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'I won't mind returning with 'military uniform on' to make Pakistan sovereign': Altaf

Yeah it was Basant day in Lahore when i saw people firing guns on their roofs.

They fire in the air. In Karachi they fire in human heads. BIG difference.

By the way maybe you can give me your address, I shall send my brother over and he can fetch you and he will show you all sorts of guns from Nine Zero, Lalu khaith all the way to Paposh and Gulshan.

Nazimabad safest neighborhood in Karachi. Liaqatbad, Azizabad are all nice places. Lalu Khet is the same thing as Liaqatbad, good try though.

:rofl: Is this the same Karachi we are talking about?
Yes and people in these areas drink nectar and eat ambrosia.

(Remember Raza Haider? Google it if your memory is exhausted.)

(Even better get out in a while and open your eyes/mind when you walk to and from the Rabta committee/unit meetings.)

You have to ask that to Jamatis and ANP members as they have a habit of bhatta khori. Land mafia? Please ask Afghani refs and ANP members as they are the only ones involved in Landgrabbing and Transport mafia.

Well ofcourse, MQM set examples and the rest were deemed to follow.

But again propaganda from the 90's has gotten in your head.

The only propaganda is you and some sections of our media, showing everything through rose tinted glasses.

Contact Umar Sharif or Moin Akhtar you seem to have a knack for comedy because I've never heard of Eid ka bakra being kidnapped.

Thats because you have never dared giving your ''kurbani ki bakray ki khaal'' to anyone else but KKF. Give it to Edhi for a change (when KKF comes knocking on your door giving out ''safe voucher receipts'') and get back to me on this one.

Anyways KKF is the same organization that was there for victims of the flood, earthquake and terrorism. Didn't see your nawaz takla or Zardari there.

Ah yes must be magic, KKF seems to be everywhere, delivering and receiving. Another 'googleable' task for you, earthquake camps were empty. Thats nil, nada, nothing for the victims. A huge chunk of the money went into the pockets of KKF as usual!!!!!!!

I am no supporter of Taklas or unshorn men.
Just because I am against MQM doesnt automatically put me in the slot of supporters of Sharif or H*r*mi, ooops Zardari.
Any more digs at whose ancestors came from where.. will not be tolerated.
No just because being a bharati he has NO right to poke his nose in affairs of Pakistan.

2. Just because he on record questioned the existence of our country Pakistan.

3. Just because he has burnt flag of Pakistan.
4. Just because he and his loonies are killing Pakistanis in Karachi.

5. Just because he and his loonies have occupied Karachi and the native Sindhis are deprived of their own city.

He is a Pakistani as he was born in Pakistan and his parents are from Pakistan. You want me to start calling you people Afghanis now, but that will most likely fulfill your dream. He has every right to question the existence after what happened in 1971.

He has never burnt the Pakistani flag. How do you know they are killing people in Karachi? Last time I checked most of terrorism and target killings were coming from people up in northwest.
Occupied Karachi and native Sindhis are deprived of their own city?
Karachi kisi baap ka city nahi hai. Isn't this what you people say when Mass migration of afghanis and people from KP to Karachi is questioned. Everyone has equal right to Karachi if they are ready to live in peace here. MQM has been voted by the people of Karachi due to their development. After 1960's Karachi was left neglected, it is only until Musharraf and MQM era that Karachi got some developments.
Please don't try to spark hate between Sindhis and Urdu Speakers as these 2 communities are the backbone of Sindh and there bonds are unbreakable.

btw thank you for racism again. It is becoming more clear how people from the Northwest think about Urdu speakers.
Karachiite - Jana

if things were my way, ANPs and MQMs would be locked in a room knee high with scorpions, crickets, roaches and various arthropods

and until they find a viable, tenable, FEASIBLE solution to the scourge of target killings and other ills in Karachi they would not be allowed out

actually in my home, my basement is where the misbehaved tend to end up


and please stop this regional crap, we arent the indians.....Jana is probably more patriotic than many Pakistanis i've seen on the net. She's not Afghan, she's Pakistani. Like myself, also hailing from her city of Peshawar.

nobody said anything about Urdu speakers. I personally admire some things ''Altaf bhai'' says; his view against terrorism and his views supporting religious tolerance is crystal clear. I would advise him to keep a lid on some of his activists (i would tell the same thing to PPP and ANP supporters who all have some armed youth activists in their own turf)

and if he wants to talk about increasing the size of MQM constituency, maybe he should have the sense to surrender his Britisher passport and return to Pakistan --since he takes huge interest in Pakistani (or at least Karachi) affairs

is this an unfair statement
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He is a Pakistani as he was born in Pakistan and his parents are from Pakistan. You want me to start calling you people Afghanis now, but that will most likely fulfill your dream. He has every right to question the existence after what happened in 1971.

please elaborate???

He has never burnt the Pakistani flag. How do you know they are killing people in Karachi? Last time I checked most of terrorism and target killings were coming from people up in northwest.
Occupied Karachi and native Sindhis are deprived of their own city?
Karachi kisi baap ka city nahi hai. Isn't this what you people say when Mass migration of afghanis and people from KP to Karachi is questioned. Everyone has equal right to Karachi if they are ready to live in peace here. MQM has been voted by the people of Karachi due to their development. After 1960's Karachi was left neglected, it is only until Musharraf and MQM era that Karachi got some developments.

True, MQM did do an astounding job in developing Karachi and i would rather have them govern Karachi than any other party.

however i disagree with MQM's extortion money taking and coercing people to vote for them and their support for thugs/mafias.

btw thank you for racism again. It is becoming more clear how people from the Northwest think about Urdu speakers.

weren't you the one who was thanking those racist posts in that racist thread about the racist petition!

seems you don't like the taste of your own medicine, eh?
True, MQM did do an astounding job in developing Karachi and i would rather have them govern Karachi than any other party.

however i disagree with MQM's extortion money taking and coercing people to vote for them and their support for thugs/mafias.

People collect bhatta in the name of MQM but the thing is they are not MQM workers but Haqiqis, Jamatis, local thugs.
It is a myth that MQM forces people to vote for them.

weren't you the one who was thanking those racist posts in that racist thread about the racist petition!

seems you don't like the taste of your own medicine, eh?

Yes and I am proud to do that to ungrateful traitors like Afghanis. But the thing is you consider them brothers and even went on to call your own countrymen Urdu Speakers Hindustanis.
If it hurts you to see your Afghani brothers in such pain then go to Afghanistan and live with them but they are not welcomed in Pakistan.
Please don't try to spark hate between Sindhis and Urdu Speakers as these 2 communities are the backbone of Sindh and there bonds are unbreakable.

btw thank you for racism again. It is becoming more clear how people from the Northwest think about Urdu speakers.[/QUOTE]

Yes sir you are right some ppl are racist here but if you want to condemn racism condemn racism of ALL types wether it's being against Indians or anyone else don't be selective here weren't you signing petitions last night to kick out fellow Muslims ? just pointing out the double standards And your leader is a criminal
=Mabs;1441384]@ Pak Marine

This statement and the one about imposing Martial Law in Punjab really ripped apart any dignity or credibility that MQM had. These statements clearly show the focal point of the politics and policies of MQM , which is to get into power using all necessary means. That's all the strive for, to hold the reins of power.

these statements are irresponsible , there is no quick fix in politics ..it just doesnt work long term more importantly inviting army to interfere is plain stupidity. However is there a solution to punjab issue , look punjab is the heart of pakistan and it has the largest influence in pakistan. What happens in punjab affects the whole pakistan. If you ask me should you wish to fix Pakistan Fix Punjab! Now what other solutions are there its a question to those who anknoweldge the existence of extermist threat in south punjab , fuedal lords and other points AH is raising here. Also under the circumstances still there is no one better than MQM they still have a lot of credibility , and we are not considering pdf they have proved it again and again in elections lastly i still havent heard any whistle blowers raising these fundamental issues nor any one asking the tough questions!!
Yes sir you are right some ppl are racist here but if you want to condemn racism condemn racism of ALL types wether it's being against Indians or anyone else don't be selective here weren't you signing petitions last night to kick out fellow Muslims ? just pointing out the double standards And your leader is a criminal

Do not bring fellow muslims into this as I do not care about Muslim,Hindu,Christian etc because to me they are all equal and I have 50% Christian blood in me.
I am against Afghanis because of their hate for Pakistanis. Even their own President who grew up in Pakistan hates Pakistan to an all new low disgusting level. I have seen how these Afghanis think they own Karachi with their heroin and ak 47s.
Yes my Leader is a criminal in front of the eyes of feudals and corrupt elites.
If mr karazi hates Pakistan should we hate all afghans ? What if I to you some Urdu speakers hate Pakistan will it be right for someone to hate ALL the urduspeakers den?
first of all ''Afghani'' is the name of the currency used in Afghanistan

''Afghan'' is an adjective used to desribe the inhabitants/citizens of the nation Afghanistan.

Please note that.

Second of all, I hope you were referring to Afghans (i.e. Afghan citizens) and not telling Pakistanis of Pakhtun ethnicity that they are ''not welcomed in Pakistan''

i seek your clarification on this matter
first of all ''Afghani'' is the name of the currency used in Afghanistan

''Afghan'' is an adjective used to desribe the inhabitants/citizens of the nation Afghanistan.

Please note that.

Second of all, I hope you were referring to Afghans (i.e. Afghan citizens) and not telling Pakistanis of Pakhtun that they are ''not welcomed in Pakistan''

People from Afghanistan are not welcomed. I am not racist towards my own countrymen like some people in this forum.
I love Pashtuns especially Shahid Afridi and Rahim Shah.
If mr karazi hates Pakistan should we hate all afghans ? What if I to you some Urdu speakers hate Pakistan will it be right for someone to hate ALL the urduspeakers den?

The Afghani people I know are die hard racist towards Pakistan. I do not know why you are comparing them with Urdu Speakers as urdu speakers are Pakistanis and Afghan refs are from Afghanistan.
Why would urdu speakers hate Pakistan anyways? We have put our sweat and blood into making this country.
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