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Indian Boxer ROBBED of Medal: Asian Games

Indian team not happy with Sarita’s medal refusal | Free Press Journal

: Indian boxer Sarita Devi’s emotional refusal to wear the bronze medal at the Asian Games podium has not gone down well with some members of the national contingent.

Contingent sources told PTI that at least one top international boxer, felt that the Manipur boxer should not have behaved the way she did. “We all sympathise with her but she should realise that winning and losing is a part and parcel of sports, you win some and lose some. What happened sets a bad precedent. She’s a top boxer and her behaviour will give wrong ideas to youngsters who look up to her,” said one official. “It is also wrong to say she was not supported. The chief coach of boxing was there, the deputy chef de mission was there. But the fact is, as per the rules you cannot lodge a protest.”
The problem is, aside from Chinese and Japanese not many people in the world know the true face of Korea.

I got to admit that Korean propaganda department did a decent job in convincing the world that Korea is such a "cool" country.
Obviously you didn't understand what I said. I feel Indian complaint is legitmate. South Koreans aren't particularly known for sportsmanship. They've done it many times before.

I apologize for my outburst
These are not individual cases, these are reflections of their national mindset, I had no idea that South Korea is a country of such scoundrels.

@Skull and Bones plz check if you can promote it.

If this is what they are ready to do in all their sport, god knows what they're do to win in Business (Damn I love my Hyundai car till today!). Most importantly, when does the athlete ever get the satisfaction of having competed and achieved something. She got the $hit beaten out her man. If she isn't thinking I need to get stronger and better till I succeed, then why is she an athlete to start with? What is the meaning of this life then? She might as well sleep with every judge she can find to get the match fixed rather than have the sweet sweat of working till your bones are crushed to win? That's not an athlete.
Indian team not happy with Sarita’s medal refusal | Free Press Journal

: Indian boxer Sarita Devi’s emotional refusal to wear the bronze medal at the Asian Games podium has not gone down well with some members of the national contingent.

Contingent sources told PTI that at least one top international boxer, felt that the Manipur boxer should not have behaved the way she did. “We all sympathise with her but she should realise that winning and losing is a part and parcel of sports, you win some and lose some. What happened sets a bad precedent. She’s a top boxer and her behaviour will give wrong ideas to youngsters who look up to her,” said one official. “It is also wrong to say she was not supported. The chief coach of boxing was there, the deputy chef de mission was there. But the fact is, as per the rules you cannot lodge a protest.”[
we all know winning and losing is a part of the game ,This not the first defeat of Sarita, there are other bout in her career which she lose .and she does'nt complain cause that were fair fight. This particular fight is completely biased . Do you know game like this come after four year , they trained very hard for this because this might be their last participation for they have to wait for another four year .and physical form will be not the same way. So if they are going to be biased what is the use to trained hard .
It is said that you have to lodge the complain in half hour . but no official present there come to support . It was left with sarita and her husband to protest by themselves. To lodge complain they need fee of 500 dollar . and they have only 400,so someone from media give 100 dollar to them but it was to late .The official reject the plead and and also lost the money .During this no official were there to help them ,The coach was there but he has prepared for pooja bout which come immediately after sarita bout
First round I counted at least 15 hits on Korean face, Indian fighter
Second Round was even
Third was clearly for Indian fighter
Fourth was also for Indian fighter

The lady was a better boxer nice footwork and technique and combination punches
the video replays clearly showed the combinations she was doing resulted in 5-6 hit in one go

Disappointing when Judges cheat SHAMEFUL

If I am scoring the bout in her favour you know she was robbed
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He is a false flag chinese. I am observing his posts for sometime.
thanks for the heads-up , i deleted my comment , obvious, it was a flame bait , please edit yours too..

I feel for poor girl unless she is famous already with lots of money. Shame on Korea for cheating and killing dreams of poor girl.
very poor ..
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