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How I lost faith in multiculturalism

White people should convince their governments to ensure that people from other non western countries don't migrate to their lands . it is their right , nothing wrong with it , but please don't blame those who come and live there from their poorer countries .

Secondly another reason why these countries need immigration is because of the low birth rate among whites , seriously guys its time you start taking family , marriage and kids more seriously , otherwise in the long run your economy will suffer and the effects can already be seen .
your governments are only trying to prevent that.

I , personally i have no intention of settling anywhere apart from my own country .
Who told you the Tibetans wanted Dalai Lama then? How dare he say he represents Tibet? Do I have to show photos of Tibetans getting their eyes chopped out by the Dalai regime and the human skin drums?

All the Indians rushing out to defend Australia after their own race was brutally beaten by Australian racists shows me 1 fact that's stated over and over: dogs bark harder than their masters.

till now as an Indian I did'nt had any hard feeling for any Chinese after this post I can out line what are chinese all about.....

hail DALAI LAMA :)..... we love you :tup:
till now as an Indian I did'nt had any hard feeling for any Chinese after this post I can out line what are chinese all about.....

hail DALAI LAMA :)..... we love you :tup:

BF is a bit angry because so many Indian members here don't even give an inch of appreciation while we are trying to defend your countrymen from the racist attacks, instead many of them love to kiss the white butt.

What do you expect? We should applaude for this?
BF is a bit angry because so many Indian members here don't even give an inche of appreciation while we are trying to defend your countrymen from the racist attack, instead many of them love to kiss the white butt.

What do you expect? We should applaude for this?

what do you expect... he categorises All the Indians as dogs... you thank on that post...... and you want me to support you.... I am sorry It is not possible for any self respected Indians

did'nt you saw what I posted before on australians..... cant you see they are indian australians??? how can you expect Indian australians to go against their country i.e australia
what do you expect... he categorises All the Indians as dogs... you thank on that post...... and you want me to support you.... I am sorry It is not possible for any self respected Indians

He may imply those who try to defend the Western racism, and check my previous posts.

Did i bring any India related issue into this? I was trying to defend the Indian victims from the beginning, only some Indian members here constantly bring up the irrelevant Tibet issue to bash China.
He may imply those who try to defend the Western racism, and check my previous posts.

Did i bring any India related issue into this? I was trying defend the Indian victims from the beginning, only some Indian members here constantly bring up the irrelevant Tibet issue to bash China.

ok.... lets carry on with the thread :tup:
what do you expect... he categorises All the Indians as dogs... you thank on that post...... and you want me to support you.... I am sorry It is not possible for any self respected Indians

did'nt you saw what I posted before on australians..... cant you see they are indian australians??? how can you expect Indian australians to go against their country i.e australia

You misunderstand me, I am categorizing the Indians defending Australia against the interests of Indians as dogs. It is very frustrating to see people treat their own race like trash while defending another just because they happen to be richer.
You misunderstand me, I am categorizing the Indians defending Australia against the interests of Indians as dogs. It is very frustrating to see people treat their own race like trash while defending another just because they happen to be richer.

If there is any Chinese member trying to defend this blatant racism like that, then all of us would turn the back on him and ignore him forever.
You misunderstand me, I am categorizing the Indians defending Australia against the interests of Indians as dogs. It is very frustrating to see people treat their own race like trash while defending another just because they happen to be richer.

which people are you referring to? :pop:
We hate the white racists and its a$$kissing followers. :pop:

But many other white people are indeed nice human beings, and we don't have any problem with them.

I hate white racists too! it's pretty unfair to label a whole nation as racists because the actions of a very few
we treat any terrorists the same way, no matter you are Islamists or not.

Well, if you are a moderate muslim and far away from those terrorism activities, you are more than welcome to come to China. Indeed we do have many such moderate muslims.

However, if you are jumping up and down with those terrorism slogans and trying to sabotaging my country, the only thing waiting for you is a bullet in the head, as simple as that.

BTW, we can save the money to go through those lengthy trials that are so popular in the west. We have our better use for our money.

Do not confuse "anti-terrorism" with "anti-islam".

Was there any purpose to your post other than to vent an anti-Islam rant?
It may interest you to know that the exact same allegations against Muslims were levelled against Asian migrants in the 80s and 90s.

Any objective evidence of these claims other than your uncle told you so?

It's amazing how so-called moderate Indians show their true colors when egged on by other Indian trolls.

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