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How I lost faith in multiculturalism

Someone should spend time understanding media dynamics and the confirmed bias in various media. Mainstream American media has a definite bias in a certain direction. Fox News has a different bias. Within the parameters of ratings, there is a lot of leeway.

No one is talking about feel good stories; we are talking about a selective bias in reporting and, in the case of Australian media, a definite lack of representation of the population at large.

Think tactically my friend. According to all the chinese jerk-offs in this topic, every white person in Kangaroo-land is a racist(lol). People are bigots, or at least make stereotypical jokes, with no exceptions. (me and my friends make fun of each other's races all the time. It's fun. ;) ) Fear is a powerful media tool, and by showing stories of "Zomg! Muslims be evulz!," it can incite the people watching to worry about the 'extremist' next door, and they'll want more coverage to know how to better protect themselves. More people watching news stories = more ratings = money = yummy sammiches to eat. Not that this is ALL the news likes to report on, but you gotta keep a fan base somehow.

Funny how a Neo Nazi murderer in Australia can kill a 41 year old Chinese professor and get 15 years in prison only. Imagine if a Indian or Chinese killed a 41 year old white professor, what would happen?

Probably 15 years. Maybe even more so if it was proven as a hate crime (not sure if Austrailia has hate crime laws, someone *from AUSTRAILIA i.e. not you, freezing, please clarify.)

He is an armchair expert. We should all ignore him.

I will be damned if he's an expert on anything, especially armchairs! :rofl:

The one thing we should all condemn Austrailia for, if anything, is that they think cricket is a fun sport.....wait, India likes the game alot too....you're both foolish!

Btw, can we stop using the term 'white man?' If I used the term yellow guy, you'd all call me racist. <.<
Think tactically my friend. According to all the chinese jerk-offs in this topic, every white person in Kangaroo-land is a racist(lol). People are bigots, or at least make stereotypical jokes, with no exceptions. (me and my friends make fun of each other's races all the time. It's fun. ;) ) Fear is a powerful media tool, and by showing stories of "Zomg! Muslims be evulz!," it can incite the people watching to worry about the 'extremist' next door, and they'll want more coverage to know how to better protect themselves. More people watching news stories = more ratings = money = yummy sammiches to eat. Not that this is ALL the news likes to report on, but you gotta keep a fan base somehow.

Probably 15 years. Maybe even more so if it was proven as a hate crime (not sure if Austrailia has hate crime laws, someone *from AUSTRAILIA i.e. not you, freezing, please clarify.)

I will be damned if he's an expert on anything, especially armchairs! :rofl:

The one thing we should all condemn Austrailia for, if anything, is that they think cricket is a fun sport.....wait, India likes the game alot too....you're both foolish!

Btw, can we stop using the term 'white man?' If I used the term yellow guy, you'd all call me racist. <.<

Fine. We'll use Pigmentally-Challenged Aussie or Yankee.
The west is using human right to shoot themselves in the foot.

Do you know why those islam terrorists/jihadists are so few in China?

The reason is very simple. If they dare to preach those garbages in China, we will make sure they will craw back to where they come from.

If they even think of or did anything harmful to us, we will make sure they pay dearly for their crime.

the west suffers from terrorism because of their colonial past and their great support for the dictators that torture people especially in the ME..they are radicalizing people and suffering from it.plain and simple.

if this hate turns its face towards your country,you suffer from it too..and killing would only makes it worse,no doubt..

so i urge you to act smart and dont get people mad instead of threatening them.
The west is using human right to shoot themselves in the foot.

Do you know why those islam terrorists/jihadists are so few in China?

The reason is very simple. If they dare to preach those garbages in China, we will make sure they will craw back to where they come from.

If they even think of or did anything harmful to us, we will make sure they pay dearly for their crime.

False "machismo" merely betrays insecurity. Insecurity is reflected by needless barking. Needless barking is the glue that holds together "paper tigers" ...

Indeed after 3 decades even Chinese paper tigers are making a come back.

That is food for thought.
I will respond to this post ... but after I come back from my multicultural soccer team I play with , which has jamaican , pakistani, portugues, ghanian , irish , italian , nigerian , british/indian, muritians

we have a game against a tough team today
Ok well I guess I have 2 hours before game so I can write

Multiculturalism does not fails, what fails is governmental policies of creating jobs, and creating healthy communities vibrant communities. Where respect and love is preached in schools.

By default , a population that has not been taught these values will always oppose multiculturalism.

Now a major problem that occurred in world, and that is Corporations moving jobs around and that stresses local populations as competition has grown for limited number of jobs in Europe. Which is why we see a backlash in Europe that immigrants are taking up jobs. But its not really the immigrant's fault becasue he was promised jobs to get into Europe and as long as he pays taxes he has full right to get any job.

So while corporations are cutting jobs, cutting labor rights , the average Joe feels its happening becasue of multiculturalism - which explains , KKK like social groups poping up in societies such as Russia, Europe etc who feel its their right to attack and torture victims.

Now when western governments decided to start wars in Afghnistan and Iraq they did not figure out the financial cost ... for it obviously after 13 trillion dollars wasted , they can't create jobs locally so business are closing and social welfare gets effected, and then what do people who they blame it on immigrants and multiculturalism like it is the case in Germany.

They say in Europe that immigrants from Africa are causing stress on society , and there are no jobs but France has not been creating jobs for a decade. Business has become global look at china , workers are hard working look at Japan workers there finish their shift at 8 PM in night!!! In france they need to have 4 breaks so you can tell who will be more productive.

Finally , they do not blame their own elected governmental policies to drop bombs (which costs money by the way) and shutting down schools and garbage collection and affordable housing for people. Instead the politicians blame it on the poor working class (immigrants which has been done throughout history)

Now there is another twist - the recent Islamophobia in Europe, or Islam bashing.

Of course Muslims are minority so their decisions do not effect their governmental policies , and Muslims are generally targeted which creates a mistrust between local community and politicians , in a educated society that should not be the case. But becasue government policies change in 2-3 years in Europe the local Muslim Youth has no where to turn , if he is denied education , financial funding or get his voice against wars vocal.

As for the statement , well the immigrants do not follow our culture , since when do western societies care about their culture? I mean USA does not cares infact whole Europe even mocks US as saying they do not have culture , which is why USA succeeds as a multicultural hub where ppl come work and get equal rights.

In Europe that "Just right to have a dream" does not exists. There is limited resources in europe and increasingly there are more and more unemployed people on the road, and so what happens with youth when they can't find work they start blaming "policies or immigrants"

We saw glimpses of it when in US people were angry at Mexican illegal immigrants, but in Europe you can be legal immigrant and still have no rights.

We see the evidence of that happening in Germany, every day we hear that certain law is passed which prevents certain Muslim right or it hinders Muslims to practice their faith

Germany we already know , they were the nazi's and they are known for these acts. For them to blame it on Islam is nothing new they did that to jews as well.

France is new but they have done it in past they were colonist country ... and they enslaved other nations routinely !!

But the question is so ... where do we stand ?

Its simple "as long as you respect other human with dignity and respect " every thing will be fine , when you marginalize a group it will yield nothing but struggle

But Europe is not new to discrimination

Just look up Roma People "stateless indian migrants" who many centuries ago left for europe and now they are stateless in europe they have no rights!!

Europe is never the bearer of Human Rights Nor Equality ... never was and never will be it created an illusion , after word war becasue Germany weakened british to give up Pakistan/India freedom ... otherwise we would be still slaves

Multiculturalism works fine where I am , I share things with colleges and friends have fun playing sports , work and have access to education there is no problems what so every pay taxes ...

But if there is a local white youth , who did not finish high school , and he now can't find work becasue corporations moved jobs to tiwan or the car factory has been moved to asia in japan , and he can't find work , its not multiculturalism that failed but its the government and greedy corporations - most of the times the companies are owned by white ppl (most of time), and people who approve these are also white elected politicians

If ...Europe did not spend on war and instead spent on social community build up ... I think world would be better place

Politicians , come and go , so policies are forgotten they don't say we made a mistake to go to war and lost 13 trillion dollars they will come and say its the immigrant its the Islam culture that is causing economic problems in Europe or why banks failed ... they will not say that banks failed because greedy financial companies sold expensive houses to people who wanted to own a home

Europe in general has always been racist

Search , racist policies on Roma people in France, and Europe in general

Similarly we can also fine traces of genocide calculated population reduction in Australia (Lost Generation) or what you look at american indian population demographics in US

Or when we look at the killing of Palestinian culture and population in current generation last 100 years.

Its very common and infact expected from Europeans to introduce such laws and rules to blame every thing on Muslims , becasue they will not admit their own mistakes

a) Funding dictators
b) Selling weapons to Africans militias
c) Arming up friendly countries like India / Pakistan with weapons
d) Starting up wars unnecessary wars , to spread their influence and control resources

But when we come back to your neighborhood ...we come back , and evaluate things ....

Who controls , your neighborhood your own government your people if they don't help to improve things by passing legislation or laws to fund community initiatives how can things improve?

The problem lies with governments and if we have fascist in governments they will pass fascist legislation to ban liberty

But what does it mean .. in bigger picture do immigrants do not love their adapted homes well of course they do but the problem is with mentality "that its the immigrants who came and ruined it"

Look ... the reason why schools are closing is government and who chooses them - you the people ...

Look the reason why jobs are going out is government is not funding ... corporations owned by europeans are moving to asia

Look the reason why health care is going caputz is , there is not enough ppl with jobs to fund things ...

Community support groups are closing so youth have no where to go ... they get angry they break things that is what youths are good it ...

You go france ppl are angry they have loans to pay 30,000 USD -50,000 USD loans to pay and they have to pay interest on it but government can't create jobs with interest that amount goes to 80,000 USD..... now what do the french do they blame it on Islam !!!

Look Islam focus on islam !!! forget that we cannot create jobs for you blame it on the lady with veil ...

They donont explain look we wasted 11 trillion dollars in a war vs sheap headers but you have to blame Ahmad who is running a grocery store. Who happens to pay all taxes by the way.

When you closely look at history of Europe in general you notice that racial , violence , is common in Europe and people specially around Yugoslav origins have always had "superiority complex" so even whites fight amount themselves ..

But french are special ... they will legitimize anything pass a law ... and do it anyways.

Luckily Australia is was pretty open minded nation , but we hear about gang violence in Australia which is sad ... but that is something their country has to improve........

The answer lies in community financing , job creations and spending money on schools and kids ...not on stupid wars

To be honest

US /Canada/ Australia are not like Europe ...

I mean Europe is really MESSED UP BIG TIME THEY HAVE REAL racial issues

France is just a lazy nation anyways - stealing from Northern Africa for decades now it has sights set on controlling UAE and libya steal the oil

13 trillion dollars would have been enough to give job and money high paying job to every child in Europe but no one cared then every one was beating drums of wars ... well that is what happens when you go to war "unnecessarily"

Immigrants are not to blame its the voters who voted for war and they are the ones why there is no funding for city cleaning and jobs creation and youth development programs in Europe ....

Well if you feel that immigrant youth are out of control , then what have you done at community level to correct it work with your community leaders to help troubled youths etc

The change starts with you , it does not starts by banning cultures and religions or burning qurans

Now obviously you can also say well , when I was a kid I remember our city or town was beautiful we used to have flowers in streets and there were happy people , and we used to have BBQ and all other fancy things, and jobs were plenty

Well - nothing changed ..but your government spent on

a) Wars
b) Supporting corporations that move jobs out to Thailand and ti wan etc
c) Union rights were killed off
d) People who paid taxes their rights were not protected but they still suckered you in
by making you believe in a "self proclaimed war" when in reality there was nothing but few sheep headers.
and a old dusty camp.

Now can things change ? definitely , help support governors who support public funding , medical care and job creation - that can bring back your country your neighborhood how it was , banning Islam or Muslims will no not do
anything .. but .. pain ..

The problem with Europe is nothing new... the truth is world population is rising and people will compete for

a) Water
b) Jobs
c) Food
d) Medical care

That is a reality , I mean the days of 1950-1960 are gone those days population was low, jobs were abundant
and every one had a job , and funding was available

Realities of our world are

a) Oil is running out
b) Nations are involved in unnecessary wars
c) There is no plan for future
d) Nuclear disaster there are no planning for it

Its lol really not the veil that muslim women wears that causing it really trust me on it - nor its the muslim bearded guy
who is running his store shop ...

so sleep happy

But the local politicians are banging up the drums on muslims becasue they really don't have any answer on the real problems in socities

a) Jobs
b) School funding
c) Medical programs
d) Family development

They are failing to address all these issues so an easy target is the poor immigrant or student who might be paying 100,000 k to Australian university to get a degree as an easy target

I am not responding as means to single out you as white but rather from a governmental view point - how the governments are failing on social issues ... which is the problem.

lol like France they blamed the unemployment youth demonstration on Islam and not on their failed policies to create jobs.....

If you do a little investigation you will see youth are complaining our gov has no jobs for us sure of 100,000-200,000 of them have no jobs they will get angry and demonstrate its their right !!! Even in US its right of the group to over throw a government ...

Job creation and community is the key ... not some false ideals immigration has happened for generations and nothing will stop it from happening
Fine. We'll use Pigmentally-Challenged Aussie or Yankee.

And then I'll use the term slightly lemon hued person(s) from Asia and it's affiliated island clusters.

BTW; this is extremely off topic, but am I the only one to think these smilies look sarcastic?


Look at the eyes, they look as if they're sarcastically saying "Yeah...go *country*...i totally support you."
Multiculturalism doesn't mean all cultures have to be equally prominent. The dominant culture should always be Australian, but there should be mutual respect for cultural traditions of migrants and vice versa. It goes without saying that any cultural practices that are incompatible with core Australian values should not be tolerated.

Let me get this right... Praying five times a day is religion to us and culture to them... Should it not be tolerated...

You see the problem with most of these things is definition... and once you go down this slippery slope of this culture and that culture, you are dead...

I say here to people when they try to pick on Islam or myself even... get a life... try to sort out your economy... we ll help you as best we can... and most of the times it works... I swear to God the politicians here are so scared of coming across me... lol
Unfortunately from personal experience Australia remain the most racially biased nation amongst the other English speaking nations. In the 5 years I spent there the numerous incidences with the common ones usually involving
- bottles being thrown at you or while driving
- Drive drive by racial slurs
- General targeting by local hoodlums because you're Asian (Friend's shop was broken into 2 - 3 times a month on average)

Typically these are usually perpetrated by lowly educated youngsters between 14 - 24 which fall under influence of friends etc which lead to all this. But you also get occasional red necks who fall into this category. These bunch though in small numbers cause a huge nuisance in the community which give Australia a bad rep when it comes to racial discrimination. The lax police laws also don't help much especially if they are underage and gives more confidence to do what they wish.

I doubt if multiculturalism will ever fully evolve in Australia because the country itself is quite isolated and hence cultures from different ethnicity do not take root so easily. It is also quite unfortunate that one of the early exposures to Asians that Australia encountered were the Vietnamese refugees from the war and some of them used to violence quickly setup a host of criminal activity which gave Asians a generally bad name (many of the locals did not know the Chinese themselves also feared the Vietnamese gangs).
we treat any terrorists the same way, no matter you are Islamists or not.

Since you brought terrorism in a discussion about culture, it is you who confuses the two.

And save the internet tough guy speech for someone who gives a damn.
And then I'll use the term slightly lemon hued person(s) from Asia and it's affiliated island clusters.

BTW; this is extremely off topic, but am I the only one to think these smilies look sarcastic?


Look at the eyes, they look as if they're sarcastically saying "Yeah...go *country*...i totally support you."

Oh no, can&#8217;t use the word lemon, it has a negative connotation reflected by the Lemon Laws commonly referred to in the USA. That&#8217;s way too defamatory.

For Far East or Northeastern Asians, it may be acceptable if they are called the Early Sunrise Accented dudes. Don&#8217;t want to touch on how the females of the species would want to be called nor what Asians from other parts of Asia would prefer. That&#8217;s up to them.

Yes you are the only one who bothered to ponder the level of perceived sarcasm in them smilies.
Since you brought terrorism in a discussion about culture, it is you who confuses the two.

And save the internet tough guy speech for someone who gives a damn.

Actually no one is confused. It is you needlessly victimizing yourself for nothing.
Oh no, can’t use the word lemon, it has a negative connotation reflected by the Lemon Laws commonly referred to in the USA. That’s way too defamatory.

For Far East or Northeastern Asians, it may be acceptable if they are called the Early Sunrise Accented dudes. Don’t want to touch on how the females of the species would want to be called nor what Asians from other parts of Asia would prefer. That’s up to them.

All points considered, but the term white man itself has a negative connotation, as do all derogatory terms for that matter. Also, if you guys can use the term 'man' in the hateful nickname you give us, we can use the word 'dude.' :D

Yes you are the only one who bothered to ponder the level of perceived sarcasm in them smilies.

Just shows how boring this topic is if you think about it....or how little of an attention sp

All points considered, but the term white man itself has a negative connotation, as do all derogatory terms for that matter. Also, if you guys can use the term 'man' in the hateful nickname you give us, we can use the word 'dude.' :D

Just shows how boring this topic is if you think about it....or how little of an attention sp


I wasn't lecturing you or making a rebuttal or anything. Perhaps I should have used a smilie. We didn't give you the "White Man" thing, we just followed the brothers (I think). You wouldn't want to know what we gave you. ;)

I don't find the word dude offensive personally but if my nephew or niece calls me that, it could sound a little strange.
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