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India will DESTROY Pak CRIPPLE China in twofront nuclear war:Retd Indian army lieutenant bs Jaswal

China will never go the way US did, bleeding themselve dry. We perceive the global power differently from what US does, we also prefer winning a war without firing a single shot. Don't use guns when you can get things done with money.
I fully agree with that...I'm not saying China should go the way of the US. In fact I'm against USA's policy of policing the world. I believe US should follow the Jeffersonian Isolationism, which is not really isolationism but more so a policy of non intervention.

In case of China though...while it's good to avoid wars as much as possible...but it's usually through sheer power that u can keep enemies at bay. In that sense...the more China rises, the more it's hand will be forced. China is already being seen as an adversary. How do u propose u will keep ur adversaries at bay without building significant military capacity(the kind to be able to deal significant damage to would be enemies...if needed)?

Of the three things...China already has boomers(nuclear submarines) and one aircraft carrier with more of both on the way. All China needs is to build up more capacity to be able to move troops and other equipment at a massive scale in a relatively quick time...this ability too already exists albeit at a limited level

So u see China is already working on all three things I mentioned. Nothing is wrong with having power...u can have all these things and still not bleed urself dry by intervening everywhere, policing the world, and fighting unnecessary wars(like US does)...that really should be the take away lesson.
Ara baap baap hunuman super power had one to many drinks last night!! hahahaha.
The very purpose of Pak's nuclear weapons is the threat of MAD...nobody in Pak is saying that Pak would survive in the event of a nuclear war with India. The only important thing is neither would India...and hence this threat of mutual annihilation is supposed to serve as a deterrent to keep them both from going to war(hopefully).

Anyways I'm guessing this guy wanted his 2 minutes of fame...and bcuz of a sensationalist media that loves to feed crap to their chest thumping audience...he got it.
I concur to most of your points. But what if push comes to shove? What if India is cornered and unable to push back Pakistan and China in a two front, losing territories left, right and center and when all is lost for India, I can say they will use the nuke option.
I concur to most of your points. But what if push comes to shove? What if India is cornered and unable to push back Pakistan and China in a two front, losing territories left, right and center and when all is lost for India, I can say they will use the nuke option.
Yes I wrote that nukes will deter war...and in parenthesis I said "hopefully". It's not a guarantee that the nukes would deter all sides from a conflict...and in case like u mentioned, India might just use its nukes.

...but if it ever came down to the scenario u mentioned above where India had a two front war with China/Pak...the WHOLE WORLD would be on it right away knowing what's at stake and how it can end up. They will pressure India/China/Pak with everything possible and try to return all three to status quo before things get out of hand. That too isn't a guarantee to avoid a nuclear destruction...even with all that there is a chance it could happen. Let's just hope saner minds prevail in all three countries.
I fully agree with that...I'm not saying China should go the way of the US. In fact I'm against USA's policy of policing the world. I believe US should follow the Jeffersonian Isolationism, which is not really isolationism but more so a policy of non intervention.

In case of China though...while it's good to avoid wars as much as possible...but it's usually through sheer power that u can keep enemies at bay. In that sense...the more China rises, the more it's hand will be forced. China is already being seen as an adversary. How do u propose u will keep ur adversaries at bay without building significant military capacity(the kind to be able to deal significant damage to would be enemies...if needed)?

Of the three things...China already has boomers(nuclear submarines) and one aircraft carrier with more of both on the way. All China needs is to build up more capacity to be able to move troops and other equipment at a massive scale in a relatively quick time...this ability too already exists albeit at a limited level

So u see China is already working on all three things I mentioned. Nothing is wrong with having power...u can have all these things and still not bleed urself dry by intervening everywhere, policing the world, and fighting unnecessary wars(like US does)...that really should be the take away lesson.

US should follow this principal

“Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.”

Thomas Jefferson
China never threatened India with nuclear attack, but India media repeatedly calling their new weapons " China killer" or threatening us with nuclear attacks. They just forget that we have way more powerful nuclear stockpile and way more advanced means of delivery system. Based on all those provocative gestures coming from Indian side , Chinese government should drop no first use policy. A good offence is the best defense.
There is no need for China to change the no first use policy. Nuclear attack, by threat of word and by bomb, is an attack. All China has to do is to bomb Indian nuclear facilities and neutralize the threat we are facing from a rogue country.
US should follow this principal

“Peace, commerce and honest friendship with all nations; entangling alliances with none.”

Thomas Jefferson
US should've gone that way...

It used to be the case that wars were profitable to colonial countries
- they would invade/occupy some territory
- use/abuse its manpower/resources to further fuel their giant industrial economies
- in the end it paid out more than it cost

Then after the colonial era ended...and specially after WWII and as globalization increased...those kinds of wars are no longer profitable. A country now most likely would probably end up spending more waging war then they would get out of it.

I can see why US didn't go along with Jeffersonian Isolationism at first...the option of projecting force and colonizing was a profitable one...and hence it happened. US made many gains with that approach...
- Gaining control of Phillipines in the aftermath of US/Spain war...with the goal of gaining access to China
- Vast territory won from Mexico in the aftermath of US/Mexico war
- Panama Canal by creating a civil war

But after WWII most ventures like these were a loss in the financial sense
- Vietnam War...just wasted money with no gains
- Support of pro US gov in China(Taiwan)
- Korean War...US is spending money maintaining a military presence in South Korea to this day
- more recently Iraq/Afghan wars...a huge waste of money and Iraq is a mess with the rise of ISIS while there seems to be no end in sight in Afghanistan and nothing gained

In my opinion that era of gains through warfare/occupation(colonialism of sorts) is gone. All those billions spent elsewhere could've been spent better at home. There is no point in policing the world.
There should be 1 line at the bottom in the first post that is

Then I woke Up.
He added: "And for China to wage a war would mean risking international isolation and facing massive setbacks to its economic ambitions."
Lol, indians love dragging in other countries when they talk conflict with China.
Indian men have bigger vegana than their women.
If there is a war between India and China, Pakistan will be destroyed by both. It is acting as proxy of China and giving away land like a colony.

@Janbaz Rao @Windjammer @snow lake @django :triniti:

CPEC, why are you so happy to be a colony of China? You are even advertising it!
In the event of total war Pakistan will make the entire Ganga and then some turn into a sea of fire, India as a nation will no longer exist, the remaining victims of radiation will tell New Delhi (ooops New Delhi will be no more) that they want no part of this artificial British created ABOMI-Nation of a nation known as India!!!!! Have a good day!
Gangadesh Mata Ki Jai!!!!
frigging loudmouth.
"empty vessel makes much noise"

In the event of total war Pakistan will make the entire Ganga and then some turn into a sea of fire, India as a nation will no longer exist, the remaining victims of radiation will tell New Delhi (ooops New Delhi will be no more) that they want no part of this artificial British created ABOMI-Nation of a nation known as India!!!!! Have a good day!
Gangadesh Mata Ki Jai!!!!
quite an imagination....and imagination it is.
quite an imagination....and imagination it is.
You wish.....1 parmanu bomb over any of your cities the entire bogus British created lie/mess that is india "cough" "cough" Gangadesh will come apart, first to go will be Kashmir followed by Northeastern states, your rag tag ill disciplined army will just wither away trying to either loot or go home to protect their families from the inevitable anarchy that will prevail.
Gangadesh Mata Ki Jai

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