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How HQ-9 against the JASSM-ER !

Longer range usually reduces the accuracy. The definition of the range is rather relative unless we know the level of accuracy at a given range. I don't have any data on the S-500.

The thing with the Russian anti-air missile family is that nothing above S-300 has ever seen any combat action.

Right now I think any comparison of Hq-19 and Russians SAMs are just pointless arguments.

This might help a little

Russia to roll out new hypersonic missiles | Russia & India Report

You are right about one thing it is too early compare S-500 to any other system since we still don't have enough information.

P.S. S-500 is not a SAM :)
HQ-9B is far superior to its predecessor shown here.

HQ-19 and HQ-26 rule。

The new anti-radiation missile HQ-8, with its advanced hybrid ramjet technology and 400km plus strike range,renders the US's and India's AWACS nothing but sitting ducks。

The new HQ-16B and HQ-16G are also major upgrades of the existing HQ-16A and HHQ-16,respectively。

HQ-8 does not exist. HQ-16 is a Buk Missile Clone
People's Republic of China - HQ-16 (Hongqi-16) - Joint People's Republic of China/Russian project to upgrade the naval 9K37M1-2 system 'Shtil' (SA-N-12)
Buk missile system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
U said HQ16 copy Buk? What a great copy !
HQ-16/HHQ-16 using hot-launched VLS to launch anti-aircraft missile, did u see Russia equip any hot-launched VLS of Buk missile before ? (the wiki sources picked a thread from Sino-Defence.com forum, it's not a official source)



Bro, weapon system is more complex than ur think. It's not easy just put Buk into VLS then it can launch out, JOKE ~!
1 is subsonic missile can fly at a lower altitude supersonic missiles so the maximum range of the radar can detect missile subsonic will be lower than the detection range supersonic missile (due to limited roadhorizon: pudency: do not know, google offline)
2 is a subsonic missile with lower velocities should not have to worry too much about the temperature => covered the RAM reduce rcs easier, shape can also be optimized for stealth: SOGOOD:
3 subsonic missile is usually smaller than supersonic missile (range) a lot so she can carry more aircraft than
4 And JASSM-ER missile is stealth

If air-defence radar can find it out, this one(land CIWS) also hit it down

and this one

I also read JASSM-ER using GPRS to attack guide,right? Well easy, ask our Iran bros how did they get that RQ-170 drone ? (GPRS signal interference)
People's Republic of China - HQ-16 (Hongqi-16) - Joint People's Republic of China/Russian project to upgrade the naval 9K37M1-2 system 'Shtil' (SA-N-12)

Buk missile system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And I've never heard of the appearance of the HQ-8

I think you'd better make the conclusion too early, even Chinese don't know how much secret weapons being hided, how could you know? Before J20 coming out, only a few chinese know the project exist and reach the step. in 2011, did you know that J-31, 052D, j-15, and j15 maiden landing on carrier, Y20 will be leaked out? for your Viet, you can't do, no mean we can't too.

About HQ-8, a little info, but I have heard of it, and I believe its exist!
China anti-aircraft missile family:
HQ-2 (retired), HQ-6/HQ-64, HQ-7/HQ-7B, HQ-9(VLS), HQ-12, HQ-16(VLS), HQ-17(VLS) all equiped by PLA Army.

Sorry,forget HQ-18(HHQ-18,China "SeaRAM") for PLAN

People's Republic of China - HQ-16 (Hongqi-16) - Joint People's Republic of China/Russian project to upgrade the naval 9K37M1-2 system 'Shtil' (SA-N-12)

Buk missile system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And I've never heard of the appearance of the HQ-8

Wikipedia is absolutely not a reliable source, a great number of articles are wrong or partially wrong.

For HQ-8, it's not because you never heard something that it doesn't exist. Did you ever hear HQ-102? 863-702? 863-2-2-1?

No? But they existed.

An official article around the first flight of HQ-8 has been published several days ago, many R&D documents have also revealed it's existence.

For the relation between HHQ-16 and 9K37M1, yes it do have some inspirations by SAST's engineers, but it's clearly not a joint project, and not a copy neither.

Just for your information, all chinese long range SAM bases are systematically protected and followed by some close-in air defense units. Different "layers" of SAM units are deployed together and rarely seperated. Your war game simulation scenario is not valid and useless.

Read more, talk only when you're sure, otherwise just keep reading.

Wikipedia is absolutely not a reliable source, a great number of articles are wrong or partially wrong.

For HQ-8, it's not because you never heard something that it doesn't exist. Did you ever hear HQ-102? 863-702? 863-2-2-1?

No? But they existed.

An official article around the first flight of HQ-8 has been published several days ago, many R&D documents have also revealed it's existence.

For the relation between HHQ-16 and 9K37M1, yes it do have some inspirations by SAST's engineers, but it's clearly not a joint project, and not a copy neither.

Just for your information, all chinese long range SAM bases are systematically protected and followed by some close-in air defense units. Different "layers" of SAM units are deployed together and rarely seperated.

Read more, talk only when you're sure, otherwise just keep reading.


Wikipedia is THE worst source for anything.
The fact that ALL respectable academic institutions have BANNED its usage as a reference forever seems to escape its copy pasters who think its credible.
By closer you mean having 200 Km less range?

You did not catch my post, I don't believe any Chinese latest SAMs are equivalent to S-500 perhaps some where in between S-400 and S-500 or equal to S-400 which is still competitive. S-500 remains the most Advanced.
Wikipedia is THE worst source for anything.
The fact that ALL respectable academic institutions have BANNED its usage as a reference forever seems to escape its copy pasters who think its credible.

Funny, I was looking for air crashes I know when rashid minhas crash took place but my fingers wanted to check if hindustanis or someone else have changed the information and I was right from 1940-50s to 2013 I checked all crashes including indians aircraft crashes but there was no information on T-33 rashid minhas goes to show informed is easily deleted manipulated. Wikipedia is indeed the worst source.
HQ-9 is not the only AAD China. The HQ-9 is like an mobilre tactical Air-defence for the PLA and an short temporary solution for long range Ship defence for the PLAN. I wonder how well JSASSM will do against FN-2000 AD.
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