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How our own stupidity has left Pakistan behind India

It has.
Instead of sending mars mission for 50+ million dollars, India could've made millions of toilets instead. Of course I could have put another example, but my point is, just because there is poverty in nation or malnutrition, it does NOT mean we stop investing in such projects.

Tell me, how many kids are going to be anxious and get post secondary education in space exploration after that Mars exploration project? It creates incentive. If I was a ten year old in India at the time of the take off, I'd be saying to my mom "I want to be astronaut." But if mars did not exist and India was investing in toilets, I'd say "When I grow up, i'll make toilets/clean streets."

Who said India is not spending anything???? Who told you this lie???

India doesnt have a problem with toilets, only Indians do.

By India , lets assume it as government.

Our government have been spending more money than any nation to give subsidies and grands to build toilets in rural and urban areas and have schemes like Integrated Low Cost Sanitation Scheme where 75% of money is spend by the government or through Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan where grand is allowed through campaigns.

A glimpse .


Now edit the damn comparison as it doesnt make any sense.
Each Indians paid 4 rupees for Mars mission.Tell me how can you built atoilet with 4 rs?.
Bro you dont know the cultural issues in here.So it is better to not comment about it.
Bro, you're derailing my thread.

But to please you, you divided entire population or so by the project cost. This is not fair as much of India have toilets. Certainly the cost will be higher than 4rps.
How many people are without toilets? Now how many have benz?

This is wasted argument. See the point I'm trying to make.

nope, but i clarified my intention.

This thread isn't about toilets and India, it's about Pakistan and in Pakistani section of the forum.

Your point is absolutely wrong.You cant compare India with Pakistan or Canada with any other developing nation.
We have failed project in here where govt allows adequate fund to people for toilet facility .and they had bought smartphones with that money.
Who said India is not spending anything???? Who told you this lie???

India doesnt have a problem with toilets, only Indians do.

By India , lets assume it as government.

Our government have been spending more money than any nation to give subsidies and grands to build toilets in rural and urban areas and have schemes like Integrated Low Cost Sanitation Scheme where 75% of money is spend by the government or through Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan where grand is allowed through campaigns.

A glimpse .


Now edit the damn comparison as it doesnt make any sense.
Doing, wait for it.
Bro, you're derailing my thread.

But to please you, you divided entire population or so by the project cost. This is not fair as much of India have toilets. Certainly the cost will be higher than 4rps.

No .that was just 465 crore.Thread was already derailed when you compare India with Pakistan. AFAIK the comments in there by your country men may have some substances.
After all they are the one in there with these difficulties.
Subsidised public transport? When did that happen? Shucks our government and transport authorities are failing here to bring transport fares down in line with the reduced petrol prices.

The advancement in technology should not have anything to do with people’s welfare projects, both should get separate reasonable budgets.
Who said India is not spending anything???? Who told you this lie???

India doesnt have a problem with toilets, only Indians do.

By India , lets assume it as government.

Our government have been spending more money than any nation to give subsidies and grands to build toilets in rural and urban areas and have schemes like Integrated Low Cost Sanitation Scheme where 75% of money is spend by the government or through Nirmal Bharat Abhiyan where grand is allowed through campaigns.

A glimpse .


Now edit the damn comparison as it doesnt make any sense.
computer was being slow so I couldn't quickly change comparison.

I didn't say India is not spending on solution. It is, indeed (raising awareness for example). But so is Pakistan spending on its problem, yet people say "cancel metro/wifi/laptop and send all money to malnourished children"

Subsidised public transport? When did that happen? Shucks our government and transport authorities are failing here to bring transport fares down in line with the reduced petrol prices.

The advancement in technology should not have anything to do with people’s welfare projects, both should get separate reasonable budgets.
Well metro project was too expensive for its kind. So most people won't be able to afford the fare. But anyway, it pays: Metro Bus Service: Punjab pays Rs5m per day as subsidy – The Express Tribune

Though this was before, things may have changed now as oil is cheaper.

Transport authorities are mafia, if not run by gov't. Our court system is weak in Pakistan, unlike in west. So Pakistan has to go with state sponsered hospital, transportation etc.
Well metro project was too expensive for its kind. So most people won't be able to afford the fare. But anyway, it pays: Metro Bus Service: Punjab pays Rs5m per day as subsidy – The Express Tribune

Though this was before, things may have changed now as oil is cheaper.

Transport authorities are mafia, if not run by gov't. Our court system is weak in Pakistan, unlike in west. So Pakistan has to go with state sponsered hospital, transportation etc.

I agree everything is mafia in Pakistan, petrol diesel mafia, sugar mafia, medicine mafia, doctors mafia, lawyers mafia, judges mafia,media mafai, you name it and there is a mafia, even some political parties are worst of the mafia, in fact mother of all mafia.

I have no problem with Metro building, good at-least something compared to nothing. I have problem with what happens after 5 years if this Govt is not elected again, what if Zardari comes back, who is going to return from Metro and its assets from looting? What controls are there to make it long term sustainable project that does not turn into another PIA?
I agree everything is mafia in Pakistan, petrol diesel mafia, sugar mafia, medicine mafia, doctors mafia, lawyers mafia, judges mafia,media mafai, you name it and there is a mafia, even some political parties are worst of the mafia, in fact mother of all mafia.

I have no problem with Metro building, good at-least something compared to nothing. I have problem with what happens after 5 years if this Govt is not elected again, what if Zardari comes back, who is going to return from Metro and its assets from looting? What controls are there to make it long term sustainable project that does not turn into another PIA?
Zardari is not coming back and PML is very likely to be reelected in Punjab, though it may lose federal gov't is PTI pulls off KPK successfully.

Indeed metro is good compared to nothing. PTI kept complaining about it and said they'll build metro train. After getting elected and one-two year in gov't, they drop the idea and still haven't built their metro bus project completely. Metro projects is good to counter transport mafia. In canada, we have taxi mafia (few companies, so like cartel). So when public transportation was being improved, they protested. But here gov't is very strong and people are intelligent.

Next election is PTI vs PML. PPP is going to be contained in Sindh.

I believe your analogy of mars mission and toilet was perfectly in place.

People, rather than getting butt hurt on toilet, should focus on the core of the message i.e. if you are lacking in something, it doesn't mean you should stop evolving in other field unless and until you remove the lacking completely.

Its call comprehensive development plan, not selective.
Zardari is not coming back and PML is very likely to be reelected in Punjab, though it may lose federal gov't is PTI pulls off KPK successfully.

This is what we think but in a country where votes can be bought for a price of a lunch, anything but a fair election can be expected. With their worst performance for five years they still managed to pull more seats than PTI.

Punjab never suffered like other provinces, anyone who came to power in Punjab took good care of Punjab, Chaudhries did a brilliant job during their tenure.

PTI has not still figured out what it is to make of KPK, wasted their time resources in dharnas and whatnot. IK still has to present a young dynamic, motivated team... PTI seriously lacks in multitasking. They will make mess of everything.

Indeed metro is good compared to nothing. PTI kept complaining about it and said they'll build metro train. After getting elected and one-two year in gov't, they drop the idea and still haven't built their metro bus project completely. Metro projects is good to counter transport mafia. In canada, we have taxi mafia (few companies, so like cartel). So when public transportation was being improved, they protested. But here gov't is very strong and people are intelligent.

Government Transport Service (GTS) was much bigger and vast Public transport entity of Govt., today you won't even find a clue about what happened to it. Unless controls are in place to protect Government assets, you cannot guarantee survival of any project no matter how good it is.

Next election is PTI vs PML. PPP is going to be contained in Sindh.

Let us see, Pakistan and its politics is highly unpredictable.
@WishLivePak bro some indians and pakistanis have a prob with your views but tell you what i absolutely agree with you . I have noticed that thing myself here , pakistanis here have prob with whatever sharif brothers do , they just can't stop nagging about it . Its like they have already made up their mind to hate them. Some of them at-least have a prob with his looks rather than his work.

You are right india does not have toilets , india is poor yet it spends on technology which is the right thing to do. You can't wait 100 yrs for poverty to be eliminated and then make your first satellite , already the technology gap between india and the developed world is so large , we got to cover this gap or else we would be dependent on them forever .
And investment in technology always pays rich dividends , it creates wealth and jobs which would again benefit the poor.

I believe your analogy of mars mission and toilet was perfectly in place.

People, rather than getting butt hurt on toilet, should focus on the core of the message i.e. if you are lacking in something, it doesn't mean you should stop evolving in other field unless and until you remove the lacking completely.

Its call comprehensive development plan, not selective.
Thanks. This was preciously my point. But they too were slightly right that the comparison was 100% not accurate (albeit still relevant). Nonetheless, to avoid derailment of thread and to keep my point intact, i changed few wordings and now everyone is happy.

This is what we think but in a country where votes can be bought for a price of a lunch, anything but a fair election can be expected. With their worst performance for five years they still managed to pull more seats than PTI.

Punjab never suffered like other provinces, anyone who came to power in Punjab took good care of Punjab, Chaudhries did a brilliant job during their tenure.

PTI has not still figured out what it is to make of KPK, wasted their time resources in dharnas and whatnot. IK still has to present a young dynamic, motivated team... PTI seriously lacks in multitasking. They will make mess of everything.

Government Transport Service (GTS) was much bigger and vast Public transport entity of Govt., today you won't even find a clue about what happened to it. Unless controls are in place to protect Government assets, you cannot guarantee survival of any project no matter how good it is.

Let us see, Pakistan and its politics is highly unpredictable.
Nope, people have better awareness now and smart phones are even cheaper. Plus we got rid of that political chief justice, so having independent judiciary is going to be better. I can tell you Zardari is not coming because Nawaz and PML is actually working.

However, if PTI wins 120 seats next election and PML wins 100, PPP wins 50, then they'll form coalition gov't. In that sense, Zardari can be back (Zardari: make me president, Nawaz be PM). Corrupt coalition is easy to form than non-corrupt majority party (this not to say corruption does not exist in PTI, few are.)

@WishLivePak bro some indians and pakistanis have a prob with your views but tell you what i absolutely agree with you . I have noticed that thing myself here , pakistanis here have prob with whatever sharif brothers do , they just can't stop nagging about it . Its like they have already made up their mind to hate them. Some of them at-least have a prob with his looks rather than his work.

You are right india does not have toilets , india is poor yet it spends on technology which is the right thing to do. You can't wait 100 yrs for poverty to be eliminated and then make your first satellite , already the technology gap between india and the developed world is so large , we got to cover this gap or else we would be dependent on them forever .
And investment in technology always pays rich dividends , it creates wealth and jobs which would again benefit the poor.
Indeed. I take economics so I understand first hand.

Canada is super advance country. Being country of 33m people, it's better or equal to India. Yet, poverty is over 15% in canada and it has increased vastly. Also there is now greater income inequality. But Canada still spends very heavily on space, technology, getting F35 for billions of dollars even though we're not war and haven't since ww2 (even then it wasn't our war. Also getting F35 means more kids want to study being pilot).

I think a good example will be cuba, where everyone has health and education, but the country is worse than Pakistan (though Cuba also faces sanctions and is semi-communist). Its people are still not happy, even as gov't only spends on welfare of people and not on advancement.
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