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Huge win for NDA predicted if polls held now l Modi suitable for PM's post

Refer you to a post i made earlier :http://www.defence.pk/forums/centra...ndian-mujahideen-operative-2.html#post3839547

as to what shinde said . i disagree with him completely . yes there were fringe elements of the rss involved .
(not bjp) but they do not represent the Hindu religion . these guys are just loonies who think killing innocents is ok as long as you take gods name.
the bjp mad a fau pax by supporting these characters initially , rajnath even went to meet them in prison .

Sonia Gandhi cried after seeing Batla House encounter images: Salman Khurshid Video: NDTV.com

The media regularly goes to houses of muslim accused and telecasts their mothers and wives saying they are innocent. Digvijay singh regularly visits th houses in Azamgarh. That is all not wrong..but BJP leader goes to meet one lady and all hell breaks loose.

aap kare to chamatkaar, hum kare to balatkaar ? :D

According to Indian constitution it is innocent until proven guilty and till now they have not managed to move ahead in the case..till now 5 years have passed and no progress. Morever Sadhvi Pragya is suffering from breast cancer and not they have not extended medical services to her till recently.
Media exaggeration. They tried the same during the gujarat elections as well hyping up the results so that even though a 2/3rd victory sounds as if less than the target.

I would take these with a bag of salt especially considering that there are 16 more months to go and the full force of money sucking, vote catching populist measures yet to be introduced.


Can you imagine ? :D

If at all congress comes to power again, I would like chidambaram to become the PM. He is one of the shrewdest politician today. I am not sure if modi can manage a coalition .
If at all congress comes to power again, I would like chidambaram to become the PM. He is one of the shrewdest politician today.

2014 its 60% UPA, 40% NDA and I dont want Chidu to become the PM...he will be forced to be the puppet and again there will be two centers of power..atleast if we are going to give the power to the gandhi clan, then let them have the accountability too..I want rahul to become the PM if UPA wins..either he will be forced to do good..or he will be exposed..either way its good.

if modi is projected as pm candidate for nda there is good chance of jayalalita led aiadmk joining it and nitish kumar led jdu leaving

Nitish kumar will not leave...i believe the current posture of Nitish is because the Delhi gang of BJP is silently exhorting him to take a posture because they themselves cant be seen opposing Modi..They dont want Modi to assume importance in Delhi because unlike Modi or Shivraj chauhan they dont have a home base..their only base is Delhi and if they lose relevance here then they are nobodys. But Nitish is a shrewd politician..now he is talking their voice because its a confused center of power in BJP..but once Modi is confirmed, then Nitish will automatically join in line..because he knows joining the congress the best post he can get is the railway minister...but in NDA there is even a chance of becoming home minister..
This time congress can only win if they hack the computerized voting machines :lol:

Swamy is doing a stellar job in this front. He is fighting hard to take back the EVMs and re-introduce paper ballots. Even I think that is the way to go. . His case is right now in hearing I believe where he proved that EVMs can be tampered with. P Chidambaram won because is this.

Anyway a good step in this direction is -

EVMs will soon give paper receipts: Official | The South Asian Times
2014 its 60% UPA, 40% NDA and I dont want Chidu to become the PM...he will be forced to be the puppet and again there will be two centers of power..atleast if we are going to give the power to the gandhi clan, then let them have the accountability too..I want rahul to become the PM if UPA wins..either he will be forced to do good..or he will be exposed..either way its good.

Nitish kumar will not leave...i believe the current posture of Nitish is because the Delhi gang of BJP is silently exhorting him to take a posture because they themselves cant be seen opposing Modi..They dont want Modi to assume importance in Delhi because unlike Modi or Shivraj chauhan they dont have a home base..their only base is Delhi and if they lose relevance here then they are nobodys. But Nitish is a shrewd politician..now he is talking their voice because its a confused center of power in BJP..but once Modi is confirmed, then Nitish will automatically join in line..because he knows joining the congress the best post he can get is the railway minister...but in NDA there is even a chance of becoming home minister..
I dont think chidambaram is as weak as MMS. More over he has shown his capability as the home minister. Rahul will be like Rajiv Gandhi. A pretty face with no brains.
I would throw my hat in with BJP if I didn't feel they were too Hindu-centric. Now I might come across as ignorant but the thing is India is fundamentally a secular nation and it is not fair for a party (BJP) to come that only represents or cares about one section of soceity (Hindus). Do Sikhs,Chrisitans,Jews,Muslims etc not deserve a secular govt? When I hear all this talk of Hindu-nationalism wrt the BJP and the RSS it really makes me uneasy as the above minorities are as Indian as their hindu brothers,no? Would Sikhs for instance be seen in a poor light by the BJP/RSS?

I'll admit Indian politics is not my strong point and I am out of my comfort zone here really. If I am Ill informed then anyone please feel free to educate me..

In the following post the word minority refers only to Christians and Muslims. I dont know about others but my experience is Sikhs, Jains, Parsis dont have this "minority" complex in a political sense and they are cool with it. Also Sikhs are primarily present in Punjab where they are majority and there they have an alliance with BJP..Infact Akalis are one of the longest and trusted allies of BJP. W.r.t Jains, they are too integrated into the Gujrati Hindu culture. Parsis remain aloof from all this and Buddhists too dont care much. Also when one says "Hindu nationalism" I believe it includes all the religions that originated in India.

1) Opposing pseudo-secularism that Congress or Left parties preaches is by no means opposing secularism. India must remain secular but in the true sense of the word. The faith of the individual must not play any role in how justice or other benefits that are served to him. Right now in India, secularism means putting majority in the backfoot. See this link. Also when you have secular leaders mouthing off words like Hindu terror when in case of jehadis they say terror has no religion, then automatically many Hindus would start to suspect if the word secularism is only used to keep them on the backfoot and would start to reject that.

2) Many parties are there which say they look after minority interests. So its not wrong if there is atleast one party that gives voice to the Hindu side of argument too.

3) Even the parties that supposedly look after minority have done precious nothing to actually do something to advance their welfare. Its just token measures and vote-catching politics.

4) There must be acknowledgement of the fact that even though India is politically and constitutionally secular.. culturally its heritage lies in Dharmic religions. This does not mean they should be persecuted or discriminated, but a mere acknowledgement of that and respect. Something like even though UK is secular it still identified itself as a Christian country. After India as a secular country is just 35 years old..but its heritage is more than 5000 years old. That 5000 year old heritage must not be forgotten or relinquished for the sake of a 35 year old word. Hindus (or for that matter all the Dharmic religions) have only this land that they can call their own in this world and considering the history of the last 1000 years which have not been that pleasant for them and especially Partition, it is natural for them to try to assert their right place. That should not be viewed as bad unless it does not impinge on the individual freedom of other communities.
Nothing is 100% safe but India has a proffesional,robust and 100% unbiased electrol commission. No need to think up doomsday scernios! To think that in many states in the US the electronic voting machines were made by companies linked to Romney and he STILL lost!!

Paper ballots in this age are more secure from tampering than EVMs. And PC won just because of that. He lost Sivangangai seat by more than 4000 votes and after a recount he suddenly won by 800 odd votes. Actually people in the know say that the ADMK candidate was promptly paid off, some tinkering done and PC emerged winner.

I mean manual counting there is a chance of error..but how can a machine make an error..that too with a difference of 4800 + votes..if that is the case, then why are we using that ?

And let us not compare US democracy with India..India is no where US in its political maturity.
hey guys what about Momota Didi joining nda :P

Mamata won't join NDA, u possibly can't given the demographic equation in west Benagal..any party seen even remotely hobnobbing with the BJP will never come to power in west bengal, bitter truth, mamata didi in all probability will give another one of her famous "Ekla Cholo" slogan and wait for an opportunity to exploit the post poll equation if she gets the numbers in simpler words she will try to play a King Maker, as well as Miya Mulayam..that is the best game plan as far as they are concerned
Very seldom can you predict who will come to power in India. . there is still a year left and that's a lifetime in politics.

@OP are you a bjp man mate? you seem to only open threads which favor them or show their side of the argument. :)

I wonder whether such people & News Channels with Corporates who want to see Mr Modi as PM show a genuine Calculation about the seats that BJP can acquire in next elections......................India is a very populous country to do accurate poll predictions...............You have 2004 & 2009 examples..............
Nothing is 100% safe but India has a proffesional,robust and 100% unbiased electrol commission. No need to think up doomsday scernios! To think that in many states in the US the electronic voting machines were made by companies linked to Romney and he STILL lost!!

Why are we comparing. If Obama lost, I bet ppl would be questioning it. Its not doomsday scenario. Its a possibility for many players in and out of the country. The fact that you can tamper with it, is just one of many problems. What irks me is how the govt just sweeped it away stating it is a non issue. They didn;t even look into the problem. When a whistleblower points out something wrong, it's so we can take the necessary precautions to deter any wrongdoing. You have seen it yourself, how the gov;t is never proactive only reactive. Time to change that mentality. If not now, then when? Nobody is questioning the electoral commission but not acting on such sensitive information points to bigger issues.

The India you left is not the same. Remember I bring up the Naxalite issues going on in India? Well, now regular civilians are starting to feel the same problems that they go thru. Just look at how......

The Hindu : Opinion / Op-Ed : Blow the whistle and face the music
Nothing is 100% safe but India has a proffesional,robust and 100% unbiased electrol commission. No need to think up doomsday scernios! To think that in many states in the US the electronic voting machines were made by companies linked to Romney and he STILL lost!!

All of you please read this article....

India has electronic voting; why can't the U.S.? - Slate Magazine

Voting depends on how honest our politicans are.....What do we all think about our politicans in our own respective countries? Do you think they are completely honest?

As for the US, read up again:

Recommendations for improvement

In December 2005 the US Election Assistance Commission unanimously adopted the 2005 Voluntary Voting System Guidelines, which significantly increase security requirements for voting systems and expand access, including opportunities to vote privately and independently, for individuals with disabilities. The guidelines took effect in December 2007 replacing the 2002 Voting System Standards (VSS) developed by the Federal Election Commission.
Some groups such as the Open Voting Consortium believe that to restore voter confidence and to reduce the potential for fraud, all electronic voting systems must be completely available to public scrutiny.
Also proposed is the requirement for use of open public standards and specifications such as the Election Markup Language (EML) standard developed by OASIS and now under consideration by ISO (see documents and schemas). These can provide consistent processes and mechanisms for managing and performing elections using computer systems.

As for many states using Electronic machines, here take a look

hey guys can anybody explain what's the current status of NDA in south India especially kerala
I like Modi and Nitish but the BJP is just as bad as COngress. Both parties have many incompetent corrupt ppl.
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