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India planning acquisition of S-400 Triumf air defence missile system

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Yeah sure, it serves 5 star meal 3 times a day, 365 days a year to the 300 million naked and hungry living under poverty line...........

Kya kare Indian Govt can't let Indian People to eat Grass so that it can spend that money on IaF Fancy Fighter jet...
Nor do it want to have any all weather friend to finance all the fancy dream of our defence forces at the cost of our n sovereignty....
Massive news and very needed.It reduces pressure on IAF to defend airspace with fighters alone.
With spyder and akash as short range
Barak 8 as medium range
S-400 as upper tier
We will have a 3 tier solid air defence network.
Barak-8 and s-400 will be capable of also shooting down pakistani and chinese LACMs and SRBMs.
But previously Indians were looking to jointly develop SAM / ABM with western countries what happened to that? People were talking big like SM-6 etc.
I hope this is a gift to our friendly Russians.Awesome!Neighbor is burning listening to this..:whistle:
NEW DELHI: In what could be a game-changing arms acquisition, India is planning to acquire the new-generation Russian S-400 Triumf air defence missile systems that can destroy incoming hostile aircraft, stealth fighters, missiles and drones at ranges of up to 400-km.

Sources say the defence acquisitions council (DAC), chaired by Manohar Parrikar, will "soon" take up the proposal moved by the IAF to purchase around a dozen S-400 long-range systems from Russia.

Fake news, and the creation of some generalist with no proper defence knowledge. India is interested in SHORAD, quick reaction short range SAM with mobility and our great generalist concluded that, google the S400 defence article and copied its content.

There is no need in India for S400, because for long range SAM, India already have potent barak 8/barak 2/barak NG jointly developed with the Israel. Now lets see what this S400 is all about, it is very long range SAM more that 200 km range and very powerful Radar, UHF/VHF and the range gives it some element of ABM feature against short range BM and cruise missiles. So why it was develop, for that first check why S-300 was developed, it was meant to target high altitute, hypersonic Recce aircraft, which only U.S and west posses. During cold war, the US and west started lot of development in electronic warfare and invested heavily in the development of EW Jammer, against Soviet radar, which defeats the Sam threat. To counter that the Soviet developed, S-300, aka BUK which goes up at very high altitute and attack the Aircraft from the TOP rather that from Bottom. The advantage of this flight profile was that the SAM could be launched in the clouds which could not be visualy noticed by the pilot and the over the head profile neglates any Jamming of the active radar guidance of the missile as the jammers waves direction is down and forward. S-400 is the improved version of S-300 with AESA based Radar and fire-control, which is even effective against the so called 5th Generation fighter aircraft and low RCS aircraft.

The only countries that needs this system is Russia, China, Iran and North Korea. Syria too would like to add this to counter the superior Israeli air dominance.
Since India don't have the threat from the US/WEST and Russia, there is no requirement since the requirement which India have is complimented with BARAK and Akash SAM. But there is need for the SHORAD till Maitri or the india version of SPYDER is developed.
Well Without a doubt one of the most cutting edge Air defence system in the world with an amazing target engagement range.

S-400 as upper tier
Sir, any idea what is unit cost for an S-400 battery?
any one can make a mistake, but the whole world has seen how Indians do business and you can't play the same card every time with every one. In defence deals economics plays an important role but geo politics takes the driver's seat and current geo political situation there is no room for indian whore bitching............btw we are getting RD93's, Russia sold and set up engine overhaul facility, Russia also sold us MI35's and there are a whole lot of other things that Russia is happily selling to us directly, apparently Putin doesn't much care about it's cheating ex....

Despite the initial "Public" announcement France is quite happy selling to us what we are buying and Us has never listened to your crying and cribbing in the past and is not going to do so in the near foreseable future too.............you guys on the other hand can keep doing what you do best.............bitching like a bitch

MI 35 - the one we will retire after getting the Apaches. Wo bhi pure 4 khareed rahe ho. Sahi hai.
Now this deal of S 400 will be worth around 6 Billion dollar. Lets see if Putin refuses this and sells you Su 35.
Indian's r too good in doing shit engineering. U have ur backyards filled with indigenous junk. DRDO is a white elephant and in shear desperation of retaining relevance, DRDO will rob india.
Although India already does not have any money to finance new jets to replace it's falling from the sky air force, but under Modi it is going to go totally bankrupt trying to buy something from everyone thinking that will keep them from selling anything to Pakistan. Fortunately this not how world economy runs or no one closes their factories after selling some goodies to the new show off on the block.
Bankrupt my a$$! Man, you're funny! :sarcastic:

Have you heard of the word 'prioritization'? It's all about optimal utilization of resources for getting the most bang for one's buck!
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One of the most advance air defence system.Now we can shoot some su 35 with it:p:
India buying S400 is very unlikely. We are already working on Barak-8 with range of 150 kms. DRDO is working on its own long range defense system.

IAF has a bad habit of asking ministry of defense to buy every toy available in the market.
No one is asking for S400 Read above my post.

Well Without a doubt one of the most cutting edge Air defence system in the world with an amazing target engagement range.

Sir, any idea what is unit cost for an S-400 battery?

Price is very High and includes, Tel launcher, Mobile Radar and fire-control unit, and the replenishment unit.
MI 35 - the one we will retire after getting the Apaches. Wo bhi pure 4 khareed rahe ho. Sahi hai.
Now this deal of S 400 will be worth around 6 Billion dollar. Lets see if Putin refuses this and sells you Su 35.

Mi 35 will serve the country for many years nor it is bad or inferior to apache in any way.
Indian's r too good in doing shit engineering. U have ur backyards filled with indigenous junk. DRDO is a white elephant and in shear desperation of retaining relevance, DRDO will rob india.

Is this called trolling, write more with reference to the links. DRDO is only the R&D entity of India not the profit gaining OEM.
One of the most advance air defence system.Now we can shoot some su 35 with it:p:

Which Su-35, it is exported to any other country yet.
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