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Hundreds of Kashmiris pause to pray for suspected terrorist killed by Indian security forces

Mods please lock :lock: This thread before it runs into many useless pages..

All must be ISI agents perhaps?
He have relatives,neighbours that doesnt mean they all support his terrorist activity ..They are not supporting a terrorist but they are mourning and cursing a disease called terrorism which took their beloved one ..Its you who are doing politics over funeral
Anway what does Osama bin landen got to do with this?! Indians are masters in U turning replies

See buddy, forget Kashmir...the bottom line. you are not causing a revolution by posting some pics, so don't waste your time..:coffee:
Any criminal dies , his family and relatives will mourn

Is it any different than in your country ?

If a criminal dies then hundreds of people don't come to his funeral like this... In this incident whole village came to the funeral...
If a criminal dies then hundreds of people don't come to his funeral like this... In this incident whole village came to the funeral...

The crowd is also in hundreds..

Are you suggesting they wouldnt have come if its a normal guy from this village??? Right????
As if the families of terrorist in pakistan dont mourn for their death.
May be of kashmiri pandits killed by jihadis. We definitely need to check.

Nope. Most of the pundits that "fled" actually just left on their own will. The "official" number of pundits killed according to indian govt (and probably people like you) is an inflated, nonsense number....mere garbage
if hundreds pray for a terrorist, millions vote in elections.
Nope. Most of the pundits that "fled" actually just left on their own will. The "official" number of pundits killed according to indian govt (and probably people like you) is an inflated, nonsense number....mere garbage
and you know this how?
Well Kashmir will be liberated sooner or later either through talks or through most bloody war in history of humanity
Nope. Most of the pundits that "fled" actually just left on their own will. The "official" number of pundits killed according to indian govt (and probably people like you) is an inflated, nonsense number....mere garbage

Gospel truth coming from you!! World should notice and close the case.

Pandits one day woke and fled on their own will, yeah.
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