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How Russia got caught by his own hands about Su-24 ?

fox 2

Nov 6, 2015
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I will tell just Su-24 case. Not the ISIS lost positions since Russia attacks. (%0.4, oops i said)
I understand right now, why Russia doing that fancy Caspian shows. To cheat the peoples of course.
And that truck pics from Afghanistan. I must admit they knows how to play this game. (Of course they are bombing the ISIS, but they didn't focus to that because of future aims on Syria)
But you can't cheat the peoples who run the worlds neither on Su-24 or on Turkmen's.
So i am gonna tell the truths for the dumbs.

Let's start.
Russia MoD said 2 F-16 tracked Russian plane for 105 mins. And they said we tracked F-16's for 75 mins.
And they claim this is a ambush ??? Yeah, you heard it right.



So what we got ?
Russia tracked F-16' s as Turkey tracked Su-24' s. Survival pilot said ''we heard nothing, we knew nothing, missile came suddenly''. Which means lies of survival pilots proof nothing for the 1516551 times. So if Russia tracked the Turkish planes must be said something to the their pilots right ?

They said we wathced F-16's over 75 mins but we said nothing to the pilots.
They said plane heard nothing from Turkish side. They said we heard nothing from Turkish side, and we said nothing to the our pilots.

And they claim patrolling is a ambush for Russia. They know Turkey patrolling all borders for 7/24 which another bullshit lie.
Maybe they have no idea what is the patrolling or they thinks world stupid enough to believe this words.

I want to write longer but no need the say their disgusting lies.
If Russia is right then they must do something in international laws. But they did nothing except propaganda and bullshit lies.
NATO announced, proofs of Turkey correct with proof of allies. Even Netherland officials and ME Airlines pilots said we heard warnings on the ''guard'' frequency.

Russia you got caught badly in diplomatic ways. So shut your mouths if you don't gonna say nothing but lies. Turkey absolutely right in this case.

And we must don't forget Russia violated air space two times 45 days ago.
They said it's navigation error and won't be happen again.
Turkey protested hard and said it he will shot down if happens again.
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I will tell just Su-24 case. Not the ISIS lost positions since Russia attacks. (%0.4, oops i said)
I understand right now, why Russia doing that fancy Caspian shows. To cheat the peoples of course.
And that truck pics from Afghanistan. I must admit they knows how to play this game. (Of course they are bombing the ISIS, but they didn't focus to that because of future aims on Syria)
But you can't cheat the peoples who run the worlds neither on Su-24 or on Turkmen's.
So i am gonna tell the truths for the dumbs.

Let's start.
Russia MoD said 2 F-16 tracked Russian plane for 105 mins. And they said we tracked F-16's for 75 mins.
And they claim this is a ambush ??? Yeah, you heard it right.



So what we got ?
Russia tracked F-16' s as Turkey tracked Su-24' s. Survival pilot said ''we heard nothing, we knew nothing, missile came suddenly''. Which means lies of survival pilots proof nothing for the 1516551 times. So if Russia tracked the Turkish planes must be said something to the their pilots right ?

They said we wathced F-16's over 75 mins but we said nothing to the pilots.
They said plane heard nothing from Turkish side. They said we heard nothing from Turkish side, and we said nothing to the our pilots.

And they claim patrolling is a ambush for Russia. They know Turkey patrolling all borders for 7/24 which another bullshit lie.
Maybe they have no idea what is the patrolling or they thinks world stupid enough to believe this words.

I want to write longer but no need the say their disgusting lies.
If Russia is right then they must do something in international laws. But they did nothing except propaganda and bullshit lies.
NATO announced, proofs of Turkey correct with proof of allies. Even Netherland officials and ME Airlines pilots said we heard warnings on the ''guard'' frequency.

Russia you got caught badly in diplomatic ways. So shut your mouths if you don't gonna say nothing but lies. Turkey absolutely right in this case.

And we must don't forget Russia violated air space two times 45 days ago.
They said it's navigation error and won't be happen again.
Turkey protested hard and said it he will shot down if happens again.
abi helal olsun
...said many time, Syria is - intenationaly recognized county (or isn't it) with one legitimate force who officially asked Russia in to assist fighting illegal internation "comunity" torrorising the country. Therefore, Russin is only legitimate force in the region due to int law...
..Saying that i.e only Syria should protect it's aircpace (not Russia) from invasions ... well ... say to pooosey erdogan who, just after ambushing returning to base su-24 the first thing did is ran to NATO to suckk cucks in there for they helping him/cover ..
.. then all the rubbish about turkmen - .. yeah -yeah, "bad Assad just came to kill nice civilian turkmen just for fun" (must be), - reality is that there are just terrorist from all over the World (and particularly 1-2000 terrorist from Russian/Caucases) torrorising the nation/country of Syria (could have seen the "civilian turkmen" who were killing and torturing the body of Russian pilot - hi is/was member of 'Grey Wolfs' the internal turkey terrorist groups and son of Head of some small city in turkey) .. so please tell more about "civilian farmers turkmen who just for nothing slottered by bad Russians and Assad"... than the main reason to opperate in the north on Syria - to lock the border with turky, the country with spreads terror to Syrian territory / supply, funding, healing bastards, trades ISIS oil, stollen arts and so on ...

Source: Erdogan's Twisted Logic: S-400 Must Not Shoot Down Turkish Jets Over Syria Read more: http://sputni | Page 4

... so fcuck off...

Downed in 17 seconds? Where Turkey’s story of Su-24 violating airspace just doesn’t add up — RT News

p.s Turkey arrests two journalists on terrorism charges
Turkish response wasnt right. Russia is not Turkey's enemy.

Turkey has been buying oil from ISIS. Russia's bombing of transport lines and facilities supplying oil irked Turkey. Turkey wants to support ISIS to fend Kurdish terrorists away. Understandable but supporting ISIS is not acceptable.

Russia's campaign has been quite effective. At this moment, Russia seems to be the only country fighting the just war.
Turkish response wasnt right. Russia is not Turkey's enemy.

Turkey has been buying oil from ISIS. Russia's bombing of transport lines and facilities supplying oil irked Turkey. Turkey wants to support ISIS to fend Kurdish terrorists away. Understandable but supporting ISIS is not acceptable.

Russia's campaign has been quite effective. At this moment, Russia seems to be the only country fighting the just war.

Look... So what that Turkey is buying oil from ISIS? How is that supporting ISIS really? Turkey is not supporting ISIS, it is common that foes depending on situation buy things from each other...

USA bought titanium and other things from Soviet Union so USA supported Soviet Union then?

Contact: Ken Grubbs, 202.225.0145
November 25, 2015

Rohrabacher Statement on Turkey’s Clash with Russia

WASHINGTON – Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee on Europe, Eurasia, and Emerging Threats, on Saturday issued the following statement concerning Turkey’s shooting down of a Russian jet fighter on the Turkey-Syria border:

It is imperative that American decision-makers admit to themselves and begin basing their decisions on the hard fact that Islamic terrorism poses the primary threat to our safety and the peace of the world.

Our president seems incapable of uttering the phrase Islamic terrorism, much less of overseeing a policy that will defeat this evil. His incoherence is ever more evident as events in Syria unfold.

Not radical Islam, but the Russians have been portrayed to us as the villains in this chapter of history. Yet our government demonstrates a lack of will, incompetence, or both, in confronting the most monstrous of the radical Islamic marauders now spilling vast quantities of innocent blood in the Middle East -- as well as in Africa and France.

When Russia courageously stepped into the breach we should have been applauding its willingness to confront ISIS. Instead, we continue to denigrate Russians as if they were still the Soviet Union and Putin, not Islamic terrorists, our most vicious enemy.

So now we see the travesty of a harsh condemnation of the Russians for introducing air strikes against terrorists who will murder Americans if they get the chance.

Yes, Russia does this to protect Syria’s authoritarian Assad regime, which has close ties to Moscow. So what?

Assad, like Iraq’s Saddam Hussein, is no threat to the United States or the Western world. If Assad is forced out of power he will eventually be replaced by an Islamic terrorist committed to raining down mayhem on Western countries.

Today we witness the spectacle of American decision- makers, in and out of the Obama administration, joining forces with a Turkish regime that grows more supportive of the radical Islamist movement. There is ample evidence of President Erdogan’s complicity in ISIS’s murderous rampage through Syria and Iraq.

Yet, we hold our public rebukes for the Russians, who are battling those terrorists. A Russian plane on an anti-terrorist mission did violate Turkish airspace, just as Turkish planes have strayed into Greek airspace hundreds of times over the last year. This overflight was no threat to Turkey. Still, it was shot down, as was a Russian helicopter on the way to rescue the downed Russian pilot.

Why do Americans feel compelled to kick Russia in the teeth? Russia’s military is attacking an enemy that would do us harm. Why ignore the hostile pro-terrorist maneuvering of Turkish strongman Erdogan?

President Obama is wrong. American politicians who try to sound tough at Russia’s expense in this case are not watching out for the long-term interests of the United States by undermining those fighting our primary enemy, Islamic terrorists.

Russia should be applauded. Instead, it is being castigated for doing what our government is unwilling to do to confront the terrorist offensive now butchering innocent human beings from Africa, to the Middle East, to the streets of Paris.

If being in NATO means protecting Erdogan in this situation, either he shouldn’t be in NATO or we shouldn’t.
Now Chineeeese confessed Turkmen' s first, ISIS next.
Yeah, you evils. We know you have not problem with ISIS. ISIS just a tool for the media propaganda.
You want strategic Russia won here. Just this..
Strangely I heard a interesting statement

Back in the day in first gulf war , Turkey was one of few nations that opposed war in gulf, some what same as russia

And today due to US/UK manipulation , we find the two nation who were against wars in region up against each other

And I was left in shock how did this happened
It's a foolish arguement! Radar tracking is just monitering the spots moves on a small screen. There were Su24s and F-16s in the air all the time. If the F-16s were far from Su24s and on the Turkish side, why should Russians worry about and inform their pilots on the Syrian side?

The fact is that the rescued pilot did not hear anything about 10 warnings from Turkish F-16s. They might have passed Turkish territory for 17 seconds as Turkish claims but the Su24 was hit in the territory of Syria by the Turkish F-16 inside or outside the Syrian air space. It's obvious to be a deliberate act. Given the quick release of well taken videos, radar maps and etc, it looks like an ambush!!!
You messed with Russia and your Turkmen got a response. That's it.
Turkmens getting killed over 4 years, if we want to make big moves it will be done by fore sure. Not about Russia, don't worry.

It's a foolish arguement! Radar tracking is just monitering the spots moves on a small screen. There were Su24s and F-16s in the air all the time. If the F-16s were far from Su24s and on the Turkish side, why should Russians worry about and inform their pilots on the Syrian side?

The fact is that the rescued pilot did not hear anything about 10 warnings from Turkish F-16s. They might have passed Turkish territory for 17 seconds as Turkish claims but the Su24 was hit in the territory of Syria by the Turkish F-16 inside or outside the Syrian air space. It's obvious to be a deliberate act. Given the quick release of well taken videos, radar maps and etc, it looks like an ambush!!!
OOOPSSS. I got you to. Check Russian radar images, they claim F-16 wait 105 mins next to borders fired the missile from 10-12 km.
Next argument please. :pop:
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