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How PAF Prevented an Israeli Attack on Pakistan's Nuclear Assets

Pakistani's and their military glorified conspiracy theories!

I wonder how many times Pakistani's come up with their theories that show a fierce, brave and fearless Pakistani military that cowed down adversaries like India/Israel and nowadays US.

The last awesome one i heard was that Musharraf told Vajpayee or some other Indian leader that if we die there are hundreds of millions of Muslims left, but if you die there are no Hindus left. And ofcourse, the shaking Indian leader left with a wimp and ofcourse..never attacked.
Its Israel's own Paranoia...
I dont think Pakistan will ever want to or ever wanted to launch a large scale nuclear attack on Israel.
Interesting that on one hand, there are vehement proclamations that the F-16s can be used exactly as PAF wishes, and on the other hand, there are plans and training to use the F-16s as glorified battering rams if it does not work under certain circumstances. :D

You are taking two different scenario's and patching it.
The Ramming technique was for the C-130's if all else failed..say in a scenario where the F-16's had to engage an enemy which had hijackers on board the C-130 and had sent air assets to escort it out.
In case the PAF saw that it was unable to stop the C-130 in time from leavings its airspace while its fighting a force.. the fighter was to ram it .. a sure shot technique to bring it down.
Pakistani's and their military glorified conspiracy theories!

I wonder how many times Pakistani's come up with their theories that show a fierce, brave and fearless Pakistani military that cowed down adversaries like India/Israel and nowadays US.

The last awesome one i heard was that Musharraf told Vajpayee or some other Indian leader that if we die there are hundreds of millions of Muslims left, but if you die there are no Hindus left. And ofcourse, the shaking Indian leader left with a wimp and ofcourse..never attacked.

Didnt Israel attack and destroy Iraqi reactors?
Not as such specialized training, Just basic orders to use the F-16's stronger wing roots to ram into the C-130's vertical tail. Ensure that enough damage was caused to the C-130 to bring it down with the F-16.
Actually, during the last flights when the 'material' was finally being transferred to Chagai, four F-16s escorted the C-130. The pilots were given orders at last moment, secretive and away from ears of all others, that if the C-130 does something funny or any attempt to hijack it occurs, just shoot down the C-130 and if that does not work, ram into the bird but bring that down at all cost and ensuring it gets damaged so does the shipment.
C-130s wont be invading Pakistani air space would they?
Read above, Pakistani C-130s carrying the detonators and devices. There were chances of EW suites jamming the communication, and then take the C-130s or even the pilot being sold off. It was crucial, a small mistake and everything fails. Read the blog of Sir K.Tufail posted by Oscar, or furthermore, contact him.
One story from 1998 was that a friendly country monitored the Israeli aircraft headings and notified Pakistan of their possible destination, further intelligence revealed that there were Israeli F-16s present in India, that's when Pakistani foreign ministry made some late night calls to some Western capitals as well as Peking and Moscow making them aware of the situation and threatening a full retaliation in case of any misadventure. Apparently the Israeli ambassador to Washington got in touch with the Pakistani counterpart and suggested, any misunderstanding should be dealt directly by the two countries. In due course, Israel, which first denied the issue, later admitted that it's aircraft were in India......for a joint exercise.
Thats a surprise- C130 cannot be taken out by missiles or cannons?-

That was in case the C-130 was hijacked or otherwise.. and a hostile force had come to escort it out.
If the F-16's ran out of ammo or were not able to bring the bird down due to being engaged by hostile forces... they were to ram it to bring it down over Pakistani airspace.
The most vivid memory of the nuclear test,that will remain in our memories will be....

The diappearing of all our foreign currency accounts :lol:
You are taking two different scenario's and patching it.
The Ramming technique was for the C-130's if all else failed..say in a scenario where the F-16's had to engage an enemy which had hijackers on board the C-130 and had sent air assets to escort it out.
In case the PAF saw that it was unable to stop the C-130 in time from leavings its airspace while its fighting a force.. the fighter was to ram it .. a sure shot technique to bring it down.

So it is just a desperate last resort rather than any lack of confidence in the capabilities of the F-16? Right you are.
Scary....Can somebody explain to me what was the wrath of God that would have been unleashed on India by the PAF ?

The very same where your leader's balls dropped off after making a full plan of 'strategic strikes' in Pakistan's various locations after Mumbai blasts. Your leaders have a lot more brains than you, go back to video games since you don't understand jack sh*t about strategy and consequences of nuclear war.
Pakistani's and their military glorified conspiracy theories!

I wonder how many times Pakistani's come up with their theories that show a fierce, brave and fearless Pakistani military that cowed down adversaries like India/Israel and nowadays US.

The last awesome one i heard was that Musharraf told Vajpayee or some other Indian leader that if we die there are hundreds of millions of Muslims left, but if you die there are no Hindus left. And ofcourse, the shaking Indian leader left with a wimp and ofcourse..never attacked.

You are mixing your Apples and Oranges....that incident took place between Zia and Rajiv during the famous Cricket diplomacy.
Pakistani's and their military glorified conspiracy theories!

I wonder how many times Pakistani's come up with their theories that show a fierce, brave and fearless Pakistani military that cowed down adversaries like India/Israel and nowadays US.

The last awesome one i heard was that Musharraf told Vajpayee or some other Indian leader that if we die there are hundreds of millions of Muslims left, but if you die there are no Hindus left. And ofcourse, the shaking Indian leader left with a wimp and ofcourse..never attacked.

Thats all very well said.. but isnt that what most nations do? Including India?
The Likes of Zee Tv and Pran Chopra have on occasion left even Zaid Hamid to shame.
So it is just a desperate last resort rather than any lack of confidence in the capabilities of the F-16? Right you are.

I think it can be termed as keeping all options open. !!
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