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India far ahead of China in leading the world with ideas: Rajnath Singh

F*****g bjp turds all talk no substance.

You another not in my ignore bin.

Becos I find you so cute and adorable


:D :D :D

Never seen a nation so ignorant 🙄, I think their organic diet is having major effects on their brains.
India far ahead of China in leading the world with ideas: Rajnath Singh

The “unprovoked aggression” on the Himalayan frontiers is a reminder of how the world is changing, how existing agreements are being challenged, how power is being asserted not just in the Himalayas but across the Indo-Pacific, said Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Monday, referring to the ongoing stand-off with China in Eastern Ladakh.

Speaking at a ship launch in Kolkata, Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) Gen. Bipin Rawat said they have got adequate forces to counter any threat or challenges that they may face on the northern borders.

“Whenever there is a situation at the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the most obvious outcome is a comparison between India and China’s military strength. There can be a serious debate on who owns more military might but when it comes to soft power there is no scope of ambiguity. India is far ahead of China when it comes to leading the world with ideas,” Mr. Singh said at the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) annual general meeting.

He said India, due to its location, size, population and economy, had always been at the strategic forefront of global security.

This type of rhetorics will progressively worsen if the economy takes further downturn.
India far ahead of China in leading the world with ideas: Rajnath Singh

The “unprovoked aggression” on the Himalayan frontiers is a reminder of how the world is changing, how existing agreements are being challenged, how power is being asserted not just in the Himalayas but across the Indo-Pacific, said Defence Minister Rajnath Singh on Monday, referring to the ongoing stand-off with China in Eastern Ladakh.

Speaking at a ship launch in Kolkata, Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) Gen. Bipin Rawat said they have got adequate forces to counter any threat or challenges that they may face on the northern borders.

“Whenever there is a situation at the Line of Actual Control (LAC), the most obvious outcome is a comparison between India and China’s military strength. There can be a serious debate on who owns more military might but when it comes to soft power there is no scope of ambiguity. India is far ahead of China when it comes to leading the world with ideas,” Mr. Singh said at the Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry (FICCI) annual general meeting.

He said India, due to its location, size, population and economy, had always been at the strategic forefront of global security.

He forgot to mention that india is even far ahead of america.
India is better at China in disinformation. That is probably legitimately the one superpower that India has learned well from its former Anglo colonial rulers. China is terrible at propaganda, in fact, for a country with so many resources, it is downright down syndrome level retarded when it comes to propaganda and communication. India has the advantage of knowing the English language and being tuned into the Western media and political frameworks and thus are far more able to propagate their disinformation tactics against China and Pakistan.
India is better at China in disinformation. That is probably legitimately the one superpower that India has learned well from its former Anglo colonial rulers. China is terrible at propaganda, in fact, for a country with so many resources, it is downright down syndrome level retarded when it comes to propaganda and communication. India has the advantage of knowing the English language and being tuned into the Western media and political frameworks and thus are far more able to propagate their disinformation tactics against China and Pakistan.

China is terrible at propaganda because the world is not as naive as they imagine. When you spread a pandemic like Covid that affects the lives of the entire world, no amount of propaganda is going to make the average human like China. When you put Uighurs in concentration camps no amount of propaganda is going to make the average human think you are any different from Nazis. Humans are not stupid.
China is a Communist authoritarian state. Just ask the people of Hong Kong what they think of the communist regime. India, for all its flaws, is at least a multi-party democracy with a Constitution, with freedom for the press and the media.
China is terrible at propaganda because the world is not as naive as they imagine. When you spread a pandemic like Covid that affects the lives of the entire world, no amount of propaganda is going to make the average human like China. When you put Uighurs in concentration camps no amount of propaganda is going to make the average human think you are any different from Nazis. Humans are not stupid.
China is a Communist authoritarian state. Just ask the people of Hong Kong what they think of the communist regime. India, for all its flaws, is at least a multi-party democracy with a Constitution, with freedom for the press and the media.
Everything you listed is literally a product of the CIA deep state propaganda machine. And yes, the world is as dumb and naive as the CIA understands it to be, that is why propaganda is very effective.
Everything you listed is literally a product of the CIA deep state propaganda machine. And yes, the world is as dumb and naive as the CIA understands it to be, that is why propaganda is very effective.

Is it CIA deep state propaganda that China doesn't have democracy? When was the last multi party free and fair elections held in China? Is it allowed to openly criticize the Communist regime in China? Is there a free media and free social media in China? Is there freedom of religion in China?
Is it CIA deep state propaganda that China doesn't have democracy? When was the last multi party free and fair elections held in China? Is it allowed to openly criticize the Communist regime in China? Is there a free media and free social media in China? Is there freedom of religion in China?

None of that has to do with the allegations you mentioned. Also, China is a far safer, more just, more fair and orderly society than India. India is probably one of the very worst examples of what a society is and is an example for nobody.
China is a far safer, more just, more fair and orderly society

I wager the Uighurs don't feel "safe, treated justly and fairly" in your society. Same with the Tibetans and now the people of Hong Kong. In the name of safety every fascist regime imposes its tyranny on the people, especially the vulnerable minorities.
India is by no means an ideal society. But it is certainly freer and more just than Communist China
I wager the Uighurs don't feel "safe, treated justly and fairly" in your society. Same with the Tibetans and now the people of Hong Kong. In the name of safety every fascist regime imposes its tyranny on the people, especially the vulnerable minorities.
India is by no means an ideal society. But it is certainly freer and more just than Communist China

First of all, I don't agree with a lot of the harsher methods used by the PRC against Uighur nationalism such as forced ideological training, if that is the case. However, a large body of the "news" surrounding Xinjiang has been debunked and found to be false. China is curbing radicalism on one hand, but also investing billions to provide carrots in the form of infrastructure building, jobs and education on the other hand. China's ultimate goal is stability and harmony in society.

The majority of Hong Kongers have both prejudiced views towards Mainlanders but also do not support the Soros and CIA funded rioters who were committing terrorism. I know a lot of people from Hong Kong and have some family members who lived there and they do not support the riots. Also, many Hong Konger's notions of the Mainland are very outdated and based on old stereotypes of a poor and backward Mainland China from the 80s and 90s. A lot of Mainland China today is more developed, cleaner and prosperous than Hong Kong is.

Compare these two walking videos and tell me which city has higher living standards?

As far as Tibet goes, if you have noticed, propaganda about the Free Tibet movement has gone down substantially in the last few years. Why is that? Because the CIA has discovered that their penetration of Tibetan society has been failing precisely because China has been so successful at improving living standards and largely gaining popular support. Tibet is by far the most developed area in its surrounding region with far higher living standards than India, Nepal or Bhutan.

You talk like having a democracy is the end all be all of everything. It is not. The purpose of a political and social system is to deliver products. Democracy did not deliver all of the East Asian countries from poverty to glory. Authoritarian state capitalist systems did. This is true for Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong. China is following that same path and it is still evolving. I believe China will eventually become a system similar to Singapore today with an authoritarian but professional government that has law and order, the rule of law, low crime, high wealth and affords protection of individual rights. It is not totally there but will get there probably in the next 20 years.

Of course, much of this requires a larger base of knowledge, insight and critical thinking than most people have because most people are dumb and ignorant. That is why propaganda and fake news is effective.
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