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India to be the greatest superpower

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I am confident.
'India will be the biggest superpower'
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It can be happened......

First, we should not elect corrupt politician and we should be honest in real life like Japanese.
Dint u read the first post? we indians are not saying that we are wannabe superpowers. get real man!

Got it. I think priority of India should be concentrate on basic necessity like water, food, electricity, education for all of it's citizen instead of spending heavy money to go to moon or building mega army like US.

US is paying the price for becoming world police so India should take a lesson from it.

Just my opinion although it's a choice of Indian. :D
Got it. I think priority of India should be concentrate on basic necessity like water, food, electricity, education for all of it's citizen instead of spending heavy money to go to moon or building mega army like US.

US is paying the price for becoming world police so India should take a lesson from it.

Just my opinion although it's a choice of Indian. :D

I believe youve just started thinking about what India should do while you write your post. India on the other hand has been doing what youve just thought since 61 years.

Military spending still amounts to about 2.5% of GDP compared to 4% by China and 20% by North Korea. All of the worlds biggest economies maintain a formidable level of force, so does India. It is not just ment to thrash an invasion but to help secure our economic assets as well which are growing second fastest in teh world.
^^^ Very good video amarnath jee. Still a long way to go but we are on the right track. Keep up the good work
^^^ Very good video amarnath jee. Still a long way to go but we are on the right track. Keep up the good work

Sirjee, we are already on our way.... We dont have to wait for a long time, 2020 vision will be a success, Railway is preparing a budget for Vision 2020 already..... We will see that very soon and It can happen tomorrow, if swiss bank clears all that black money our politicians deposited...lol.. Iam sure swiss bank will be put into lot of pressure to get that.
Got it. I think priority of India should be concentrate on basic necessity like water, food, electricity, education for all of it's citizen instead of spending heavy money to go to moon or building mega army like US.

US is paying the price for becoming world police so India should take a lesson from it.

Just my opinion although it's a choice of Indian. :D

i think you can go and advice your govt on its financial policies before giving sugessions to a country that already has a vibrant economy......and its our money we can spend it the way we like too.......

you remind me of the story " the wolf and the grapes "

just coz you cant get the fruit , you consider the fruit to be sour .....
we are not like that ..... we have goals ......it may take time to acheive them ....but we will get there ......
Its Really odd because on PDF all we here about is India,s Poverty india,s failed military projects india a living hell etc etc etc.

YET THE GLOBAL World is making india out to be a RISING SUPER POWER.

yes i said the Global World " not indians" But the French Americans Brits the Brazilians and everyone else.

nice vedio
India's growth story is just starting, while china has been going on 30 years. Any discussion in educated field doesn't talk about India as superpower in the next 20 or even 50 years.
Super power isn't define by economic status, but also cultural influence and the ability to exert political influence. India's ability to do that is currently very limited.
Lastly India is very far from matching america's economy even in 20 years. At the best case scenario, India has managed to succesfully double its economic output every decade. India's current per capita g.d.p is 1/20th of the u.s. meaning at its current rate of growth it will take at least 50 years before the average Indian can match u.s. living standards. That is assuming that they maintain their best growth rates, which in India's case is less likely than china. India's economy size due to its population is about 1/10th the u.s. in terms of nominal g.d.p.
The future that India and China envision is not one of super powers, but several multiple powers. Furthermore the future that the world is heading towards is one that coincides more as a result of american foreign policy goals have been (the spread of market economies and democracy). It is very unlikley that India and China will have the legacy the United States has in the recent future (it is possible that they may have a greater legacy in the long term).

Thank you for speaking with sound thinking. The world will be multi-polar world, whether the Whites or Mullahs like it or not. Any attempt at 'dominating' another will be met with fierce resistance, thus the radical muslims/hindus/buddhists/christians/judaists/etc have no place in the future.

Let people live for themselves, leave people alone, let them take care of their families. :bunny:
there is no purpose in this thread ...... yes india is developing .... it may become a superpower!!!!!!but whats the point of this thread?what is bound to happen will happen ..........no one here can predict anything ......
why we change the topic ..."what we should do as indians to make India a super power"....there are lot of things that common people like us can do...and in the long run it will be counted.
why we change the topic ..."what we should do as indians to make India a super power"....there are lot of things that common people like us can do...and in the long run it will be counted.

this is more sensibl i guess
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