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How will Nasr's Neutron warhead neutralize advancing enemy columns...

How primitive mus a society be to see this abomination as anything positive.

Get rid of nuclear weapons. Its plain and simple pathetic.

Nuclear weapons prevent war. They are the greatest deterrent imaginable. End of story.
Nuclear weapons prevent war. They are the greatest deterrent imaginable. End of story.

They aren´t. You have a gargantuan danger of islamists gaining acess to those weapons.

Do you have institutions in Pakistan that could even stop a democratic elected government to have acess to those weapons?
Explain what ??

1. NASR will 60 KM range has to be deployed close to the border.

2. TEL could be located with the survellance aircrafts and UAVs, Satellite Survellance, Human intelligence etc etc

3. NASR TEL could be targeted with the glide bombs, PGM, Long Range artillery, Long range Rocket system, Air launch Cruise Missile, short range Ballastic missile like Prahar.

4. Deployment of NASR will lower the Nuclear threshold, and the in case of indian thrust, the local comander will be in pressure whether to use or to LOOSE tactical nuclear Weapon.

5. NASR haven't been inducted in PA yet.

6. Probability is very high, that Pakistan don't have the Miniturized Nuclear Warhead for the M-20 of Aerospace Long-March International Trade Co Ltd (ALIT) of China/Hatf-9/NASR and don't have the unlimited number of missiles and TEL in its inventory.
You definitely don,t know about the camouflage techniques used by the TEL commanders. We will detect this and that are just stupid assumptions.Even if you detect some TEL batteries ,even fours missiles from one battery can cause a lot of damage and are enough to break the invasion force.Dude let bragging aside we have some of the best nuclear asset protection systems in the world.Even Americans have lost their nuclear bombs but we did not.Americans are trying to locate our bombs for years but they failed.We definitely know how to make them undetectable and you are expecting a bharti army to locate our nuclear assets just like that :lol:
Talk with sense ,i know such truths are hard to digest. All you are trying to say is that NASR is a completely useless missile system which cannot stop a mighty glorious bharti army :)
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Its quite evident that you and many in your armed forces have genuine concerns about NASR. Between the lines, this missile system has already won the psychological battle. Deny this as much as you want.

Check mate ;)

Against forward columns, quite effective I would say, even with a conventional blast or fragmented type warhead, and it has several types of them.

How do you plan on using Nasr?

Not to mention, short range leaves no reaction time for air defenses to stop it anyway.

That's why IA is interested in Israel's Iron Dome.
How do you plan on using Nasr?

That's why IA is interested in Israel's Iron Dome.

The counter plan largely depends upon aggressors intend but there is no given, we could take them inside your border and start bombing NBs, who knows.

I have serious doubts on Iron Domb's ability to intercept a guided missile, it not hezb's dumb rocket you know.
They aren´t.

They were successful in saving European behinds from Soviet tanks, weren't they?

You have a gargantuan danger of islamists gaining acess to those weapons.

No. Far from it. Terrorists have lost the capacity to mount organised attacks on military targets. Pakistan's nuclear security is better than India's. There is a greater chance of an RSS sympathiser stealing Indian nukes and launching at Pakistan. You know the hate and insanity that prevails there.

Do you have institutions in Pakistan that could even stop a democratic elected government to have acess to those weapons?

Trust me my friend, those 'democratic elected' governments can't be burdened with such responsibilities. World is much better place without that.
Just last month , India conducted a massive exercise based on Cold start.

Quick mobilisation of forces to capture shallow gains in enemy territory.

Three strike corps divided into 7 IBGs to launch attack on multiple fronts. So incase enemy decided to fire nuclear weapons , they are smaller targets .

NASR is blessing in disguise for India as nation , incase Pakistan ever decides to use it with TNWs.

As per India's NFU doctrine , use of TNWs will be responded by massive strategic level strikes.

In this case a preemptive decapitating nuclear strikes on Pakistani nuclear weapons sites and command centers, most likely from Indians SSBNs in Arabian sea.. Thereby severely limiting Pakistan's second strike capability.

So yeah Cold Start is not dead, Indian army still rehearsing it every year. They are calling the Pakistani bluff, for they understand Pakistan will not be foolish enough to destroy its entire nation, just because it lost a 10 km strip of land.
How will you find all the possible sites?
And do you know how much time will your first launch will take to reach it's target.

And has invited an Indian first strike instead.
Tit for tat.
Who have the right to stop calling for the Akhand Bharat ? You, USA, Pakistan, KSA, Osama, ISIS
then we want a greater Pakistan.... If you want to talk irrationality let us talk about those, your belief of Akhand Bharat is as extremist when you say our land is part of Akhand Bharat.
I have heard this many times from Pakistanis. Your bragging about skin color is hilarious. You mean to say that brighter the skin tone, the more sophisticated you get? By that logic Eskimos would be most intelligent race on earth!

I guess you also dont believe that Sindhis and Baloch are not your people as they are not as fair skinned as Punjabis or Mirpuris..

India is a subcontinent. We have people of all hues and color. We have fair people in Kashmir, Punjab, Himachal, Uttarkhand and other places closer to Himalayas. We have wheatish people, brownies, blackies, yellow mongolids as well. We value our diversity.

Damn mate please do send me the address in case i want to get registered... you know the reason you guys have dark colors... its because you are just scorching inside with hate and jealousy against each other and when you're not hating amongst yourselves you're hating on Pakistan...
Your country is marred with racial and caste divides and you have the audacity to lecture us? Yes we do have a terrorism problem and we've combated with it to a great degree now but other than that things here are pretty intact...
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The counter plan largely depends upon aggressors intend but there is no given, we could take them inside your border and start bombing NBs, who knows.

No, I mean have you even considered neutron bombs being used on your forces by India?

I have serious doubts on Iron Domb's ability to intercept a guided missile, it not hezb's dumb rocket you know.

Nasr is a pretty simple rocket and Iron Dome has gone beyond its current capabilities.

I have serious doubts on Iron Domb's ability to intercept a guided missile, it not hezb's dumb rocket you know.

Check out the trajectory of the SAMs, they are highly capable. And Iron Dome 2 is supposed to be entirely different.
No, I mean have you even considered neutron bombs being used on your forces by India?

Nasr is a pretty simple rocket and Iron Dome has gone beyond its current capabilities.

Check out the trajectory of the SAMs, they are highly capable. And Iron Dome 2 is supposed to be entirely different.

Rockets don't change trajectory, nasr does..

Iron domb missed many rockets mate, forget about missile.
A simple Uranium based nuclear device and making neutron bomb is two different things. Even India i highly doubt they have this tech.
Keep doubting.
Nasr is a pretty simple rocket
Nasr can maneuver and change it's trajectory. Again, typical of you, undermining others, glorifying yourself.
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If anyone knows a bit about nuclear weapons they will know that any nuke below 10 kilotons is essentially a neutron bomb because of very high neutron flux. Add a fusion stage In the design and neutron emissions will be even higher.
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