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India/Islam: Muslims lag behind then other minorities in India

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So you agree Muslims are thorn in the Indian society ?

Muslims will always remain an alien minority to india and whenever wherever their number their power increases they will demand for implementation of foreign Islamic culture and even for creation of more Islamic state like pakistan.

This is the unpalatable truth for secular minded Indians who ironically forgets the inherent danger posed to Secularism with rise of power of the Muslim minority in any secular society as the concept secularism is anathema to the muslims.
many of the Mughal Emperors advocated Hindu-Muslim unity.
if Hindus didn't have a choice... i doubt there would be this many hindus in the world today. isn't 1000 years of rule a long enough time for those "ruthless" rulers to spread their religion using the sword.

The only Moghul who wasnt a complete barbarian was Akbar. Aurangzeb especially is the worst thing that ever happened to this world, I would rate him up there with Hitler.

Firstly there were only 500 years of Islamic invasion in India. Secondly, most Indians love their Dharmic culture, and only the cowards who wanted to live converted.
this argument cannot be applied to pakistan which is practically wholly Muslim. unlike india which has a sizeable Muslim/minority population. classism is a problem yes. no voice for the poor.

That is because of the ethnic cleansing atthe time of partition which was practiced by Pakistan.

This land was wholly Dharmic for thousands of years. Now there is hardly anyone left. What does that suggest?

We didn't choose to ethnically cleanse our Muslims unlike you. We had superior Dharmic values.
many of the Mughal Emperors advocated Hindu-Muslim unity.
if Hindus didn't have a choice... i doubt there would be this many hindus in the world today. isn't 1000 years of rule a long enough time for those "ruthless" rulers to spread their religion using the sword.

The big tragedy of Islamic conquest of India is that for early larger part it was spread by sword.

The very fact that some rulers forced Islam on the people of the region to consolidate their rule made the people of the region to maintain resistance.

Had Islam been spread by more by sufi saints or traders(which happened in the later part to some extent) entire India today would have been Muslim.

Take the example of Indonesia , it was Hindu once upon a time. But majority of it accepted Islam, because of traders.
Muslims will always remain an alien minority to india and whenever wherever their number their power increases they will demand for implementation of foreign Islamic culture and even for creation of more Islamic state like pakistan.

Keep thinking like that and Muslim of the Subcontinent will not only want to Bigger portion of India as Pakistan they might even succeed
It's not that the Islamic invaders did not try..but unfortunately for them the spiritual tenacity of the majority proved to be much stronger than the cast iron sword...

p.s.: It was not 1000 years. Rather about 550 years.

It was just in small pockets and it was always resisted.

Only Mughals had some authority on a large area and that too in alliance with Rajputs.

Rest is humbug.

The areas with long running Islamic rule were Pakistan and Afghanistan and one can see what they look like today.
The big tragedy of Islamic conquest of India is that for early larger part it was spread by sword.

Is that how history is taught to you in school. The majority of Islam spread because many in India were tired of the Dharamic faiths.
The big tragedy of Islamic conquest of India is that for early larger part it was spread by sword.

The very fact that some rulers forced Islam on the people of the region to consolidate their rule made the people of the region to maintain resistance.

buddy, it is always astonishing and disturbing to see the way many Pakistanis admire the mass-murderer Mahmood Ghaznavi.
Oh please that argument looks more even stupid. Whats stopping them from converting back to Hinduism even with the threat of losing their heads in another Gujrat riots v2. Plus wont they be getting the benefit of being treated as OBC if they become Hindus ?

Because in Islam apostacy means death.

Imagine Hindus doing the same to their apostates! ;)

Example is here (for Pakistani Muslims):

Nonetheless, many Pakistanis endorse extreme views about law, religion and society. More than eight-in-ten support segregating men and women in the workplace, stoning adulterers and whipping and cutting off the hands of thieves. Roughly three-in-four endorse the death penalty for those who leave Islam.

Public Opinion in Pakistan: Concern About Extremist Threat Slips - Pew Research Center

So you can see why being vocal about leaving Islam can be a tad dangerous for health and well being.

So Indian Muslims will be treated according to how Pakistan treats its minority sects ? Is that your gauge ?

No. It also means Pakistanis should avoid preaching.

I thought Hindus shunned conversion. By the way is that not what Christian priests are doing as you guys claim ? Winning over converts by promising material gain

This is not conversion but reversion. ;)

This can be done.
That is because of the ethnic cleansing atthe time of partition which was practiced by Pakistan.

This land was wholly Dharmic for thousands of years. Now there is hardly anyone left. What does that suggest?

We didn't choose to ethnically cleanse our Muslims unlike you. We had superior Dharmic values.

ethnic cleansing during partition of pakistan...who ...wha...dude what r u smoking. when did we ethnically cleanse muslims during the partition. :lol: these arguments just keep getting more and more amusing.

just 1 point tho..these dharmic religions were not unified under 1 name as they are today... i guess in part the Muslim and other invasions brought together these scattered indiginous religions into one unified umbrella of hinduism. u can at least be thankful to those invaders for that. :azn:
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