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Indian consulate post attack Pics

By all means call them. Pig, terrorist, Cows, Goats or whatever, good job they were eliminated but when your cousin conclude that they were Pakistani nationals then be prepared for a likewise reply,
Our government has condemned the attack and that's enough and we have heard about fighting a two front war from our neighbour, rest assured we just don't talk. I'm sure most of us will be here on PDF in 2015. Not sure about the two you mentioned.

They are speculating and there is nothing wrong with that considering the politics and history of this region. However, if somebody has already reached a conclusion without proof then that is wrong.
You commended the Afghan security forces but didn't condemn this attack. Check my post again, I am talking specifically about condemnation of the attack , attackers and their handlers. Anyway even if one person did it and others didn't that still says a lot.

And please watch your words, you are a respected member here, I don't wish to respond in a similar manner, even though I can.
I hate the bastard taliban what more you want me to say

condemning the attack? thats overused hollow expression

I despise the the terrorists and want them removed frm earth

what best I can say? I on the other hand find it worth commending the foiling of the attack
I wish you had reported the posts of certain members like Ghilzai and Zarrar Alvi as well for the kind of posts they have been making here. You used to be a decent and respected member amongst both sides, but with time you too are losing credibility ,amongst Indians at least.
done already

your guys started making half arsed predictions that we were involved
the Afghans dont need directions from someone else to pick a fight with invaders and foreigners they are extremely xenophobes and quarrelsome if there is no one else to fight... they fight with each other

they have been at it for centuries before your nemesis ISI existed.

be it Pashtons or northern alliance ... no one has been able to control or dictate them. the foreign presence there gives them enough reasons to attack without ISI's help

when their wedding and funerals are attacked, their women are shot and kiled while they are collecting wood
their children are killed and their fingers cut for trophies

their mines are excavated and the raw material siphoned out while they just stand there not enough food to feed themselves
then they will take it on all the "have's" this is the exploitation for the past 14 years at the hands of northern alliance and the subhuman treatment by the NATO that has earned Taliban a foothold and sympathy back in the Afghan population

not just in the south but even in non-Pashton up north.. haters may eat their own hearts out .. that has only been possible due to the ruthless , corrupt and oppressive regime of the Northern alliance again.... without any input of ISI

dont take my word for it.. I strongly urge you to look up the web.
Yes, ban all Indian members , go on an Indian banning spree ... do nothing to Pakistani members talking about dark skinned hindus being massacred or being gang raped.

I joined this forum when it used to have moderators like T-Faz , Mehru, Irfan Baloch and a few others in the early days and got addicted to this forum despite getting banned because at least they were relatively fair and used to take the Pakistani members talking crap to task as well. Now things have gone so downhill, it's amazing.

can we get rid of this guy please? the ovrwhelming proof is given
Just leave him mate,he is nothing but a blind religious fanatic and the funniest thing is that the moderators are actually supporting his fanaticism by not banning him at least from this thread if not from the forum itself:tsk:.So i guess it speaks a volume about the moderators in this forum,doesn't it:rolleyes:!!
Yes, ban all Indian members , go on an Indian banning spree ... do nothing to Pakistani members talking about dark skinned hindus being massacred or being gang raped.

I joined this forum when it used to have moderators like T-Faz , Mehru, Irfan Baloch and a few others in the early days and got addicted to this forum despite getting banned because at least they were relatively fair and used to take the Pakistani members talking crap to task as well. Now things have gone so downhill, it's amazing.
I am dark skinned and I am from this sub continent.
banning should be only done who just roll an account to troll
I am dark skinned and I am from this sub continent.
banning should be only done who just roll an account to troll

Rules should be the same for all members irrespective of nationality, which is not happening here and you can't deny that.

The dark skinned people getting massacred and gang raped comments were targeted towards Hindus and Indians. There's the problem.
The dark skinned people getting massacred and gang raped comments were targeted towards Hindus and Indians. There's the problem.
I take such comments personally.. my ancestors could have been hindus too.. not sure everyone can claim to be a decedent from the prophets so report them and ignore them who post such garbage.
but using that as an excuse and brushing us all the same results in flame war
U know what, lets play this game. It was the indians who with the help of the stooges in Kabul staged this attack, so that they could have more of a reason to interfere into Afghanistan affairs and also into Pakistans. U guys like to blame ISI all the time, I say india did it.
And YOU know what? There is precedent for this- 2 previous Indian Embassy/consulate attacks, 26/11, Indian Parliament attack etc etc your demigod the ISI has been known to be involved in all of these.

How about you cut the BS and stop playing innocent for once in your lives and admit to yourselves the truth? The whole world knows it but you people either don't want to believe it or are so brainwashed you can't. I'm sick of having these discussions with your people where it's as if you were born yesterday and have no knowledge of accepted HISTORY.

Try replacing that with Indians and trust me it will make more sense - you guys need to realize that everything happening against india, necessarily does not involve isi all the time... it is easy to accuse anyone of the wrong doing but really hard to prove it with hard facts, and evidence....forget about evidence, you guys don't even have the circumstantial evidence, that could put Pakistan at the place, forget about isi- and yet you have the audacity to blame an institution of my country?????
It's pretty obvious really, who would want to attack these Indian premises on Afghan soil? What purpose would it serve for the Afghan Taliban to hit an Indian consulate? It's funny how again and again Indian embassies/consulates and Indian embassies/consulates alone keep getting hit, not the American, not the French, not the British not German who have all had combat troops in Afghanistan and yet Indian embassies/consulates have been hit THREE times now. In the past 2 times it was traced back to Pakistan and the ISI so spare me the lecture I'm going to accuse your ISI again and I think I am justified in doing so.

If not the ISI than who? Give me a credible alternative narrative.

You really think the world is stupid? You think the world can't piece things together.

You reap what you sow and all of Pakistan's chickens are coming home to roost now, I don't have to tell you that....
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