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India to Launch Shipments to Russia Via North-South

I am from south-INDIA, we was never concord by Persians, Arabs or Turks.
But we was not able to help our northern sisters and brothers :(.
Unlike Pakistanis, we are not watching Bollywood (we even dont understand Hindi).

Hey, we have an uncivilized banana leaf eating Indian on this forum. The Afghans butchered your kind in the battle of panipat..then they sold your captured women in the bazaar of Kabul. I know you don't watch Bollywood..instead you watch this pathetic movie:)

Hey, we have an uncivilized banana leaf eating Indian on this forum. The Afghans butchered your kind in the battle of panipat..then they sold your captured women in the bazaar of Kabul. I know you don't watch Bollywood..instead you watch this pathetic movie:)

yes i am eating my food on banana leaf (some times).
The Chinese foreigners in Sri Lanka love to eat on that leafs.
Are the Sri Lankan and Chinese uncivilized too?
Your Youtube snap is from an old Tamil movie. Like all the other Indian film industries we can compete with Bollywood.
But Lollywood cant :-)
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yes i am eating my food on banana leaf (some times).
The Chinese foreigners in Sri Lanka love to eat on that leafs.
Are the Sri Lankan and Chinese uncivilized too?
Your Youtube snap is from an old Tamil movie. Like all the other Indian film industries we can compete with Bollywood.
But Lollywood cant :-)

So you mean a south indian hero does the one two chachacha to please the gods and it starts raining and than more dance and goofy songs
Russia is going to use CPEC and it is confirmed..so its a lot of cold Siberian water for Indian dreams
yes i am eating my food on banana leaf (some times).
The Chinese foreigners in Sri Lanka love to eat on that leafs.
Are the Sri Lankan and Chinese uncivilized too?
Your Youtube snap is from an old Tamil movie. Like all the other Indian film industries we can compete with Bollywood.
But Lollywood cant :-)

Thank you for clarifying your uncivilized table manners:) A good monkey know's when to accept his defeat. Bollywood is a pile of dung in my opinion and if you want to waste your time fantasying about things then be my guess. By the way I think those videos of Indian Solders dying showed how great the Pakistan Army is in producing good videos for the public...don't you agree?:)
I don't know apart from their rebranding Chinese smart phone to be make in India, they can do more than that.

Brother Modi is desperate for Chinese investment yet these RSS fools actually believe in their silly minds that China copies Indian knowledge:) Indians are becoming dumber by the minute.
Russia is going to use CPEC and it is confirmed..so its a lot of cold Siberian water for Indian dreams

Freight trains at Russia-China border.....
What can Indians offer Central Asians? Call Centers? :lol:

You're a bigot a charlatan and a fool to top it off, spouting BULL SHIT whenever deem to you open mouth, which unfortunately is so bloody often.

Kindly ask your government why it imports billions of dollars worth of machinery, textiles, plastics and chemicals from a "3rd world" country like India, since the your industrial capacity is sooooo awesome.

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Bro, the issue with these stupid country bumpkins, is their overpowering need to shit all over a thread, without a shred of knowledge or logic.

I actually love India. and your culture

@Ottoman123 - wouldn't it have been better to have accepted your mistake when shown actual data instead of indulging in your negative fantasies? Or was your reference to muslims just satire?

Thank you for clarifying your uncivilized table manners:) A good monkey know's when to accept his defeat. Bollywood is a pile of dung in my opinion and if you want to waste your time fantasying about things then be my guess. By the way I think those videos of Indian Solders dying showed how great the Pakistan Army is in producing good videos for the public...don't you agree?:)

don't be such an idiot and if you cannot help it, at least try not to make such an inglorious exhibition of it. Your fellow Paks have enough to be ashamed of without you adding to that burden. When you military has lost everyone of your wars and when your ministers are out with bowl asking for alms and when your only way of survival as a country is to pawn in to a 3rd party, you should be lot more careful about insulting others. Even Bangladesh is doing better than you guys. Ha, your army is not even gutsy enough to call its soldiers its own and hide behind mujaheddin moniker!

Fortunately most Pakistanis I have met are better individuals and realize their strengths and weaknesses so there is hope. Learn from them.
why the hell would the Chinese listen to India. everything they have done in the last 50 years shows the Chinese are smarter, better business men, better politicians, better armed forces infact better at everything then India.

the chinese built the shanghai to being HSR in 2 years the same work here in the UK is expected to take 9 years. can you see the difference of the ability of the Chinese in all fields.

the only advantage i can see indians having over chinese is the fact the average indian has a better understanding of the english language then the average chinese. yes this is only thing i can think of where Indians are better of the chinese and thats speaking and writing the english language.

you don't become super powers by cancelling SAARC and having unimportant countries like bangladesh speak up for you, Modi should learn from the chinese and read books on diplomacy. America is Chinas biggest enemy economically as well as military wise, yet both have so much invested in their economies that war isn't even an option for them. this is what you call diplomacy, Modi can never learn this because all he is good for is igniting the uneducated poor Hindu, thats what Modi can do.

In the west we die of laughter everytime modi mentions his 56 inch chest, really buddy your plan for making your country a super power is to brag about your chest size.

I doubt any in West is so much uncivilized to call nation its people uneducated Hindus??? Based on that one sentence, i realized where do you belong to and which thought process you perceive....
bajaj doenst sound Chinese..isn't it.. i was talking about the parts ur putting in it..make sense for sensible people..your out of the league

googled it..ur not in the top 10


india maybe producing many products but most of them are usless for central asian market moreover same products made in china are way beter in quality and cheaper in price..third..what ever u make just look at the imports of parts in order to make one single unit of ur so called products..it is not manufacturing..it is just another name of importing..

Lol and Pakistan is not even in the picture. Refer UNIDO's report for more authentic rankings. We did not clinch top 10 spot by making mere house hold utensils.
Lets talk about turkey and pakistan ,,,and what can they offer to the world.and for us we have a 1.3 billion people strong market to take care of ,,,just for the starters.
Turkey + Pakistan + friends have over 300 million strong market too. So?

@Ottoman123 Be careful when you use the word pimp...I wouldn't be surprised if those vendors are selling your rape video's on the market. By the way did you see this video...I enjoyed watching that Indian solder roll on the ground:) The poor bugger was taken out ruthlessly:)

You must be one blind cockroach...have the decency to buy some glasses...can't you see this forum belongs to Pakistani's...silly little banana leaf eating Indian:)

@long_ One of these silly Indian people doesn't even have the decency to tag your name when he is trying to malign your character.

@Ottoman123 The reason why the Turkish people know more about Bollywood than you is because your ancestors use to serve his ancestors..both in the table and to keep the bed warm...if you get my drift:)

Yeah you have a big economy..still it didn't help these soldiers...they died like cockroaches. The cow fat bullets and the cow fat mortal shells did a number on them:) If you don't believe me then sit back with a bowl of popcorn and watch the show.

I know nothing about Bollywood. I couldn't name you a single Movie or actor/actress . :(

We can launch your satellites in to the orbit (like your ITUpSAT1).
You cant even launch your owns satellite :cheesy:.
What you can offer to us what we don´t have?
I am only talking about Central Asia here, Turkey and Russia will concentrate there. Not even China is welcome there, as they hate Terrorist Chinese support in those parts.
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