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Indian and Chinese Hypersonic Missiles


Apr 28, 2010
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china's DF-21 series MRBM/IRBM is a single(first three varients) or multiple (df-21d) warhead capable weighting about 15000 kg ,10.7 m long and 1.4 m in diameter can carry a warhead of 200-300-500 KT with a range of

2,150 kilometres (1,340 mi) (DF-21)
2,700 kilometres (1,700 mi) (DF-21A)
1,700 kilometres (1,100 mi) (DF-21C)
3,000 kilometres (1,900 mi) (DF-21D)

speed is mach 10+

India's Agni II IRBM is a single warhead capaible weaighting about 16000 kg ,20 m in length ,1 m in diameter and can carry a warhead of 250 KT with a range of 3000 kilometres

speed is 7-8 km/s that is mach 23-25

India's Agni III IRBM is a single warhead capaible weaighting about 44000 kg ,17 m in length ,2 m in diameter and can carry a warhead of 250 KT(though some sources say that it can carry 500 KT-1 MT) with a range of 5500 kilometres

speed is 5-6 km/s that is about mach 18-20
Dude as I said many times, most of the ballistic missiles are hypersonic. Many of them are hypersonic even when they are in mid-course of their flight path.

Its for the cruise missile or quasi-ballistic missile that speed matters like sub-sonic, supersonic, hypersonic etc.

We have the following programmes,

1) Nirbhay (high subsonic, development)
2) Brahmos (tri-sonic, inducted)
3) Brahmos-2 (hypersonic, development)
4) HSTDV (hypersonic, development)
5) Shaurya (hypersonic, inducted)

China also developing their own supersonic and hypersonic systems.
a couple of days ago i read a post about brahamos supersonic speed and a chinese member was criticizing by mentioning df-21 that it can go at the speed of mach 10 and a pak user was like wow russians didn't gave the best tech. to india,it was a foolish post . this threat was a reply to that
a couple of days ago i read a post about brahamos supersonic speed and a chinese member was criticizing by mentioning df-21 that it can go at the speed of mach 10 and a pak user was like wow russians didn't gave the best tech. to india,it was a foolish post . this threat was a reply to that

It's not such a foolish post when you consider that it may have some truth behind it.

The Brahmos is based on the Russian P-800 Oniks.
India reportedly wanted it to be based on the longer range P-700 Granit, but Russia refused because it had to comply with MCTR restrictions.

Weight: 3000 kg, 2500 kg (air-launched)
Length: 8.4 m
Diameter: 0.6 m
Warhead: 300 kg Conventional semi-armour-piercing
Operational range: 290 km
Speed: Mach 2.8-3.0


P-800 Oniks:
Weight: 3000 kg
Length: 8.9 m
Diameter: 0.7 m
Warhead: 200 kg
Operational range: 120 to 300 km depending on altitude
Speed: Mach 2.5


Very similar both in appearance and performance characteristics.

P-700 Granit:
Weight: 7000 kg
Length: 10 m
Diameter: 0.85 m
Warhead: 750 kg HE or 500 kt fission-fusion thermonuclear
G limit: 18
Speed: Mach 1.6-2.5
Range: 550 - 625 km

More than twice as heavy, with up to twice the range and larger warhead.
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I'm not gonna comment on the vs. aspects, but I do like to educate the OP a bit on comparing missiles. For one, speed is of very little concern for ballistic missiles with similar ranges. In fact, the missile follows a BALLISTIC path and its range is DETERMINED by its speed. I don't know how you can get a ballistic missile with the same range but much higher speed, unless you intend to be wasteful with both time and energy by shooting it way higher than necessary.

Things like mobility, intercept evasion, CEP(if used conventionally), MIRV's, etc. are much more important.
I don't know how you can get a ballistic missile with the same range but much higher speed, unless you intend to be wasteful with both time and energy by shooting it way higher than necessary.

haha that's funny!

anyone notice indian missile is 2x longer, heavier and carries less payload than df21 developed many years ago?
haha that's funny!

anyone notice indian missile is 2x longer, heavier and carries less payload than df21 developed many years ago?

That is because the Indian missile is the India's first generation IRBM missile. This is the 2nd MRBM missile from China. The first one was developed in the 60s. In the future, the Indian missile will should have better weight/payload and range ratio.
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