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How HQ-9 against the JASSM-ER !

People's Republic of China - HQ-16 (Hongqi-16) - Joint People's Republic of China/Russian project to upgrade the naval 9K37M1-2 system 'Shtil' (SA-N-12)

Buk missile system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

And I've never heard of the appearance of the HQ-8

There are a lot of things about China that you haven't heard of.

Then again you are not the yardstick with which reality is measured.:azn:
HQ-9B is far superior to its predecessor shown here.

HQ-19 and HQ-26 rule。

The new anti-radiation missile HQ-8, with its advanced hybrid ramjet technology and 400km plus strike range,renders the US's and India's AWACS nothing but sitting ducks。

The new HQ-16B and HQ-16G are also major upgrades of the existing HQ-16A and HHQ-16,respectively。

Pardon me, cirr, but where did you hear about these missiles? Please post links.

Wikipedia is absolutely not a reliable source, a great number of articles are wrong or partially wrong.

For HQ-8, it's not because you never heard something that it doesn't exist. Did you ever hear HQ-102? 863-702? 863-2-2-1?

No? But they existed.

An official article around the first flight of HQ-8 has been published several days ago, many R&D documents have also revealed it's existence.

For the relation between HHQ-16 and 9K37M1, yes it do have some inspirations by SAST's engineers, but it's clearly not a joint project, and not a copy neither.

Just for your information, all chinese long range SAM bases are systematically protected and followed by some close-in air defense units. Different "layers" of SAM units are deployed together and rarely seperated. Your war game simulation scenario is not valid and useless.

Read more, talk only when you're sure, otherwise just keep reading.


Can you do me a favor and post these articles you claim of? Thank you!
LRASM Overview - YouTube

Indeed this missile based on JASSM will show how they respond to such threats.

Nice animation YouTube you post oldman1, did you copy and paste?
What the difference YLC-2 radar & YLC-20 Passiver radar ?
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