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India Is The World's Only Counter Weight To China

dear members,

I doesn't really matter what the west or america wants from India.... doesn't matter how fiercely China and India is pitted against each other, there will be no physical confrontation between the two nation . Posturing its navies and and arms race will be highlight among the two nations. But Indian foreign policy has been always independent from foreign pressure and will remain so till atleast ext 20-25 years. China will continue to prop up Pakistan as its proxy and india will try pay them back with afghanistan. China will try to increase its presence in Myanmar srilanka and India will try and get a footing in vietnam . This stuff is not rocket science..
Well if India wants to be the world's "counterweight :rolleyes: :lol: " to China, why doesn't India stop applying to SCO for membership.

India is reluctant to join SCO. China is pressuring India to join SCO. China wants to establish a free trade block with the SCO countries in these times of economic uncertainty to protect its exports.

India is reluctant because free trade b/w India and China will be a big threat to Indian industry.

Should we now consider India to be with the western world bloc?

No. You should not.
Why is there a need for a counterweight to China? Not counting minor border skirmishes, the only aggressive war that China has fought was against Vietnam, which of course was more than capable of defending itself.

What is the likelyhood of China carrying out aggressive wars in the future? Even if it does, between Russia, India, and Japan, there are more than enough countries to deal with it.
Why is there a need for a counterweight to China? Not counting minor border skirmishes, the only aggressive war that China has fought was against Vietnam, which of course was more than capable of defending itself.

What is the likelyhood of China carrying out aggressive wars in the future? Even if it does, between Russia, India, and Japan, there are more than enough countries to deal with it.

The problem results when you find that Japan and Russia hate each other far more than China and Russia do. It is not Japan and Russia that signed a pact to not aim nuclear missiles at each other. It is not Japan and Russia that carries out annual joint military exercises.

There is no country in the world can militarily defeat China without losing the war as well.
I dont know why people have prolonged a thread of acting as a counter weight to China, The future holds prospectives of friendship and mutual growth and a possible power shift from West to the east if India and China join together in the interest of its people and the Asian Continent as a whole.
Atleast from now on, rather than attacking each other over petty differences, lets forge peace and friendship.
Plain stupid. The point is that since china is not in a different league, as some chinese and their servants here behave, India can be a countrweight to China. And no amout of dumb posts by you lot will change that fact.

Neither China not India are ''proud'' of their low rankings, hence we are working to change it. As to how effective we can be as a counterweight, all these burning behinds are an excellent testimony. Thank you come again.

One would have thought that it should have been obvious.

Even to people who are not the sharpest knife in the box (Recently read this one, think it apples well to some rusted knives here ;) ).
An interesting read

Time to teach those around South China Sea a lesson
Global Times | September 29, 2011 19:55
By Long Tao Share
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Illustration: Liu Rui

No South China Sea issue existed before the 1970s. The problems only occured after North and South Vietnam were reunified in 1976 and China’s Nansha and Xisha Islands then became the new country’s target.

Unfortunately, though hammered by China in the 1974 Xisha Island Battle and later the Sino-Vietnamese War in 1979, Vietnam’s insults in the South China Sea remained unpunished today. It encouraged nearby countries to try their hands in the “disputed” area and attracted the attention of the US so that a regional conflict gradually turned international.

China, concentrating on interior development and harmony, has been ultimately merciful in preventing such issue turning into a global affair so that regional peace and prosperity can be secured.

But it is probably the right time for us to reason, think ahead and strike first before things gradually run out of hands.

It seems all the countries around the area are preparing for an arms race.

Singapore brings home high-end stealth aircraft while Australia, India and Japan are all stockpiling arms for a possible “world-class” battle. The US, provoking regional conflict itself, did not hesitate to meet the demands of all of the above.

It’s very amusing to see some of the countries vow to threaten or even confront China with force just because the US announced that it has “returned to Asia.”
The tension of war is escalating second by second but the initiative is not in our hand. China should take part in the exploitation of oil and gas in South China Sea.
For those who infringe upon our sovereignty to steal the oil, we need to warn them politely, and then take action if they don’t respond.

We shouldn’t waste the opportunity to launch some tiny-scale battles that could deter provocateurs from going further.

By the way, I think it’s necessary to figure out who is really afraid of being involved in military activities. There are more than 1,000 oil and gas wells plus four airports and numerous other facilities in the area but none of them is built by China.

Everything will be burned to the ground should a military conflict break out. Who’ll suffer most when Western oil giants withdraw?

But out there could just be an ideal place to punish them. Such punishment should be restricted only to the Philippines and Vietnam, who have been acting extremely aggressive these days.

The Afghanistan and Iraq Wars have already set some bad examples for us in terms of the scale of potential battles, but the minnows will get a reality check by the art of our move.

Many scholars believe that the US presence in this area caused our inability to sort the mess out.

However, I think US pressure in the South China Sea should not be taken seriously, at least for now given the war on terror in the Middle East and elsewhere is still plaguing it hard.

The Philippines, pretending to be weak and innocent, declared that mosquitoes are not wary of the power of the Chinese elephant.

The elephant should stay restrained if mosquitoes behave themselves well. But it seems like we have a completely different story now given the mosquitoes even invited an eagle to come to their ambitious party. I believe the constant military drill and infringement provide no better excuse for China to strike back.

However, being rational and restrained will always be our guidance on this matter. We should make good preparations for a small-scale battle while giving the other side the option of war or peace.

Russia’s decisive move on Caspian Sea issues in 2008 proved that actions from bigger countries might cause a shockwave for a little while but will provide its region with long-term peace.

The author is the strategic analyst of China Energy Fund Committee. opinion@globaltimes.com.cn

Time to teach those around South China Sea a lesson
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