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India protests, Vietnam buys arms from Pakistan


Mar 31, 2007
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Despite India's protests, Vietnam buys arms from Pakistan




By Rahul Bedi
Aug 17, 2007, 7:12 GMT

New Delhi, Aug 17 (IANS) Ignoring concerns of its long standing ally India, Vietnam has purchased a second consignment of small arms from Pakistan.

According to Jane's Defence Weekly, Vietnam acquired 100 SMG-PK 9 mm submachine guns and 50 sniper rifles from the state-run Pakistan Ordnance Factories (POF) in Rawalpindi as a follow-on order to an equal number of similar weapons it purchased last year.

The SMG-PK is configured on the Heckler & Koch MP5 series of which four models are available.

India, which has burgeoning defence relations with Hanoi, 'discreetly' protested the acquisition by Vietnam's police ministry for its counter-terrorism unit, Jane's reports, but to little avail.

Military analysts in New Delhi said India's hesitancy in vindicating its assurances to Vietnam of providing it varied military hardware, including the locally designed surface-to-surface Prithvi missile, could well be responsible for Hanoi turning to Pakistan, albeit to partially meet its defence requirements.

India's vast military-industrial complex also does not produce submachine guns or sniper rifles, despite years of attempts by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO) to design both.

India recently imported sniper rifles from Israel while a contract to import submachine guns and carbines is under consideration by the army.

'India is handicapped by its excessive caution in boldly exercising its strategic options coupled with its highly complex and uncoordinated procedures required to export military goods,' Major General Sheru Thapliyal (retd) said. In a world of quick shifting strategic alignments, India will be left behind if it does not resolve both these shortcomings, he warned.

India strongly supported North Vietnam in its war with the US in the 1960s and 1970s in the face of tremendous Western opposition and began developing defence ties with it in the mid-1990s as part of its wider Look East approach.

This strategy proliferated in recent years as nuclear rival China, with its peaceful rise, has steadily been fashioning political, economic and military dependencies around its strategic periphery particularly in East and Southeast Asia through multilateral economic and military engagement.

There is also a growing feeling amongst Indian and Western analysts that Asia's strategic architecture created over decades by the US through its military deployments and engagement policies appears to be crumbling, giving way to an ascendant China.

This, in turn, was fostering a deep sense of uncertainty and insecurity among many Asian states, including India, even though diplomatic, military economic and political ties between Delhi and Beijing were steadily improving.

By developing defence ties with Vietnam, however, India is aiming to counter China's firmly established 'string of pearls' strategy of clinching regional military and security agreements from the Persian Gulf to the South China Sea and of expanding its profile and assets in the Indian Ocean region.

To tighten the maritime 'noose' around India, China is investing heavily in developing Gwadar port on nuclear ally Pakistan's western Makran coast and nurturing long standing military, political and commercial links with Myanmar.

Additionally, China has firmed up strategic, defence and economic ties with Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and the Maldives.

Strategists term India's tentative response as its 'string of diamonds' strategy whereby it seeks to build partnerships and relations with friends and allies like Vietnam to build regional partnerships.

As part of this feeble riposte to China's regional pro-activity, India recently reconfirmed its defence ties with Vietnam providing for bilateral military cooperation, sale of military wares like the locally developed advanced light helicopter (ALH) and assistance in overhauling and providing spares to Hanoi's ageing MiG series fighter aircraft.

The agreement also provides a framework under which Vietnamese officers would train the Indian Army in jungle warfare and counter-insurgency operations.

It also includes bilateral cooperation between India's Coast Guard and the Vietnamese Sea Police in combating piracy, reciprocal visits by senior military officers and regular exchange of intelligence.

'Agreements are meaningless unless delivered upon,' Thapliyal said. Otherwise, friends will seek help elsewhere, he added.
India strongly supported North Vietnam in its war with the US in the 1960s and 1970s in the face of tremendous Western opposition and began developing defence ties with it in the mid-1990s as part of its wider Look East approach

What the hell?

The agreement also provides a framework under which Vietnamese officers would train the Indian Army in jungle warfare and counter-insurgency operations

Ok thats it. This is when you have the US themselves visiting IA's jungle warfare school. What experience do Vietnam has in dealing with counter insurgency.
India will protest at anything. Last time it was Sri Lanka. :)
No country have any right to protest on such matters and any country in the world has a right to purchase arms and ammo from any other country.
What was that Shakespearean line from Hamlet?

The lady doth Protests too much! :P
Can anybody post this news from a main stream media and atleast can you keep your shakspearean skills on hold.
Can anybody post this news from a main stream media and atleast can you keep your shakspearean skills on hold.

That article is from Indian sources, I think it's sufficient enough. To warrant the Indian Govts. whining attitude they have displayed in the past, present and in the future.

Or do your own search by putting in "Vietnam buys arms from Pakistan", and you will have the whole world telling you online, Lol.

If you want Pakistani news sources:

Pakistan News Service - PakTribune

If you want Indian sources:

Zee News - Despite India`s protests, Vietnam buys arms from Pak
Zee News - Despite India`s protests, Vietnam buys arms from Pak
India eNews - Despite India's protests, Vietnam buys arms from Pakistan
Despite India's protests, Vietnam buys arms from Pakistan @ NewKerala.Com News Channel

Other sites:

Vietnam buys Pak arms despite India's protests - Worldnews.com

PS: Please, give us a break on this main streak media crap, the world knows how you people react on small things, the above links are main stream, you thinking other wise doesn't change it.
Ok thanks, i wanted to make sure as i myself couldnt find it.

India is a cry baby. When will it understand that an established country has the right to do whatever it wants to do.

India is a cry baby. When will it understand that an established country has the right to do whatever it wants to do.

Every country makes noices. Russia makes noice when US wanted to set up radars in Eastern Europe, China created noice when the Japaneese PM visited war temple, Pakistan made nouices when India was offered the nuke deal and made a public plea only to be rebuked by Bush in public. US makes a noice about almost everything and so does Australia

I dont know how India's noice is classified as being a 'cry baby'.
If I replace the word noise from your post back to protest than the point of difference is that Indians had no justification to protest, where as all those references quoted by you had some argument to support there protests.
Can you explain, how does Vietnam buying rifels threaten your interests.

What the hell does this suppose to mean?
Pakistan made nouices when India was offered the nuke deal and made a public plea only to be rebuked by Bush in public.
That would be very insane thought to make noise and plea both at the same time.
Pakistan see no justification for US to set up Uranium enrichment plants in India rather it is a threat to the whole region. Considering India has never agreed on not proliferating it further.
Even if for a moment we consider, that the idea was to arrange cheap energy for poor Indians, still it would destabalise the economy of the regional countries. Today energy is the biggest expense of any industry. If Indians get this undue advantage than there produce will be many folds cheaper than a similar produce from regional countries. In addition Indians will save trillions of dollars every year on oil import bill.
That's why Pakistan demanded an equal package but US failed the litmus test.
US makes a noice about almost everything and so does Australia.
I disagree but still this is not a wise objective to follow.
good work POF i guess the annual ideas arms show is helping finding new markets for POF's quality products
If I replace the word noise from your post back to protest than the point of difference is that Indians had no justification to protest, where as all those references quoted by you had some argument to support there protests.
Can you explain, how does Vietnam buying rifels threaten your interests.

They were suppose to buy from us, and buying from Pakistan rebuking our offer is not a simple decision as it looks like.

What the hell does this suppose to mean?
That would be very insane thought to make noise and plea both at the same time.

Noice is referred to the whole media overdirvew your est went into and public plea is when Mushraff begged for a similar deal when Bush visted Pakistan.

Pakistan see no justification for US to set up Uranium enrichment plants in India rather it is a threat to the whole region. Considering India has never agreed on not proliferating it further.Even if for a moment we consider, that the idea was to arrange cheap energy for poor Indians, still it would destabalise the economy of the regional countries. Today energy is the biggest expense of any industry. If Indians get this undue advantage than there produce will be many folds cheaper than a similar produce from regional countries. In addition Indians will save trillions of dollars every year on oil import bill.

Thats why we are we and you are you. You should know how to benefit from ties. Pakistan did so much for US, they even have their national integrity at stake for US. But what you earned from them other than some military hardware and look at what India is earning even without doing anything.

That's why Pakistan demanded an equal package but US failed the litmus test.

Your leaders failed your nation. Mushraff still walks around saying US is their closest ally, so Pakistan doesnt percieve US to have failed them.
india can cry all it likes pakistan will kick their ***** when the time comes

Please dont make me laugh. I know how to reply to your deluded post, but for the sake of avoiding a flame war i will keep my mouth shut

Its people like u who ruin decent forums like this one. The discussion was about vietnam buying weapons from pak and about how USA is using pak. if u cant debate on it, then please keep quiet
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