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India will DESTROY Pak CRIPPLE China in twofront nuclear war:Retd Indian army lieutenant bs Jaswal

If there is a war between India and China, Pakistan will be destroyed by both. It is acting as proxy of China and giving away land like a colony.

@Janbaz Rao @Windjammer @snow lake @django :triniti:

CPEC, why are you so happy to be a colony of China? You are even advertising it!
please let this forum be cleaned its not your indian street or wheat field lol.
Well, can someone quote a sentence that he spoke that is unbelievable or ‘BS’?
If there is a war between India and China, Pakistan will be destroyed by both. It is acting as proxy of China and giving away land like a colony.

@Janbaz Rao @Windjammer @snow lake @django :triniti:

CPEC, why are you so happy to be a colony of China? You are even advertising it!

And you should be happy as it will save Indians all the firewood....you will be toast without further deforestation
As for Pakistan being a proxy, well Indians after dancing to their boyfriends Dinga Dinga tunes are now described as America has found a new poodle in India....and then the Chinese off course say India wants to be the most beautiful woman....wooed by all.....Fair'n Lovely must be doing some magic.
There's plenty of examples of currently serving Indian servicemen doing the same...specially the current general of the Indian army. Idk why he feels the need that he has to issue these kinds of feel good/chest thumping statements every now and then. These kinds of things can make a professional army look like a joke.

There is no clear cut definition of a global power...it can depend on a few parameters ranging from having a large economy/GDP, soft power, military capability etc. In my opinion China is pretty close...China meets almost all the prerequisites but I think one key requirement of being a global power should be the ability to project force AROUND THE WORLD. On that end China still has some catching up to do.

- China would require a substantial ability to transport troops/tanks/IFVs/etc in a relatively short time like US was able to do in case of Afghanistan or Iraq.
- On Navy's part, it requires several aircraft carrier groups
- Several nuclear submarines(with nuke tipped ICBMs) to be able to carry out a nuclear attack on any country in the world.

The first two are necessary to project force if needed in a conventional manner. The last one is more of a deterrence thing to keep other nuclear powers at bay with the threat of MAD...

...all this obviously has to be backed by a strong industrialized economy and technological prowess, which China already has along with soft power. So in my opinion China is a soon to be a global power but it is not one yet.

The reactions have become quite funny on the other side when all we are doing is dishing out what used to be served to us.

During a press conference on Friday, General Rawat had said, “We will call the (nuclear) bluff of Pakistan. If we will have to really confront the Pakistanis, and a task is given to us, we are not going to say we cannot cross the border because they have nuclear weapons. We will have to call their nuclear bluff”.

I concur to most of your points. But what if push comes to shove? What if India is cornered and unable to push back Pakistan and China in a two front, losing territories left, right and center and when all is lost for India, I can say they will use the nuke option.

Chinese troops have to start living on mountains first.
If there is a war between India and China, Pakistan will be destroyed by both. It is acting as proxy of China and giving away land like a colony.

@Janbaz Rao @Windjammer @snow lake @django :triniti:

CPEC, why are you so happy to be a colony of China? You are even advertising it!

You Indian have been ruled for a thousand years by Muslim then 200 years by the British then your country was torn into two and you are here talking.....you kinetic are every Pakistan's personal bitch
The reactions have become quite funny on the other side when all we are doing is dishing out what used to be served to us.

During a press conference on Friday, General Rawat had said, “We will call the (nuclear) bluff of Pakistan. If we will have to really confront the Pakistanis, and a task is given to us, we are not going to say we cannot cross the border because they have nuclear weapons. We will have to call their nuclear bluff”.

Chinese troops have to start living on mountains first.

Time to break two coconuts!!!
You wish.....1 parmanu bomb over any of your cities the entire bogus British created lie/mess that is india "cough" "cough" Gangadesh will come apart, first to go will be Kashmir followed by Northeastern states, your rag tag ill disciplined army will just wither away trying to either loot or go home to protect their families from the inevitable anarchy that will prevail.
Gangadesh Mata Ki Jai
keep me amused, citizen of chinese client state.
why all indians always think of wars and killing others? dont they have any other work to do?
did anyone inform this idiot BS that he is the army chief of India not US and US has not colonize India yet:lol:
the same Army for which he is crying of having no latest weapons to fight even with Bangladesh:partay:
and i will thump so hard ill break my ribs puncture my lungs and die!! but ill die a delusional Indian!!! FU CHINA FU PAKISTAN -Retd Indian army lieutenant bs Jaswal

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