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Hundreds arrested in Kashmir ahead of Modi visit

no this is called secular democrazy shining supa powa India. where you have freedom to eat beef, be a dalit and still get top job etc and it is first world country actually better than that third world USA. if their is any killing or oppression it Pakistan isi doing it.
I'm sure the Pakistanis will appreciate our gesture of putting the trouble makers behind bars rather than 6 feet under...

Consider it a favor...will save a lot of whining and bandwidth on PDF

We also kill your soldier on LOC and help you to control your population. How is that as a favor?

On a serious note why not accept that simple fact that you are occupying Kashmir by force against the will of its people. And that is the reason that not only the so called seperatists but also MLA of puppet assembly of IOK is arrested.

Over 200 Including MLA Detained in Kashmir Ahead of PM's November 7 Visit -The New Indian Express
We also kill your soldier on LOC and help you to control your population. How is that as a favor?

Sounds like a fair deal..
But our generosity is overwhelming..I hope you wont mind when we return the favor many times over,maybe even beyond the LOC. Just don't whine when we do..

On a serious note why not accept that simple fact that you are occupying Kashmir by force against the will of its people. And that is the reason that not only the so called seperatists but also MLA of puppet assembly of IOK is arrested.

Over 200 Including MLA Detained in Kashmir Ahead of PM's November 7 Visit -The New Indian Express

Here's something better...
Why don't your lot accept that Kashmir is an integral part of India and that whatever we do to maintain law and order and prevent terrorism of the region is none of your damn business...
I think my suggestion is better since we hold the carrot and the stick...
You can provide your free fund recommendations when you hold ANY leverage over us..
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Sounds like a fair deal..
But our generosity is overwhelming..I hope you wont mind whine when we return the favor many times over,maybe even beyond the LOC. Just don't whine when we do..

We don't whine. We act and we respond to someone's cowardly acts. That is why this happened 2 days ago. See we act.

J-K: Two jawans killed as Pakistan violates ceasefire ahead of Modi’s visit | The Indian Express

Here's something better...
Why don't your lot accept that Kashmir is an integral part of India and that whatever we do to maintain law and order and prevent terrorism of the region is none of your damn business...
I think my suggestion is better since we hold the carrot and the stick...
You can provide your free fund recommendations when you hold ANY leverage over us..

Well can't accept your recommendation since these arrests and converting IOK into an open air prison shows that it is not your integral part.

And neither you hold carrot not a stick. So another reason to not to accept your recommendation. We don't claim any leverage either. We just act and respond to someone's acts. :)
Just a couple of hundred?..

That's too little a number of trouble makers created considering the price was 6 decades of pakistan's wasted history, radicalisation of pakistan, thousands of jihadis lost, billions of aid money wasted on the proxies..

More than that number of known criminals are put behind bars on preventive grounds in other states prior to elections or any major event.

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