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India pledges $100 million in fresh aid to Afghanistan

No.. They are not.. Its pretty simple.. India and Afghanistan national interests converge in a lot of areas, some of them driven by Pakistani policies.. No shame in promoting a win - win relationship..

thanks for your money, in the end of the day majority of afghanis will still choose pakistan over india lol
Prosperous and powerful afganisthan is pakistan's nightmare because it knows the durand line is not accepted by any afghan.Thats why PA often used religious fanaticism to suppress pashtun nationalism that would threaten durand line stance of pakistan.
Pak wants docile weak afghan govt that will toe its line on durand line or religious fanatics on whom islam can be used to divert attention from the divided border.

durand line doesnt have to be accepted by them, its not up to them or anyone to decide what when or where our border is, we know where it is and its going to stay that way, no country on earth can change that.
Err.. we are talking of Afghanistan... ie what is driving Indian actions there...and what does Indian expect from its positive relations with Afghanistan

Yes, let's get back on topic.

To my knowledge, India expects to limit and even reverse any influence Pakistan has in Afghanistan. India knows that if Pakistan is too distracted with Afghanistan, than India can concentrate on challenging China. As long as Pakistan remains a thorn on India's side, India will never be able to fully concentrate on its China strategy.
a *. hn / 3 a

keep thinking that buddy.
you very well who afghans would side with in any war between india and pakistan

Yup.. They will attack you from behind and get the Afghan Pakistan border to their interpretation.. :)

Yes, let's get back on topic.

To my knowledge, India expects to limit and even reverse any influence Pakistan has in Afghanistan. India knows that if Pakistan is too distracted with Afghanistan, than India can concentrate on challenging China. As long as Pakistan remains a thorn on India's side, India will never be able to fully concentrate on its China strategy.

If only Indian politicians and Babus were so far sighted.. Alas they are not..
Yup.. They will attack you from behind and get the Afghan Pakistan border to their interpretation.. :)

If only Indian politicians and Babus were so far sighted.. Alas they are not..

Never say Indian politicians are short sighted or dumb. They didn't get into the positions that they did without being farsighted and smart. They're ignorant pandering fools, but shortsighted and dumb, they are not.
Yup.. They will attack you from behind and get the Afghan Pakistan border to their interpretation.. :)

If only Indian politicians and Babus were so far sighted.. Alas they are not..

lmfao :omghaha: so this is what your wet dreams are bout innit lol
lmfao :omghaha: so this is what your wet dreams are bout innit lol

If you dish out nonsense, be prepared to be on the receiving end of some as well ;)

Never say Indian politicians are short sighted or dumb. They didn't get into the positions that they did without being farsighted and smart. They're ignorant pandering fools, but shortsighted and dumb, they are not.

They are smart and far sighted only for dreaming up ways to fill up their swiss bank accounts.. :)
Aww really you guys consider Taliban as your enemy?

There are only three countries that recognized Taliban as legitimate:

1- Saudi Arabia
2- Pakistan
3- UAE

Want to draw more conscpiracy theories?

Taliban, the most brutal of conservative radicals, our ally? Are you smoking pot or what?
I hope you are not referring to me

You're Pakistani aren't you, dude?

American citizen of Pakistani origin.


But your first flag, which according to Forum rules, should be stating where you originally are from.

The second is your place of domicile.

You have a doubt, go ahead, PM the Mods for better guidance.

So yes it was kind of meant for you.

No seriously I'm curious to know what Indians of different strata think - my only exposure to Indians is in the US of late?
Have you ventured outside India ?

Ventured? I practically live around the world for long spans of time due to the nature of my job.

The mindset of Indians abroad is quite different from us staying here.
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