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India far ahead of China in leading the world with ideas: Rajnath Singh

India is better at China in disinformation. That is probably legitimately the one superpower that India has learned well from its former Anglo colonial rulers. China is terrible at propaganda, in fact, for a country with so many resources, it is downright down syndrome level retarded when it comes to propaganda and communication. India has the advantage of knowing the English language and being tuned into the Western media and political frameworks and thus are far more able to propagate their disinformation tactics against China and Pakistan.

The disinformation campaign in the US which is a developed industrialized superpower. India should develop like the US and then adopt a disinformation campaign to go with that. The sheer volume of misinformation by BJP/RSS IT cells is hurting the Indian economy by creating so much divisions among its citizens.

Unfortunately India has fatefully decided that its developed enough to start this kind of disinformation which many of the Indians believe as true.
Yea India is so ahead of China that they made electrical somosa called Tejas. Chinese are so behind they cant even make aloo somosa ... Veg somosa and meat one ... In their dreams. :closed::closed:
According to China, wearing a skullcap, growing a beard, and ladies veiling is "radicalism". According to China, having the name "Muhammad" is radicalism. According to China, not drinking alcohol is "radicalism", and fasting in Ramadan is "radicalism", going to the Mosque regularly is "radicalism".

Firstly, Soros is a great man, a philanthropist passionate about supporting human rights and civil liberties around the world. The fact that you demonize him means you have the same mentality as the anti-Semitic Alt-Right who are known for hating on Soros.

As for the CIA, how did they get over 2 million people to come out on the streets? Were all those 2 million people rioting and terrorists?
What about the 2019 Hong Kong District Council Election? Highest voter turnout in Hong Kong's history, and landslide victory for the pro-democracy, anti-Beijing forces.

This is the typical Chinese mentality. Material prosperity is the end all be all of everything. Jesus Christ said "man shall not live on bread alone". The Chinese belly is full but his soul is impoverished. But that is to be expected. Peasant societies of East Asia never had the enlightenment of cosmopolitan societies. That's why Communism and authoritarianism was so strong in that part of the world. The Chinese need to experience true liberty and freedom, like the people of Hong Kong did, then they will understand why millions of Hong Kongers came out on the street over the extradition bill. When you taste freedom you value it more than anything else. The Chinese peasant hasn't tasted that freedom so he doesn't understand its value.
I stopped reading at “Soros is a great man”.

Alright Davos man, go eat a sack of c o cks and **** off. 😂
According to China, wearing a skullcap, growing a beard, and ladies veiling is "radicalism". According to China, having the name "Muhammad" is radicalism. According to China, not drinking alcohol is "radicalism", and fasting in Ramadan is "radicalism", going to the Mosque regularly is "radicalism".

Firstly, Soros is a great man, a philanthropist passionate about supporting human rights and civil liberties around the world. The fact that you demonize him means you have the same mentality as the anti-Semitic Alt-Right who are known for hating on Soros.

As for the CIA, how did they get over 2 million people to come out on the streets? Were all those 2 million people rioting and terrorists?
What about the 2019 Hong Kong District Council Election? Highest voter turnout in Hong Kong's history, and landslide victory for the pro-democracy, anti-Beijing forces.

This is the typical Chinese mentality. Material prosperity is the end all be all of everything. Jesus Christ said "man shall not live on bread alone". The Chinese belly is full but his soul is impoverished. But that is to be expected. Peasant societies of East Asia never had the enlightenment of cosmopolitan societies. That's why Communism and authoritarianism was so strong in that part of the world. The Chinese need to experience true liberty and freedom, like the people of Hong Kong did, then they will understand why millions of Hong Kongers came out on the street over the extradition bill. When you taste freedom you value it more than anything else. The Chinese peasant hasn't tasted that freedom so he doesn't understand its value.
Sorry, Chinese don't need freedom to rape, riot, kill , steal , Rob, smearing , fake news, lying. You can have all this freedom. :enjoy:

U see the freedom of Indian to riot in winston factory. American freedom to riot , burn and beat up others on street. All these freedom u can keep it to yourself. CPC is right to restrict and not allow too much freedom to destroy a peaceful society.

India will use the name of spiritual fullness as excuse to abuse dalit and lower caste people to derived them of food, education and basic right. I have seen too many of these cheap moves by so called democracy with the so called freedom for them.
India is better at China in disinformation. That is probably legitimately the one superpower that India has learned well from its former Anglo colonial rulers. China is terrible at propaganda, in fact, for a country with so many resources, it is downright down syndrome level retarded when it comes to propaganda and communication. India has the advantage of knowing the English language and being tuned into the Western media and political frameworks and thus are far more able to propagate their disinformation tactics against China and Pakistan.
It's not about the language. Chinese government is too serious all the time. They use Chinese idioms when they talk which Westerners do not get. They are not direct but rather give an ambiguous answer. This allows the western reporters an opportunity to spin it the way they want. this is where majority of anti China shit comes from.

Also China continue to use an old Sun Tzu tactic that is not practical in today's world. They still pretend to play weak while strong. This tactic is only good if you want war, not the opposite.
And if course the thing I can't stand the CPC is the way they uphold treaties while western countries break them consistently.
They are too risk adverse and failed at many golden opportunities to take Taiwan back.
Mark my words, by next May if they don't take back Taiwan, expect more trouble from Taiwan separatists and India in the southwest. China can possibly face a two front issue that could have been avoided if they took action. During this pandemic, it was a golden opportunity that is gone.
Overall China is just a nerd trying to be everyone's friend and getting no friends. As backward as India is, they should not be afraid of China.

Some Chinese members here do not want China to develop more nukes because it will hurt Russia and Japan's feeling. 😂
Unfortunately for Chinese people there are many CPC losers who feel this way.
It's not about the language. Chinese government is too serious all the time. They use Chinese idioms when they talk which Westerners do not get. They are not direct but rather give an ambiguous answer. This allows the western reporters an opportunity to spin it the way they want. this is where majority of anti China shit comes from.

Also China continue to use an old Sun Tzu tactic that is not practical in today's world. They still pretend to play weak while strong. This tactic is only good if you want war, not the opposite.
And if course the thing I can't stand the CPC is the way they uphold treaties while western countries break them consistently.
They are too risk adverse and failed at many golden opportunities to take Taiwan back.
Mark my words, by next May if they don't take back Taiwan, expect more trouble from Taiwan separatists and India in the southwest. China can possibly face a two front issue that could have been avoided if they took action. During this pandemic, it was a golden opportunity that is gone.
Overall China is just a nerd trying to be everyone's friend and getting no friends. As backward as India is, they should not be afraid of China.

Some Chinese members here do not want China to develop more nukes because it will hurt Russia and Japan's feeling. 😂
Unfortunately for Chinese people there are many CPC losers who feel this way.
Lol... Another joker speaks. Tell me how many shot USN has fired at China warship in SCS? Zero...

Has US declared they do not recognise one China policy? Why US despite looks aggressive , never cross this line even in 2020?

The Iran saga has prove US is just a paper tiger. They do not even have ball to retaliate against a smaller Iran for missile attack and here we have a expert claim other wise.

India is just trying to divert attention from their failure. We Chinese even killed an Indian colonel and what kind of military retaliation has Indian military taken? Zero again.

And some fool really think China has only 350 nuke warhead?
I tried to find anything significant India did better than China. I failed.
There is none.

Oh, I found one, big mouth.

You can't? Actually India is really inspire the future. You can find it in Cyberpunk 2077, a recent very popular game from an Eastern Europe Game Developer.

I, myself surprise, when the envisioned futuristic city like Night City in the game is actually has very dirty street and slum, like in India. So it's true that India really leading the world with idea. Well, unless you see that 'future' is a dystopia.
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