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India furious at UN for rejecting surgical strike claim in Kashmir

These Indians are pathetic beyond comprehension.

Now they are the laughing stock of the whole world.

This whole saga is probably due to them trying to divert attention from their
killings in occupied Kashmir.
Whenever navaz Sharif is manhandled by Pakistani political parties , some shi-t tends to happen at the loc --------
All the rejections are Done in Pakistani Media only No Neutral source
Because they want the indians to conduct actual surgical strikes and no SirGiKul strikes. It also riles Modi regime up more if they cant even make their gullible people believe in 56 inch chest, forget about the rest of the world.
Or maybe PA has no capability to respond and is taking a easy way out?
Or maybe PA has no capability to respond and is taking a easy way out?

Respond to what? that is what everyone is asking, you cant respond to SirGiKul strikes because they will happen tomorrow which never comes.
Pakistan should maintain their balance ,otherwise they will release those footage and would be a big embarrassment to Pak
Nair Saab what are those footages are made for to release them what. Stopping you to release it is already embarrassment on your own self you don't know how to defend when asked for proof but your govt don't have any or busy making one scene in Bollywood studios

Even if you provide footage what is credibility of that footage now after 4 days if you had anything substantial you should have given on DGMO briefing

It is embarrassing for you that when asked for proof you speak when we will release footage it will be embarrassing for Pak

You agenda was isolating and embarrassing Pak than go ahead and do it

In first place there is nothing you can give nor US satellite were saw anything

Keep jumping like jokers no one cares if you don't have in debatable proof
Nair be gentleman atleast proceed with some sense

Or maybe PA has no capability to respond and is taking a easy way out?
Bhai if you have done any surgical strike what is stopping us to deny it on other side it has given us right to strike against you which we are desperate to get but your bhagora army keepit self hidden in holes

International slap to India and it's stupid idiotic people

Please Indians before defending illogical strike look things in account

If some one blames you that you stole his money what will you do if you are not guilty you ask please check me or if you are guilty you do similar thing if but no yes which you are doing

Till now you gave us Bharat shah written script that's it surgical strike on paper

All the rejections are Done in Pakistani Media only No Neutral source
Guy has provided you official UN post you can't run away like that from truth
Yes through Pakistani Media Sources Which busy in posting 2 year old videos
Did you done surgical strikes 2 years before this is article on current

You are in such denial mode you don't think what rubbish you are talking or you are drunk while writing

Do you know what is date today and year now
Did you done surgical strikes 2 years before this is article on current

You are in such denial mode you don't think what rubbish you are talking or you are drunk while writing

Do you know what is date today and year now
what denial Mode By calling spade a spade

This what BBc reported Read BTW lines

As we were getting ready to be taken to the second location, one of the senior officers accompanying us said that had there been a "surgical strike" - as India claims - there would have been many more dead bodies and a lot more damage.

"The area seemed intact, but if there were more dead bodies we would have no way of knowing. We only saw what we were shown".

At Tatta Pani, a beautiful and scenic area where a river bed separates residents from Indian military positions in the hills, I met Barakat Ali Khan, a shop owner who has lived in the village all his life.

He saw the military personnel around us and put on a brave face.

Still, he couldn't deny the effect these flare-ups have had on him and his family.

Mr Khan lives right across the Line of Control. He can't see the Indian army positions but he knows they are there.

"Our lives and businesses are always disrupted by the Indian shelling but we're not scared," he said. "We'll never leave this place."

The Pakistani army wants to send a message of calm and resolve, but as with every stand-off in Kashmir, the fear of escalation always lies between the two nuclear-armed states.

The entire indian drama is nonsensical, forget about who saw what, it just doesn't make sense

Yeah release that "footage". It's been 3 days now, should be enough time to your movie shoot? Which actor is playing masood azhar at the launch pad?

Your Donkey is with us to spill the beans.


Looks more like a rat.
*The people who live near the LOC say "What"?
*The UNOGIP says "What"?
*The Pakistan Army says "What"?

Interestingly Pak allows UNOGIP to operate on it's side of LOC but India does not. I wonder why?

Link > http://www.nytimes.com/2016/10/02/world/asia/kashmir-pakistan-india.html
if you have nothing to hide, why not allow UN. Also, if you don't want to involve UN in this matter then why India wants a permanent security council seat? they are so hypocrite.. great old saying for India... Bagul mein churiii mo pay ram ram///

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