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How PAF Prevented an Israeli Attack on Pakistan's Nuclear Assets

In fact they started getting it from 1998.

In fact they got first one on 14 Aug 1998 about three months after tests. Three Ds and one C were the first consignment which landed at Tengah AB. It must have taken some time to reach India for some exercise.
This is just another article to satisfy the ego of Pakistanis in light of recent events taking place in middle east, specially in Gaza. Just to show that PAF is superior than IAF, which is clearly not the case. In today's battlefield, tech counts! not individual skill. Why need skill when you can shoot down enemy with bvr's. This article/report is more of a ego thing than anything else. Our capabilities were blown during OBL raid! Israel's tech is better! you do the math...:sniper:
Scary....Can somebody explain to me what was the wrath of God that would have been unleashed on India by the PAF ?

This had happened more than just once. In a second scenario, it was reported that when India was to attack Pakistan, the Indian ambassador was woken up in the middle of the night by the Pakistani military and was dragged to the presidential palace, apparently, on the way, he could hear the jets scrambling. He was then given a flight path of 45 minutes to some Indian installations and was asked by the Pakistani president to contact his government and let them know that Pakistan is aware of what's about to happen.
However, Pakistan wasn't exactly prepare to stop a massive military attack so it had to resort to the last option. The Indian ambassador then conveyed to his government and immediately settled the situation down.

There are many examples of when both the countries went on the brink of nuclear war or at least threaten each other with the nuke option. Same happened after Kargil and after the 2002 parliament attack when India threatened to retaliate and go nuclear if need be.

The point is, that there is NO reason for either of the country to do things to the other one that lets to a situation like this (both use extensive proxies). The ONLY solution available for Indo-Pak situation is called PEACE. It doesn't matter who's military is big and who's smaller....the end game is just extremely dangerous!!!
You are putting hundreds of millions of lives at risk. Poor people that don't really care for what goes on between the militaries or the political parties on either side. People that are struggling to make ends meat, and are just trying to live their life to provide a better future for their kids. What are they doing wrong to deserve a nuclear war???
This is just another article to satisfy the ego of Pakistanis in light of recent events taking place in middle east, specially in Gaza. Just to show that PAF is superior than IAF, which is clearly not the case. In today's battlefield, tech counts! not individual skill. Why need skill when you can shoot down enemy with bvr's. This article/report is more of a ego thing than anything else. Our capabilities were blown during OBL raid! Israel's tech is better! you do the math...:sniper:

Absolute non sense, this article has been circulated through out various blogs, we Pakistanis love to believe in conspiracy theories. Israel has nothing to with Pakistan, last time any Israeli leader mentioned Pakistan it was Shimon Peres who prayed for Musharaf. Infact, in 2010 Israelis offered Pakistan to sell their guided munitions for PAF for war on terror, an offer which was rejected by PAF. This was stated by Pakistan Air chief in a speech. Recently Pakistan Airforce also bought aircraft refueling trucks from Israel indirectly through Turkey.

I am still wondering how senior and respected members on this forum like "WindJammer" are agreeing with this delusional article.

We also love to pretend objectivity and brush away everything as a conspiracy theory.

Anyway, since this whole story has been told now and before I might as well add my own account to it. I was staying at my uncle's (then a Group Captain) at Chaklala. My dad remembers waking up and seeing my uncle fully dressed in uniform in the middle of the night ready to leave. My dad also remembers sirens being sounded at the base. My uncle left having said that something big was happening and that he'd discuss it when he got back. So when he came back in the morning he told this story. Reportedly, the PAF and the Pakistani authorities had been notified by a certain friendly country which had observed Israeli F-16s with a refueler passing overhead inbound towards Pakistan. This coupled with the previous intelligence reports everything made sense for the PAF without a second mention. Everything was put on high alert and birds were scrambled. After taking the countermeasures Pakistan again was contacted by the said friendly country and the Israelis were reported as going back home.

So for the Pakistanis who dispute this I am sorry but these stories are actually true.

PS: Being objective does not dictate that everything and anything that sounds unlikely be dismissed. In fact it demands that you investigate it and not come to any conclusion until it is proven or disproved.
A reading of this is better for those interested in meaningful discussion.
others may wait to wear their pink tutus soon.
Aeronaut: Like the Lovers' Secret

There was definitely something in the cards.
Back in the 80's the idea of an Israeli attack on Pakistans nuclear facility was very real.
However, Our "finger in the pie" military procurement decided to capitalize on this by buying Mistral MANPADS to tackle an attack which was probably going to be based on stand off weapons.
A reading of this is better for those interested in meaningful discussion.
others may wait to wear their pink tutus soon.
Aeronaut: Like the Lovers' Secret

There was definitely something in the cards.
Back in the 80's the idea of an Israeli attack on Pakistans nuclear facility was very real.
However, Our "finger in the pie" military procurement decided to capitalize on this by buying Mistral MANPADS to tackle an attack which was probably going to be based on stand off weapons.

The "details" are classified, been told that if and when they come out - they would be shocking. I, heard that PAF had ordered its pilots to ram the air crafts into the enemy jets if it comes to that and PAF therefore conducted specialized training for pilots to do just that.
The "details" are classified, been told that if and when they come out - they would be shocking. I, heard that PAF had ordered its pilots to ram the air crafts into the enemy jets if it comes to that and PAF therefore conducted specialized training for pilots to do just that.

Not as such specialized training, Just basic orders to use the F-16's stronger wing roots to ram into the C-130's vertical tail. Ensure that enough damage was caused to the C-130 to bring it down with the F-16.
Not as such specialized training, Just basic orders to use the F-16's stronger wing roots to ram into the C-130's vertical tail. Ensure that enough damage was caused to the C-130 to bring it down with the F-16.

C-130s wont be invading Pakistani air space would they?
Not as such specialized training, Just basic orders to use the F-16's stronger wing roots to ram into the C-130's vertical tail. Ensure that enough damage was caused to the C-130 to bring it down with the F-16.

Thats a surprise- C130 cannot be taken out by missiles or cannons?-
I donot unerstand again...why the hail Israel will unnecessary involve itself directly to India and Pakistan conflict?? Sometimes people from both and India and Pakistan just love to create nice gossip around Israel....It may be a taboo too for journalists to get attention....
The fear of Israel' attacking our nuclear facilities was real in the past and may be real in future, but the question is whether this incident really happened or not. I have spoken to many(military folks) on this issue and got a mixed response. Some swear it happened and the other swear never happened. Those who swear it happened all claim the same that our good friends the saudi's warned us against an incoming strike package spotted by their AWACS/ground radars. But when asked that how any Radar know the final destination of this so called strike package,come the response that you navy men won't understand how AWACS work.Maybe the saudi's AWACS had sensors to read the mind of the israeli's pilot mind I dont know or may be the israeli's decided to share the flight path with the saudi's as a goodwill gesture we'll never know.

The story has loopholes and their is nothing in it to remain classified if it even happned. In fact it would serve our interest to declassify it as it would make the public aware of our security threats and what not.
We had the chance to stop Pakistan from getting nuclear weapons in past but we missed it now we better to engage with Pakistan in economics and trade until we get our balistic blanket deployed to cover every single inch of our mother land. :)
The "details" are classified, been told that if and when they come out - they would be shocking. I, heard that PAF had ordered its pilots to ram the air crafts into the enemy jets if it comes to that and PAF therefore conducted specialized training for pilots to do just that.

Not as such specialized training, Just basic orders to use the F-16's stronger wing roots to ram into the C-130's vertical tail. Ensure that enough damage was caused to the C-130 to bring it down with the F-16.

Interesting that on one hand, there are vehement proclamations that the F-16s can be used exactly as PAF wishes, and on the other hand, there are plans and training to use the F-16s as glorified battering rams if it does not work under certain circumstances. :D

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