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If India sees CPEC as a threat, it will negatively affect the entire region: DG ISPR

You will be surprised to know how xenophobic the uneducated are.

The problem with CPEC isn't the investment itself, it's the number of Chinese who are making their way into Pakistan today.

Not true... No Chinese flood...
Hear it from the horse's mouth...

Besides... Why is an Indian worried about Chinese and Pakistani interactions... Sounds more like the moo par ram ram baghaal may chooree mantra...
miyaa tmhary niseeb mai hidayat hi nhi hai... Lagy raho apni mujo mai Tejas ki tarah.. Jb sar sy pani guzar jae ga lagta hai os waqt hosh aaye ga..

NO emjiee now happy... Enjoy your dream..

Oh, yeah wishful thinking, huh ???

But remember the very old saying "God helps, those who help themselves". And we know that very well, so we are not waiting for any U.S.A or China to come an uplift our condition. We are doing it our-self, unlike some of our neigbhours. :-)
Oh, yeah wishful thinking, huh ???

But remember the very old saying "God helps, those who help themselves". And we know that very well, so we are not waiting for any U.S.A or China to come an uplift our condition. We are doing it our-self, unlike some of our neigbhours. :-)
Wooow it self and with how much indian investment ? Aaah just an indian penny investment.. Got it... And looking for Russia, china and US at the same time (No emojiee you can understand it by your self..)
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Not true... No Chinese flood...
Hear it from the horse's mouth...

Besides... Why is an Indian worried about Chinese and Pakistani interactions... Sounds more like the moo par ram ram baghaal may chooree mantra...

Maybe the same reason why Pakistan is paranoid with Indo-Afghan interactions, while it's non of your business at all. :p:

Pak-Afghan relations strained due to Indian influence: Khawaja Asif

Pakistan fears Indian influence in Afghanistan, say US spy chiefs

Wooow it self and with how much indian investment ? Aaah just a indian penny investment.. Got it... And looking for Russia, china and US at the same time (No emojiee you can understand it by your self..)

The best businessmen is the one who makes maximum profit from minimum investment. Basic business economics even the 5th grade can understand I guess.

INSTC is not mainly for export as you guys may prefer to perceive. It is for drastically reducing both time and cost of our Imports from CAR and EU, which is expected to increase multi-fold in coming years. India will still remain a predominantly service based economy for quiet a few decades more. The whole purpose of INSTC for us is cost cutting. So yes, we will invest only the bare minimum which is required for that. You won't understand.
I think its not the job of dg ispr to talk about it. Its civilian job and army should not give that type of statement
Maybe the same reason why Pakistan is paranoid with Indo-Afghan interactions, while it's non of your business at all. :p:

Pak-Afghan relations strained due to Indian influence: Khawaja Asif

Pakistan fears Indian influence in Afghanistan, say US spy chiefs

The best businessmen is the one who makes maximum profit from minimum investment. Basic business economics even the 5th grade can understand I guess.

INSTC is not mainly for export as you guys may prefer to perceive. It is for drastically reducing both time and cost of our Imports from CAR and EU, which is expected to increase multi-fold in coming years. India will still remain a predominantly service based economy for quiet a few decades more. The whole purpose of INSTC for us is cost cutting. So yes, we will invest only the bare minimum which is required for that. You won't understand.
Lolz first start INSTC properly then talk about your services (now here i must :omghaha:)..

We understand US and china even Russia too better then any indian, it is as true as the universal truth... You are looking for providing services which is good. China Russia and Iran working with speedy pace. I dont see india any where in future soon.

Now let me say it openly..

It is US it self who is the biggest hurdle for India...

once i said you guys dont deserve a person like Abdul Kalam Azaad..China US and Russia will get more then you cant, think imagine ever..

A word is enough to the wise.. Over and out.. Dont have time now to waste anymore..

Maybe the same reason why Pakistan is paranoid with Indo-Afghan interactions, while it's non of your business at all. :p:

Pak-Afghan relations strained due to Indian influence: Khawaja Asif

Pakistan fears Indian influence in Afghanistan, say US spy chiefs

The best businessmen is the one who makes maximum profit from minimum investment. Basic business economics even the 5th grade can understand I guess.

INSTC is not mainly for export as you guys may prefer to perceive. It is for drastically reducing both time and cost of our Imports from CAR and EU, which is expected to increase multi-fold in coming years. India will still remain a predominantly service based economy for quiet a few decades more. The whole purpose of INSTC for us is cost cutting. So yes, we will invest only the bare minimum which is required for that. You won't understand.

Didn't Afghanistan invade India ??? Formed Muslim rule over you guys... Has a place called Hindu Kush ... I.e. kill the Hindus?

CPEC: China aims to bring Pakistan, Afghanistan on same page, but security and geopolitical concerns remain
Firstpost • Dec 29, 2017 12:11 IST

By Atul Kumar


On 26 December 2017, foreign ministers of China, Pakistan and Afghanistan held their first dialogue at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. The dialogue was the culmination of Chinese initiatives since June 2017 to bring Pakistan and Afghanistan together, resolve their differences and ensure China's enhanced role in shaping its immediate neighbourhood.

The press release after the meet exhorted both Pakistan and Afghanistan to jointly work together on political mutual trust and reconciliation, development cooperation and connectivity, security cooperation and counter-terrorism.

The political mutual trust and reconciliation here refer to the removal of hatred between Pakistan and Afghanistan while the development cooperation and connectivity refers to the extension of the $62 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to Afghanistan. This China sponsored dialogue is an attempt to reduce the 70-year-old hatred and animosity between both Pakistan and Afghanistan, through dreams of common prosperity and economic means.


Pakistan foreign minister Khawaja Asif (right) said China's efforts to improve Pakistan-Afghanistan ties would bring peace and development in the region. Source: Twitter @pid_gov

If this cooperation and peace in their common region are achieved, China will be able to stabilise the situation in its western parts. In addition, it will ensure the safety of personnel and goods in the CPEC corridor and finally get a secure access to the sea from its landlocked western region.

Besides, Afghanistan has been eager to joinCPEC since October 2016 and often expressed its desire in this regard. One of the main objectives of President Ashraf Ghani is to convert Afghanistan into a crossroadconnecting West Asia, south, east and central Asia. Additionally, Afghanistan needs substantial investment in its infrastructure and therefore, looks towards Chinese institutions for financial and technological help. The development of Afghan mines of copper and iron ore are another opportunity for close cooperation.

However, China has so far stayed away from investing in Afghanistan due to the precarious security situation. The opposition from Taliban and Pakistan, as well as the presence of US forces in the country, were other limiting factors that prevented China from taking a serious interest. However, the geopolitical situation in this region has become ripe for a major transformation.

The conclusion of India-Iran-Afghanistan trade corridor and the dispatch of nearly 1.1 million tonnes of wheat to Afghanistan, through Chabahar Port in Iran, has suddenly reduced the importance of Pakistan's ports. China believes that the Chabahar Port and other Indian initiatives, such as its support to 116 influential projects in 31 provinces in Afghanistan, are aimed to undercut CPEC and increase India's hold in Kabul.

These 116 India-sponsored projects will cover hydropower construction, farmland water conservation projects and renewable energy among others that will directly affect lives of the common people. As per China, India aims to win over Afghanistan through these projects and harm Pakistan from there, which the extension of CPEC will disrupt.

This Chinese mediation strategy is another instance of China striving to shape its immediate neighbourhood. In the process, China is also actively seeking to reduce India's long-standing dominance in South Asia through economic and military means. The trend is not difficult to discern.

Wherever China believes that its financial muscle can be used, gradually and in a sustained manner, to buy the allegiances of pro-Indian voices in South Asian countries, it has used that method in copious amounts. However, if the financial muscle doesn't work, other pressure tactics including military ones are used, as evident in the case of Bhutan.

In the last decade, China has used this strategy to increase its influence in Sri Lanka, Maldives, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Nepal and Pakistan. In Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Maldives, the complicity and corrupt nature of their top leadership and their relative international isolation were effectively used by China for predatory financing and acquisition of crucial dual-use assets.

In Bangladesh, apart from multiple economic collaborations, Chinese state-owned institutions have concluded a number of financial deals with traditional pro-Indian voices to influence and reduce their advocacy. The relative independence of Bangladesh military in its own affairs and corruption in its officer ranks presents as an opportunity for China to increase its influence there.

Most of the China-Bangladesh weapon acquisition deals are opportunities to make money. China uses this corruption to increase its influence. It has further positioned its role as a power broker between the political parties and the military in Bangladesh.

Similarly, Left-oriented political parties and self-serving leaders in Nepal are seen as potential collaborators in facilitating China's influence in South Asia. The weakness and corruption in democratic systems have become an effective route for Chinese exploitation.

Nevertheless, Afghanistan is going to be a difficult case for China. Pakistan has traditionally aspired to increase its strategic depth in Afghanistan. Therefore, it needs to ensure a pliant regime in Kabul which will not provide India with any space against Pakistan. In addition, the pliant regime would ensure that Pashtuns on the other side of the Durand Line do not attempt to secede from Pakistan. To this end, it financed and supported Taliban and the Haqqani terrorists to destabilise Afghanistan and has played a double game since.

Afghanistan, on the other hand, argues that the Durand Line has lost its relevance and Pashtuns rightfully belong to it. Moreover, the constant barrage of terrorists, coming from Pakistan and deteriorating situation in Kabul has sapped any remaining trust and goodwill between two people. Therefore, unless the security situation improves, none of the peace initiatives is going to work. In fact, two days after the trilateral dialogue, a suicide bomber killed 41 people and wounded 80 others in the Afghan capital, Kabul.

In sum, the first China-Pakistan-Afghanistan trilateral dialogue did help to bring all three countries together on a forum and let them discuss crucial issues related to peace and development. However, Afghanistan has tried talking to Pakistan even earlier. Ghani even went to the Pakistan Army Headquarters to talk to the real rulers of the country.

Even then, not much has changed and a lot of frustration has set in between their bilateral relations. Unless, Pakistan becomes sincere in its peace efforts, neither China nor the US will be able to bring much improvement in Afghanistan.

However, with the increase in Chinese investments in Pakistan through CPEC, China's worry on the security front is growing by the day. The increasing Indian role in Central Asia through Iran and Afghanistan is another factor that China considers against its interests. Predictably, China will persist with initiatives of this kind in future. Any success, however, will depend upon China's bargaining leverage over fundamentalist forces and the deep state in Pakistan.

Pakistan claims India may attack CPEC installations, puts Gilgit-Baltistan's Home Department on high alert
Firstpost • Feb 05, 2018 13:51 IST



Islamabad: India plans to attack installations along the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) to sabotage the multi-billion dollar mega project, Pakistan's Interior Ministry has claimed.

The Ministry, in a letter to Gilgit-Baltistan's Home Department warned of possible terrorist attacks on the CPEC route, including bridges at Karakoram Highway and other important points. It issued directives for making foolproof security arrangements to avoid any untoward incident, Dawn online reported on Monday.

An official of the Home Department said that the letter claimed that "India had sent 400 Muslim youngsters to Afghanistan for receiving training to be able to carry out attacks". The Gilgit-Baltistan government said it enhanced security on the CPEC route, including two dozen bridges built on Karakoram Highway from Khunjerab Pass to Diamer district.


Representational image. Getty Images

Police officials said the movements of foreigners in Gilgit-Baltistan would be monitored and their documents would be verified.

The letter said that police personnel deputed for the security of bridges at Karakoram Highway needed to be put on high alert. It said that local police officers should conduct combing operations, supervise checking at vulnerable points, hotels and guest houses. The project, a key artery of Beijing's mega Belt and Road initiative, has caused much friction between India and China over the past few years.

The CPEC links China's Kashgar in Xinjiang province with Pakistan's Gwadar port in Balochistan through a network of roads, railways and highways.

India strongly objects to the route of the corridor, which goes through Pakistan-administered Kashmir.
Didn't Afghanistan invade India ??? Formed Muslim rule over you guys... Has a place called Hindu Kush ... I.e. kill the Hindus?

So what ??? What are you trying to convey ???

Even the European nations fought among themselves for centuries, did countless number of atrocities on citizens of the other. yet they are together now forming and EU. Ottoman Turks were badly humiliated by the Allies during WW-I, so did Germany and Japan in WW-II all, but look what Turkey and Germany is party of the same NATO which comprises the nations that defeated them. Japan's biggest partner is the one who dropped two Nukes on them.

Those who did the offense and those who were offended are long dead. This is the new world, but I guess you are still stuck in the 10th Century. LOL :p:

Lolz first start INSTC properly then talk about your services (now here i must :omghaha:)..

We understand US and china even Russia too better then any indian, it is as true as the universal truth... You are looking for providing services which is good. China Russia and Iran working with speedy pace. I dont see india any where in future soon.

Now let me say it openly..

It is US it self who is the biggest hurdle for India...

once i said you guys dont deserve a person like Abdul Kalam Azaad..China US and Russia will get more then you cant, think imagine ever..

A word is enough to the wise.. Over and out.. Dont have time now to waste anymore..

Yes, you never saw India anywhere in Chabahar before it materialized (even partially) last year. Similarly you won't see India anywhere until INSTC starts operating this year. US is never a hurdle because U.S.A is a nobody as far as Indian foreign relations are concerned w.r.t Iran or Russia.

P.S: We have long mastered the art of taming and keeping the wolf and the sheep in the same cage and yet benefit from both. :-)

We have done tremendous amount of business with Iran even when they were under economic sanctions, while some brethren couldn't even stick to the commitments they made to complete a gas pipeline merely due to U.S pressure (read fear). :p:

The maximum Pakistan can do is to sit back and hope these projects fail, nothing else. It's just hope and that's why "You Can't See". LOL :sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic:

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So what ??? What are you trying to convey ???

Even the European nations fought among themselves for centuries, did countless number of atrocities on citizens of the other. yet they are together now forming and EU. Ottoman Turks were badly humiliated by the Allies during WW-I, so did Germany and Japan in WW-II all, but look what Turkey and Germany is party of the same NATO which comprises the nations that defeated them. Japan's biggest partner is the one who dropped two Nukes on them.

Those who did the offense and those who were offended are long dead. This is the new world, but I guess you are still stuck in the 10th Century. LOL :p:

Yes, you never saw India anywhere in Chabahar before it materialized (even partially) last year. Similarly you won't see India anywhere until INSTC starts operating this year. US is never a hurdle because U.S.A is a nobody as far as Indian foreign relations are concerned w.r.t Iran or Russia.

P.S: We have long mastered the art of taming and keeping the wolf and the sheep in the same cage and yet benefit from both. :-)

We have done tremendous amount of business with Iran even when they were under economic sanctions, while some brethren couldn't even stick to the commitments they made to complete a gas pipeline merely due to U.S pressure (read fear). :p:

The maximum Pakistan can do is to sit back and hope these projects fail, nothing else. It's just hope and that's why "You Can't See". LOL :sarcastic::sarcastic::sarcastic:

How so?
Not sure about the region, but it will certainly be a big loss for Pakistan if immediate neighbors don't cooperate with CPEC. It simply denies the additional benefit from the whole exercise.

As far as India is concerned, even if Indo-Pak relations are better (highly, highly unlikely), India will never become part of CPEC, because then it will have the potential to kill our Western Tran-shipment ports especially Mumbai. Only a fool will help a competing neighbor. :p:
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