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India to decide on its role in Afghanistan: US

hmmmm. The mightiest Military in the world is bogged down. If you were to wipe the Taliban from the Face of the Earth, how would you go about doing that ?

You are correct when you say the US is the mightiest military on earth.
But how much of that might has been focused on Afghanistan.

Only recently have you deployed more than a hundred thousand troops.

Yet even your generals agree more troops are needed to get the job done.

My statement only implied sending more Indian troops To assist the NATO effort, If India was 10 years ahead of where she was now.

I was by no means suggesting India should go at it all by herself.
The Taliban Can be defeated, i only suggested that India could help in that task if conditions were mor favorable.

hmmmm . If I were you I would first talk to the Russians about their little termite problems 20 yrs ago.

I seem's i may require a history lesson.

I am not sure what exactly your referencing to.
nor how does it make my metaphor inapt for the current situation.
to deckingraj,

A bit of thinking tells me, the blast that occur serves their purpose too!!
U see, as the number of blasts increase, the more the frustration among the people about the civil govt., so whenever the top echelon wants they can take over the matters(ie military coup) as per their ease....

I guess you still not getting my point entirely, no problems I shall elaborate..

Thanks buddy for taking so much time in elaborating for me.. I really appreciate it...I would have agreed with you just for this however as you rightly said "everyone may not have the same inclinations"

As I have already mentioned the wise game is being played by ISI and the army institution and not by the people of Pak. or even Zardari (he is nothing more than a puppet)

You are absolutely right...Its always the ARMY and ISI who holds the power....Civilian Govt have little role to play when it comes to foreign policy....


1.After 9/11, the US govt. had virtually put the Pak. establishment on notice, 'Either Support our War or be ready to be bombed to stone-age', at this particular point they chose to join War on Terror, fully knowing the repercussions of not only fighting US but India too at some point of time.....it was their first wise move i.e to save their back..


2. When the Indian parliament was attacked and the forces were on border, they went to the US asking for intervention(how on earth??, US cudn't intervene in 1999 till India objectives were achieved but in three yrs they did with the same govt in place) and succeeded in avoiding a confrontation which they would have surely lost(since they won't have been able to fight for more than 6 days in 1999 they wont have been in 2002 coz 3 yrs is a very short time to change tactics) .....
Well i am not refuting your overall statement as such but just want to bring it to your notice the biz delegation that went and personally talked to Vajpayee about the FDI moving out of India due to war like scenario....Also remember that its the same BJP that did nuclear test fully knowing about US sanctions(where as PV Narsihma Rao chickened out)...Thus its a wise move by Pak Army or the repurcursions of the situation we can debate....Please note that i am not denying there was no foreign pressure...Just to give you an example after Mumbai US openly said that India has the right to defend herself(a clear approval of any surgical strikes)...still we did not.....

the second wise move i.e able to fight a proxy war without any retaliation from India and still inflicting severe wounds

This is totally refute...It is not their wise move in fact this move has caused them a lot....I mean don't get me wrong...On Paper this looks a great plan however in their lust to do so they have created a frankenstine for themselves and the results are in front of you... As far as retaliation is concerned its our problem not their success....If we are weak/soft then you cannot give credit to the other party for taking advantage out of it....but we got to know that we are Israel and they are not Palestine..

3. When the US wanted them to launch an attack in SWAT and other pakistani areas, they cried for money and weapons, result they get billions of dollars and buy helicopters, F16's, agostas subs, JF17,ships, other high tech equipment... which in normal circumstances, they won't have been able to pay for!!

Well we can debate on it as well as even without SWAT operation they were on for JF17's and much more...In fact this is one thing they never compromised upon...Thus i said about contrasting difference between their economy and defence...However as said that US authorities have started counter measures against it...In fact OBAM openly said during his election campaign that PAK has used this money for building war capabilities against India...thereby giving birth to Kerry-Luger bill....More counter measures like that are on its way....All i want to say is that One can lie but cannot hold it for long.....

they even get some undisclosed money(again in billions of dollars) for providing intelligence wrt some terrorists...wise move number three...They gain parity wrt India in terms of military equipment..which ostensibly were provided to fight Taliban...

I don't think they have got in parity with India in military equipment in fact the imparity is increasing every day....Even for the sake of argument they did then aid was definitely not the only reason....You got to understand that they always drive for parity with India militarily which is the most important reason for their failure's in other fronts(especially economy)

4. By allowing a weak Pakistan govt. in office and controlling the strings the army/ISI decides all major decisions...their activities aren't in open and they work similar to an agent..etc..etc...fourth wise move

Very true....

5. When the Mumbai carnage took place and India was pretty angry ,they pretty astutely let many NATO trucks burn, in a way exerting pressure on US, 'Either you control India or we won't control your supplies and your men die'. Result: many top diplomats fly to India, India relents, says wants justice for only Mumbai since its a burning issue and forgets Delhi,Mumbai,Jaipur,banglore ,etc...also is forgotten that all terrorists camps against India need to be dismantled...Eventually after a year they say Mumbai wasn't a big deal, it normal.....could US have accepted it had it been their case?? In a way, a wise move...You slaughter people and still get a pat on the back plus more money(b$$)

I disagree and if what you say is true than it brings in a question on GOI...Anyways as said before we got a clear signal that India has the right to protect herself...However their will always be External Pressure on nuclear power states weather or not trucks are burnt...Also you are ignoring the diplomatic success that we achieved after Mumbai...
6. The country continues to nurture all jehadi elements it had previously, as mentioned in your link and mine too....but never gets isolated in International forum and praises keep on coming....

Praises??? How about the criticism about Do More every other day by every other leader of the world??? Hillary Clinton comments right in Pakistan??? Obama warnings....Suspicion about their involvement in support fot Taliban...Drone attacks with in Pakistan even after being condemned by PAK army chief(not even talking about their Parliament)...and much more....

7. When there is pressure on them to show results they move in, kill some hundreds of talibans when actually the press reports that they are present in thousands(7-10K), also the number of kills is quite exaggerated(a ratio of ~1:20), ..simple comparison to Indian operation(~1:5) in Kashmir will suffice....the US stays happy..but wait a minute, where are the thousands??
You are right...However US is not happy and that's why drones are doing their job....and now the situation is they have no choice but go for the kill(TTP is bombing every corner of Pakistan)

8. By claiming that TTP is supported by Indian, US, etc..agencies they make the public/low rank cadre in army believe that actually they aren't fighting Muslims but infidels ...so everyone keeps quiet and gets diverted versions of RAW-CIA-MOSSAD nexus and blames them.

How come that is their success??? They are cheating Pakistani's and no one else....These claims have no credibility in international forum....So if this is their success i feel sad(For Pak nationals) however have no problems with it...

9. In the process they keep on increasing their nuclear weapons stock each year with no one, even India keeping their mouth shut!!!

Well no one can stop them from increasing their nuclear weapons anyways..Due to their imparity in conventional war with India this is their only chance...They are already a nuclear state...However i must say Proliferation or no Proliferation this is their success...
10. NATO hasn't been able to achieve its objectives and still wants to get out of the mess at the earliest...so once they move out...who controls the area???(may be afghan govt. for certain time but how long can they??)...as soon as favorable conditions are seen, the wise men move in!!!!! And in the name of ally they get even more b$$'s

Well there you have gone a little overboard....Taliban coming back to AF is going to be a disaster for Obama administration...So rest assured that aint gonna happen...Also there is a reason we have opened those many consulates there and roads connecting AF with Iran...

The blasts that you mentioned are the only deviation to the whole point I am trying to make, may be these are also
well coordinated according to their needs, may be not,but its anybody's guess....
A blast almost everyday pointed agains't ISI..Army and now civilians being considered as deviation??? You must be kidding...It is like saying GOI did mumbai to malign Pakistan...

The one's that suffer are the people of Pakistan, India and Afghanistan but the institution which is responsible for all this **** remains intact and continues its agenda albeit with more weapons and money at hand to keep the world at guns point...

Well as said if you are talking about few individuals than i am in agreement...However as far as Pakistan as a country is concerned their interests are getting hurt...

And regarding the Kashmir issue and economy..

India wasn't ready to talk to pakistan about kashmir in the early 2000's but after 9/11 its ready, if you remember Mushraff always saying "the biggest gain from Kargil was Kashmir has been added in bilateral engagements", fact is, he gets only the dates wrong the rest is same.... Also by asking US/ China to mediate it puts India in spot of bother since the day India relents for a third party, its almost game over for us.

Brave Heart now you are going a little overboard....Pakistan always wanted to internationalize kashmir...we wanted it to be a bilateral tie...Last time i heard its still is and will remain like that until it is resolved for good....As far as Musharraf is concerned he has to say something to salvage some pride and save his *** from Kargil blunder...
About the economy, well you won't care about it if you got money coming from other sources that too in multiples...in anyways they never had a booming economy so not a lot to care for...

Are you serious??? I guess we wasted time in arguing...because i have related their wise games as disaster for Pakistan and thus NOT-SO-WISE...If you relating it to Pak army institution then yes you are right...Even with limited means they have got enough muscle to give us a bloody nose...(Now i have typed so much so will go ahead and post my reply...)
Hope you get my point, even if you don't, its OK, coz everyone may not have the same inclinations..
I did...
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to deckingraj,

it seems we concur on some points, some we don't...so in a way its fantastic for discussion...

my only issue lies with the Mumbai point that u mentioned....actually its not only you but most of the Indians view it that way...

Bomb Blasts in Mumbai, 1993-2006

Date Place Killed Injured

July 11, 2006 7 blasts at 7 locations in local trains across the city 181 890

August 25, 2003 Gateway of India and Zaveri Bazaar 50 150

July 29, 2003 Ghatkopar 3 34

April 14, 2003 Bandra 1 0

March 13, 2003 Mulund Railway Station 11 80

January 27, 2003 Vile Parle 1 25

December 6, 2002 Mumbai Central railway station 0 25

December 2, 2002 Ghatokpar 3 31

February 27, 1998 Virar 9 0

January 24, 1998 Malad 0 1

August 28, 1997 Near Jama Masjid 0 3

March 12, 1993 13 blasts across the city 257 713

The problem is after so many blasts with hardly any main culprit being executed, we Indians always have mentioned a diplomatic victory has been achieved, but in reality we have always lost.....
most culprits are untraceable or the case has been shut...people of mumbai(since I am from mumbai and hv seen the carnage myself) are so busy themselves that they just move on in their lives, nobody keeps a track of those lost....nor does the govt...nor does d country....today every1 talks about 26/11 only, what about the others ?? who seeks justice for them?? No one!!
So if I try a few people for a single attack and rest move around its no diplomatic win..its our ineffectiveness, impotency and failure ...
Sir I hope you get my point...(a bit of emotions I know)
it seems we concur on some points, some we don't...so in a way its fantastic for discussion...

I agree it was a fantastic discussion :) ....

my only issue lies with the Mumbai point that u mentioned....actually its not only you but most of the Indians view it that way...

I see your point...Rest assured when i say a diplomatic success i mean only related to Mumbai...In case i should correct myself and say it was just a small success than VICTORY by any standards...However this bring in change to International reaction and above all our reaction to these acts....I just wanted to highlight that like other attacks Mumbai was not simply forgotten....

The problem is after so many blasts with hardly any main culprit being executed, we Indians always have mentioned a diplomatic victory has been achieved, but in reality we have always lost.....
most culprits are untraceable or the case has been shut...people of mumbai(since I am from mumbai and hv seen the carnage myself) are so busy themselves that they just move on in their lives, nobody keeps a track of those lost....nor does the govt...nor does d country....today every1 talks about 26/11 only, what about the others ?? who seeks justice for them?? No one!!

Thats where we need to do some reality check....We as a society needed an attack as gruesome as Mumbai to come on streets and tell GOI in plane terms DELIVER or GO....This shook GOI and resulted in resignation of the most incompetent home minister in the history of India....replaced with Chidambaram(farely better)....4 NSG hubs...Force one and much more....

Much to your and mine dismay the fact of the matter is Public memory is short...Kargil happened just 10 years back and we forgot about it 9 years back....

So if I try a few people for a single attack and rest move around its no diplomatic win..its our ineffectiveness, impotency and failure ... Sir I hope you get my point...(a bit of emotions I know)

No, these are not emotions....You are absolutely right....

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