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How The zionist lobby operates ?

Just look around this F..............................:oops:
Israel get roughly 3 billion dollars aid from US, more then any other country getting any foreign aid,

Most of the People, specifically Indians in this forum think that Pakistan gets the most aid, thats what i was trying to explain to them, Israel gets aid more then any country in the world and is been supported financially and economically and also militarily

Good Documentary, thanks for Sharing BB
Funny, reading some comments made by some Christians, even they think that US shud not support Israel cuz they are corrupt and stuff :tdown:

let me Quote one of the best comment

2 months ago 19
Christians for the most part have been misled into thinking God wants them to support a jewish state. This could not be further from the truth. The fraudulent state of Israel has tortured, killed, and displaced Palenstineans who rightfully owned that land. Zionist jews are what God talked about in the bible when he said to beware of ones who say they are jews and are not, for they are the synagogue of satan. Whether your christian or not does not matter, zionists are enemies to us all..

I hope some Hindu also agree with him :cheers:
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Israel get roughly 3 billion dollars aid from US, more then any other country getting any foreign aid,

Most of the People, specifically Indians in this forum think that Pakistan gets the most aid, thats what i was trying to explain to them, Israel gets aid more then any country in the world and is been supported financially and economically and also militarily

Good Documentary, thanks for Sharing BB

That's not true. In the last 5 years, Afghanistan has received 10 billion dollars from the U.S

Don't pull figures out of the air.
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Just check the Religious color given by Jews to their relations ..............
and when WE retaliate in religious manner than we are extremist.
Being extremist is the good way to deal this burden on humanity.
Funny, reading some comments made by some Christians, even they think that US shud not support Israel cuz they are corrupt and stuff :tdown:

let me Quote one of the best comment

2 months ago 19
Christians for the most part have been misled into thinking God wants them to support a jewish state. This could not be further from the truth. The fraudulent state of Israel has tortured, killed, and displaced Palenstineans who rightfully owned that land. Zionist jews are what God talked about in the bible when he said to beware of ones who say they are jews and are not, for they are the synagogue of satan. Whether your christian or not does not matter, zionists are enemies to us all..
I hope some Hindu also agree with him :

Why? Why do you hope that? And why should Hindus or more generally Indians hold that opinion? Hindus don't follow the bible, do they? And how have Jews or Israelis ever harmed Hindus/Indians in any way?

Not only do you have an irrational hatred of the Jews, you seek to have them hated by all? Not much chance of that happening. It has not happened in over 2000 years and it is not about to start now. Read below:

India's Jews
Gary Weiss

There's no question that India's secularism is under strain. Militant Hinduism remains as much a potent force as extremist Islam. The ongoing bloodletting in Kashmir is an open sore, and the periodic spasms of communal violence in Gujarat, combined with memories of the Mumbai bombings of 2006, have led to undeniable tensions. Just have a chat sometime with a Kashmiri Pandit--a Hindu displaced from that war-torn region--and you will know what I mean.

Yet this country of 1 billion largely impoverished people, home of the second-largest Muslim population in the world, still manages to maintain a sturdy system of democracy based on respect for religious and ethnic diversity. In the U.S., diversity is a politically correct slogan. In India it is a historical fact. Much as we in the West may resent it, India has a lot to teach us when it comes to religious tolerance.

To my mind, the best example of that can be found in the remarkable story of a tiny minority--India's Jewish community. India may be the only country in the world that has been free of anti-Semitic prejudice throughout its history. As the Jewish genealogical journal Avotaynu recently observed in an article on one Indian Jewish group, "The Bene Israel flourished for 2,400 years in a tolerant land that has never known anti-Semitism, and were successful in all aspects of the socio-economic and cultural life of the people of the region."

That's really a bit astonishing, if not ridiculous, when you think about it. Compare that with any Western nation, be it France or Russia or even the U.S., where discrimination against Jews in housing was a fact of life as recently as the 1950s. But in "backward" India, from the beginning, the Jewish communities have not only been free of discrimination but have dominated the commercial life of every place where they have settled--something that has fed traditional European anti-Semitism.

Why has India remained free of this scourge? Various reasons have been advanced for that--such as, the Hindu religion does not seek to convert those from other faiths. What we do know is that anti-Semitism seems alien to the Indian character. And if you don't believe me, I suggest you take a trip to a southern Indian town called Kochi, in the state of Kerala. There you can find the physical evidence of this glaring historical anomaly.

Kochi, formerly called Cochin, is a former European settlement with a large Christian population and a seafaring heritage. It is a town of enormous charm that reminds some visitors of the Caribbean more than India. On a shabby lane in Kochi you can find a complex of four 439-year-old buildings--the Paradesi Synagogue.

There you have Exhibit A for India's tradition of secularism and day-to-day tolerance of religious diversity: the fact that this synagogue exists at all.

Kochi's Jews trace their descent back to 700 B.C., and lived in harmony with their Muslim and Hindu neighbors until--well, I guess I’ll have to backtrack a bit on my claim that there was never anti-Semitism in India. There was quite a bit in the 16th century.

Kochi's Jews were indeed persecuted--not by Indians but by the Portuguese, following in the glorious traditions of the Inquisition. With the help of the Hindu maharaja and the Dutch, Kochi's Jewish community rebuilt its synagogue, burned by the Portuguese, in its current location near his maharajah's palace. It has remained there, unmolested, ever since.

The Jews of Kochi are largely gone now, mostly emigrated to Israel, but it remains a very Jewish landmark in a very non-Jewish country. The synagogue, at least when I last visited it, had none of the heavy security that is common in large New York City synagogues. A short distance away is a Jewish cemetery, and again the distinction is in what you don't see--there's none of the overturned headstones and vandalism that have been sadly common in Jewish cemeteries in the U.S. Yes, even in Brooklyn.

It's pretty much the same story elsewhere in India. Separate Jewish communities were established over the years in Mumbai, where the Bene Israel arrived over 2,000 years ago, and in Kolkata, where a more recent community of Middle Eastern "Baghdadi" Jews became established. In the northeast of India is the Bnai Menashe, who trace their origins to the Israelite tribe of Menasseh.

The Indian Jewish community has never been very large, with the Bene Israel numbering just 35,000 at its peak in the 1950s. Yet Indian Jews have achieved distinction far beyond their numbers. A great many chose to make a career in the military under the Raj (British rule that ended with independence 60 years ago this week)--a phenomenon that, believe me, is certainly foreign to the Eastern European Jewish experience.

Indeed, the most well-known Indian Jew is an eminent soldier: Lt. Gen. J.F.R. Jacob, who commanded Indian forces in the invasion of East Pakistan in 1971. Other Indian Jews achieved distinction in Bollywood, such as the pioneering actress Sulochana, queen of the Indian silent movies. It would probably surprise most Seinfeld fans to learn that Brian George, who played the sad-sack Pakistani restaurant owner Babu Bhatt, is an Israeli of Indian descent.

To be sure, the small size of the Jewish community has meant that the Jews of India never rose to become a political force. As a community it has never exerted any influence on Indian politics, and certainly not on the rabidly anti-Israel foreign policy that has marked much of India's modern history. In other countries, the absence of Jewish communal influence--or even the absence of Jews--has not prevented rulers from using Jews as scapegoats. Poland of the late 1960s, the era of "anti-Semitism without Jews," is a good example.

All this has a way of mystifying Indians. I've always had difficulty with Indians when we've discussed anti-Semitism. They don't understand it, and to tell you the truth, I've had difficulty explaining it myself.

Indians are sometimes accused of being condescending toward Westerners, and of being excessively preachy in their attitude toward other nations. That accusation is sometimes correct. But when it comes to India's treatment of one of its smallest and most vulnerable minorities, there is ample reason to be both condescending--and proud.

Gary Weiss has covered business for more than 20 years as an investigative reporter and author. His latest book is Wall Street Vs. America: The Rampant Greed and Dishonesty That Imperil Your Investments. He blogs regularly at www.garyweiss.blogspot.co

A Conservative Estimate of Total Direct U.S. Aid to Israel: Almost $114 Billion

P.S:Calculate yourself for the last five years.

114 billion in the last 60 years, that is not much compared to what the U.S has given to other countries.

The statement of "the U.S gives more aid to israel then any other country" is completely false.

It's just a lie, pulled out of thin air.
It's not just 3 billion dollars.It does not include special grants that Israel receives from time to time for example obama just approved 250 million Dollars for Iron Dome.

Its just tip of the iceberg.Israel gets weapons on discounted prices.Meaning if Pakistan is buying an F-16 it would be like 30-35 million dollars with all the strings attached and u can't put anything on it without American permission and also you have you permanently house American inspectors on your bases who can suddenly perform checks at any time.Feeling humiliated but Israel is exempt from all these conditions.

America doesn't gives source codes to anyone even UAE didn't received them despite investing in the development of Block 60.But Israel has them they can put any number of Indigenous equipment on their F-16.

Then there is American Military support.You can participate in any Pentagon Program of your choice with minimum resistance.

Israel gets billion of dollars of donations from their brethren in USA.Not only that Israel also receives remittances in gigantic numbers that covers Israel Fiscal deficit.Think of it like that Pakistan would be bankrupt if people would not send money home from legal channels from abroad.

Israel also receives outright free equipment not only from USA but also from European countries for example Israel received 2 Dolphin class boats from Germany absolutely free.Third was received on heavily discounted prices.

Now Israel has decided to buy 2 more boats that will feature the classified Type 212 AIP systems which Germany doesn't sell to any other country.More so Germans have even paid advance amount to their shipyards just to start construction not only that a third of cost of these 2 new boats will be paid by germany.So you can see that practically out of 5 boats Israel has not purchased even one they all get it for free.
Why? Why do you hope that? And why should Hindus or more generally Indians hold that opinion? Hindus don't follow the bible, do they? And how have Jews or Israelis ever harmed Hindus/Indians in any way?

Not only do you have an irrational hatred of the Jews, you seek to have them hated by all? Not much chance of that happening. It has not happened in over 2000 years and it is not about to start now. Read below:

They have harmed Humans didnt they, Just once think as a human being
:rofl::rofl:Irational hate for jews ?? have i even mentioned Jews, yes i mentioned about the Zionists, and whole Government of Israel are Zionists.

You know what your Problem is, you guys dont read the whole thing properly, first read and then understand and then point your guns:agree:
Oh yeah??

pakistan becomes largest producer of Israeli flags.

Never curse the ones who gives you bread and butter.

And Historicaly you have no issue with Israel.

May be you should have read the article before posting it and commenting on it like a retard. The article clearly mentions that the flags are being produced for local burning. Now that might symbolize what ever, but the fact remains that Never curse the ones who gives you bread and butter. was a comment made by you at the hight of your ignorance.
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