd (or too simple) to you?

So what u r trying to say is this is a cooked up story , may be GOI wanted to get rid of the diplomat
Did Madhuri Gupta, diplomat-spy, convert to Islam?

Madhuri Gupta, the 53-year-old second secretary arrested on charges of spying for Pakistan, may have embraced Islam about six years ago, a media report has claimed.

Gupta, who was posted at the Indian High Commission in Islamabad, was perhaps a Shia Muslim, according to a media report.

"She was really inspired by the teachings of Islam, but was scared to announce her new faith," reads a report in the Post.

"Her kin has very close relations with a well-known Muslim family of Ashiq Hussain Jafri in Lucknow. Ms Gupta spent her early life in Lucknow with Jafri's family where she enthused (sic) Islamic values," the Post quoted a source as saying.

Gupta was spotted in the month of Ramzan by a local journalist wearing a bangle and rings which usually members of the Shia sect wear.

"I am fasting and I have great respect for Islam," she told the journalist.
Did Madhuri Gupta, diplomat-spy, convert to Islam?

Madhuri Gupta, the 53-year-old second secretary arrested on charges of spying for Pakistan, may have embraced Islam about six years ago, a media report has claimed.

Gupta, who was posted at the Indian High Commission in Islamabad, was perhaps a Shia Muslim, according to a media report.

"She was really inspired by the teachings of Islam, but was scared to announce her new faith," reads a report in the Post.

"Her kin has very close relations with a well-known Muslim family of Ashiq Hussain Jafri in Lucknow. Ms Gupta spent her early life in Lucknow with Jafri's family where she enthused (sic) Islamic values," the Post quoted a source as saying.

Gupta was spotted in the month of Ramzan by a local journalist wearing a bangle and rings which usually members of the Shia sect wear.

"I am fasting and I have great respect for Islam," she told the journalist.

Come on, this is pure propaganda, now this will cause problems for Indian Muslims. 6 years and she had not declared anything, that is unbeleivable.

Indian media producing their spicy news again.
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^ and that Propoganada is exactly what Pakistanis need.I wish she was a muslim..
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