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India-Tajikistan discuss Afghanistan, counter-terrorism


Nov 26, 2010
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Afghanistan was the focus of the high-level talks held between India [ Images ] and Tajikistan, but the host country shied away from the Ayni air base issue, says Sheela Bhatt.

Foreign Minister S M Krishna [ Images ], who is on a two-day visit to Tajikistan, and his counterpart Hamrokhon Zarifi discussed issues of mutual interest such as Afghanistan, with which Tajikistan shares over 1,400 km of border.

In the talks that were extended by a day, both sides finalised the September visit of Tajik President Emomali Rahmon to New Delhi [ Images ].

While talking to the media, an Indian ministry official said that Zarifi told Krishna about what his country is doing to improve bilateral co-operation with Afghanistan. Both sides discussed the mutual perception of the region and the 'ethnic issue'.

Zarifi also talked about India and Tajikistan's old cultural ties. Tajikistan is looking forward to India's help in developing the hydropower sector. The Tajik side told India that hydropower, road building and communications are three sectors where Tajiks are talking with their Afghan counterparts.

India can help in providing logistical and technical support in the region in these three sectors.

Both sides also discussed United Nations reforms and the ways to co-operate in global issues.

Krishna also talked about counter-terrorism mechanism. Both sides are committed to enhance the counterterrorism measures to improve security.

In an interesting business development, both sides discussed about the possibility of mining gold and silver in Tajikistan.

The Ayni air base issue has remained under shadow, and on Monday, the Tajik foreign minister avoided talking about it. India, in an exceptional event, has built the air base near Dushanbe at a cost of $70 million.

More than 150 India Air Force pilots were brought to Dushanbe to execute the project. It was completed two years ago. In fact, few staffers of Indian Air force have stayed back to look after the logistics.

This is a rare case where Indian defence forces are present outside the country without a UN cover. But, both sides are playing it down.

On one hand, Tajikistan is taking care of Pakistan's sensitivities, and on the other hand, the Russians are pressing Tajiks to let them have the air base where they would like to park their Sukhoi fighters. Tajikistan has not taken the final decision on it.

Meanwhile, India's low-key and silent presence remains at Ayni without any fighter jets.

Tajikistan is unable to say 'no' to Russia [ Images ]; the power that dominates the region, and is not saying 'yes' to India to use Ayni air base to kick start its plans in the central Asian region.

India-Tajikistan discuss Afghanistan, counter-terrorism - Rediff.com India News

What a bugger it must be to have Pakistan in your way to Tajikistan or any other country in Central Asia !!!

What a bugger it must be to have Pakistan in your way to Tajikistan or any other country in Central Asia !!!

Does it matter? its about what you make with what you have got not dwell on what if...
To counter Taliban and Pakistan’s influence in Afghanistan, India strengthened the defence of the Northern Alliance by providing high-altitude warfare equipment worth of $ 10 million through its Research and Analysis Wing (RAW) and Indian defence advisers provided technical advice to the Northern Alliance.

Yep we wont know the half of what is really going in and thats the way it should be.

In 2007 India established a military base at Ayni in Tajikistan. The base is of strategic importance. A base at Ayni allows India to respond rapidly to any emerging threats from Pakistan. It also gives New Delhi a limited but significant capability to inject Special Forces into hostile theatres and when the situation demands in the event of military confrontation with Pakistan, India would be able to strike Pakistan’s rear from Tajik soil Ayni
thats great, we should try to convince tajak to let us build a base there.
Central Asian Nations would be foolish to let India use their soil for Indian Nefarious plans. If India thinks that by bribing these countries India can gain access to their bases, India is sadly mistaken. Besides, Russia considers these former Soviet republic as its Sphere of Influence and will not llok kindly at any such move by India.
Central Asian Nations would be foolish to let India use their soil for Indian Nefarious plans. If India thinks that by bribing these countries India can gain access to their bases, India is sadly mistaken.

India prefers to play in the self-preservation instinct of the CAR nations.

Besides, Russia considers these former Soviet republic as its Sphere of Influence and will not llok kindly at any such move by India.

In other words Russia doesn't llok kindly at Chinese presence in CA.
India is not China. India should know its place.

India is certainly not , certainly aware of her place. :lol:

So let me ask you again , Since according to you Russia considers these former Soviet republic as its Sphere of Influence and will not llok kindly at any such move by India. , but Russia won't do the same in case of China? :laugh:
We should have base their as a deterent....Against aggression and to get intel from their.
Basically our ancestors are from U.P India(Nana and Daada), sometime ago my cousin which I met for the very first time came from India and when I talked to him that whether he wanted to live in Pakistan he replied, "I Never ever wanted to live here as there is nothing in Pakistan and no possibility" due to the problems that this country is facing since 1947. There are three incidents that are vital which has effected the sensitive minds which picks even those small signals:
1. The conflict of 1948 in which we lost majority of our Kashmir.
2. The loosing of war in 1971 i.e: Bangladesh, which is on a growth path.
3. The loss of Siachin and till to date not resolved.

I wonder that my cousin might be right that we are a bit weaker than which we actually think.
A fleet of MIG29s already operate from it..

It is from Farkhor Air Base, we have it from mid 90s.

Ayni Air Base cost us 70mil, but under russian pressure they cant give us the permission. Russian doesnt want any other countrys base in that region, they want to stationed their sukhois there.
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